|As Pummìssin.| `He is not yet departed.' |Neenè.| `He is drawing on.' |Paúsawut kitonckquêwa.|- `He cannot live long.' |Chachéwunnea.| `He is near dead.' |Kitonckquêi.| `He is dead.' |Nipwímâw.| `He is gone.' |Kakitonckquêban.| `They are dead and gone.' |Sequttôi.| `He is in black;' That is, He hath some dead in his house (whether wife or child {&c}.) for although at the first being sicke, all the Women and Maides blacke their faces with soote and other blackings; yet upon the death of the sicke, the father, or husband, and all his neighbours, the Men also (as the {English} weare blacke mourning clothes) weare blacke {Faces}, and lay on soote very thicke, which I have often seene clotted with their teares.
|Séqut.| `Soote.' |Michemeshâwi.| `He is gone for ever.' |Mat wònck kunnawmòne.|- `You shall never see him more.' |Wunnowaúntam| `Grieved and in bitternesses.' |Wullóasin.| |Nnowántam, nlôasin.| `I am grieved for you.'
{Obs.} 他们对死者充满了哀悼,也对生者充满了慰藉,并经常去看望他们,使用这个词 {Kutchìmmoke, Kutchimmoke},要振作起来,他们用抚摸死者的父亲或母亲、丈夫或妻子的脸颊和头部来表达。
|Chepassôtam.| `The dead Sachim.' |Mauchaúhom.| `The dead man.' |Mauchaúhomwock } |Chepeck.| } `The dead.' |Chepasquâw.| `A dead woman.' |Yo ápapan.| `He that was here.' |Sachimaúpan.| `He that was Prince here.'
{Obs.} 他们使用这些表达,因为他们厌恶用名字提及死者,因此,如果任何人与死者同名,他就会改名;如果任何陌生人偶然提及他的名字,他就会受到责备;如果任何人故意提及他的名字,他就会被罚款;在国家之间,提及他们的死者的名字(萨钦),是他们战争的理由之一;死亡,这个恐怖之王,对所有自然人来说都是如此可怕。
|Aquie mìshash, aquie mishómmokc.|0 `Doe not name.' |Cowewênaki.| `You wrong mee', to wit, `in naming my dead.' |Posakúnnamun.| `To bury.' |Aukùck pónamun.| `To lay in the earth.' |Wesquáubenan.| `To wrap up', in winding mats or coats, as we say, winding sheets. |Mockuttá[s]uit|, One of the chiefest esteeme, who winds up and buries the dead, commonly some wise, grave, and well descended man hath that office.