


您希望一个表单可以布局单个页面仪表盘。在这种情况下,仪表盘由一组“Portlets”组成,每个 Portlet 都有独立的内容。

我们的仪表盘构建器将控制一个仪表盘库。每个仪表盘都有一个名称、布局信息以及在仪表盘中呈现的一系列 Portlet。在我们的示例中,仪表盘最多可以包含 36 个 Portlet,但最佳实践通常包含 7 个 Portlet,加上或减去一到两个。


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  1. 行方向,其中同一行中的所有 Portlet 具有相同的高度
  2. 列方向,其中同一列中的所有 Portlet 共享相同的宽度
  3. 网格方向,其中所有 Portlet 必须包含在规则的网格结构中


在每行、每列或每个网格中,用户可以指定一组 Portlet,然后为每个 Portlet 指定一些参数。

当用户保存仪表盘时,它将保存一个 XML 实例文档,其中包含仪表盘布局的规范。可以使用 XQuery 或 XSLT 将此布局转换为 CSS 文件,该文件在每次显示仪表盘时加载。


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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <title>Demonstration of relevant fields.</title>
      <xf:instance id="my-data" xmlns="">
      <xf:instance id="views" xmlns="">
            <row-info />
            <col-info />
      <xf:bind nodeset="instance('views')/row-info" relevant="instance('my-data')/DashboardLayoutCode!='col' " />
      <xf:bind nodeset="instance('views')/col-info" relevant="instance('my-data')/DashboardLayoutCode!='row'" />
      <p>Demonstration of relevant fields.  Grid layouts require both rows and columns to be specified.</p>
      <xf:select1 ref="instance('my-data')/DashboardLayoutCode">
         <xf:label>Enter Layout Type: </xf:label>
      <br />
      <xf:group ref="instance('views')/row-info">
      <xf:group ref="instance('views')/col-info">


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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms">
      <title>Form Title</title>
      <style type="text/css">
          @namespace xf url("http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms");
          body {font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;}
          /* This line ensures all the separate input controls appear on their own lines */
          xf|input, xf|select, xf|select1, xf|textarea {display:block; margin:5px 0;}
          /* Makes the labels right aligned in a 170px wide column that floats to the left of the input controls. */
          xf|input > xf|label, xf|select > xf|label, xf|select1 > xf|label, xf|textarea > xf|label, xf|output > xf|label 
          {text-align:right; padding-right:10px; width:170px; float:left; text-align:right; font-weight: bold;}

          .DashboardDescriptionText textarea {
             width: 400px;
             height: 8em;
             font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;

          /* anything marked as a cell is inside a table */
          .cell * {display: inline; padding: 1px 1px;}
          /* set to column widths in the portlet table */
          .PortletID {width: 10px;}
          .PortletRow {width: 10px;}
          .RowPlacement {width: 10px;}
          .PortletHeight {width: 10px;}
          .PortletWidth {width: 10px;}
         <xf:instance id="my-dash" xmlns="">
               <DashboardName>Sample Dashboard</DashboardName>
               <DashboardDescriptionText>A full description of the </DashboardDescriptionText>
               <DashboardKeywords>test, example, sample</DashboardKeywords>
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
                     <PortletHeight />
         <!-- used to select the number of rows and columns -->
         <xf:instance id="layout-items" xmlns="">
         <!-- named views that are conditionally relevent based on the rules -->
         <xf:instance id="views" xmlns="">
               <row-view />
               <col-view />
         <!-- the rules on how to display the views -->
         <!-- if we have a row or grid oriented display get the number of rows -->
         <xf:bind id="row-view" nodeset="instance('views')/row-view" relevant="instance('my-dash')/DashboardLayoutCode='row' | instance('my-dash')/DashboardLayoutCode='grid'" />
         <!-- if we have a column or grid oriented display get the number of columns -->
         <xf:bind id="col-view" nodeset="instance('views')/col-view" relevant="instance('my-dash')/DashboardLayoutCode='col' | instance('my-dash')/DashboardLayoutCode='grid'" />
      <xf:output ref="DashboardID">
         <xf:label>Dashboard ID:</xf:label>
      <xf:input ref="DashboardName">
         <xf:label>Dashboard Name</xf:label>
         <xf:hint>A short name under 50 characters.</xf:hint>
      <xf:textarea ref="DashboardDescriptionText" class="DashboardDescriptionText">
         <xf:hint>Full description text. Used for searching for dashboards.</xf:hint>
      <xf:input ref="DashboardKeywords">
         <xf:hint>Use comma to separate keywords.</xf:hint>
      <xf:select1 ref="DashboardLayoutCode">
         <xf:label>Layout Style:</xf:label>
      <xf:group ref="instance('views')/row-view">
         <xf:group ref="instance('my-dash')">
            <xf:select1 ref="DashboardRowCount">
               <xf:label>Number of Rows: </xf:label>
               <xf:itemset nodeset="instance('layout-items')/item">
                     <xf:label ref="." />
                     <xf:value ref="." />
      <xf:group ref="instance('views')/col-view">
         <xf:group ref="instance('my-dash')">
            <xf:select1 ref="DashboardColumnCount">
               <xf:label>Number of Columns: </xf:label>
               <xf:itemset nodeset="instance('layout-items')/item">
                     <xf:label ref="." />
                     <xf:value ref="." />
               <th class="cell PortletID">ID</th>
               <th class="cell PortletName">Name</th>
               <th class="cell RowPlacement">Placement</th>
               <th class="cell PortletHeight">Height</th>
               <th class="cell PortletWidth">Width</th>
      <xf:repeat nodeset="instance('my-dash')/Portlets/Portlet">
         <span class="cell PortletID">
            <xf:input ref="PortletID"/>
         <span class="cell PortletName">
            <xf:input ref="PortletName"/>
         <span class="cell RowPlacement">
            <xf:input ref="RowPlacement"/>
         <span class="cell PortletHeight">
            <xf:input ref="PortletHeight"/>
         <span class="cell PortletWidth">
            <xf:input ref="PortletWidth"/>


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仪表盘是 Web 门户中常见的特性。为了实现互操作性,每个 Portlet 的内容可以通过在 JSR-168 规范中指定的 CSS 标签来指定。JSR-168 旨在与 OASIS 远程 Portlet 的 Web 服务 标准保持一致。

要了解创建 Portlet 的人机工程学最佳实践,请参阅 Stephen Few 的优秀著作 信息仪表盘设计。有关使用哪些指标的优秀参考资料,请参阅 Wayne W. Erickson 的著作 性能仪表盘。Richardson 等人的著作 使用开源工具进行门户开发 中也讨论了门户标准。

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