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这是一个使用 CSS 和 XForms switchcase 语句的水平标签菜单示例。水平标签菜单中的标签和 case 中的 div 具有相同的背景颜色,使选定的标签看起来像弹出到其他标签前面。


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在 FireFox 浏览器下运行时,您应该看到一个类似于此的菜单



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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms">
        <title>XForms Colored Horizontal Tab Menu</title>
        @namespace xf url("http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms");
        /* all the attributes of each tab, except the background color */
        body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
        /* instructions for styling the horizontal tabs at the top of the form */
        #horiz-tab-menu {
        padding-bottom: 2px;
        #horiz-tab-menu xf|trigger {
            border-left: gray solid 1px;
            border-top: gray solid 1px;
            border-right: gray solid 1px;
            border-bottom: 0px; /* so the tab blends into the region under the tab */
            font-weight: bold;
            font-size: .9em;
            /* spacing between the tabs */
            margin-right: 9px;
            padding: 3px;
            /* round corners at the top of the tab - does not work on older versions of IE */
            -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
            -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
            -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
            -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
            border-top-left-radius: 5px;
            border-top-right-radius: 5px;

        /* properties common to all the swapped views */
        #div-1,#div-2,#div-3 {
             width: 500px;
             padding: 5px;
             border-left: solid gray 1px;
             border-right: solid gray 1px;
             border-bottom: solid gray 1px;
        #tab-1, #div-1  {
            background-color: #DDD; /* light gray */
        #tab-2, #div-2  {
            background-color: lightblue;
        #tab-3, #div-3  {
            background-color: khaki;

        <h2>Using switch and case to simulate a tab-view.</h2>
        <div id="horiz-tab-menu">
            <xf:trigger id="tab-1" appearance="minimal">
                <xf:label>Tab 1 Title</xf:label>
                <xf:toggle case="case-1" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
            <xf:trigger id="tab-2" appearance="minimal">
                <xf:label>Tab 2 Title</xf:label>
                <xf:toggle case="case-2" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
            <xf:trigger id="tab-3" appearance="minimal">
                <xf:label>Tab 3 Title</xf:label>
                <xf:toggle case="case-3" ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
            <xf:case id="case-1" selected="true">
                <div id="div-1">
                    This view is only displayed when tab 1 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 1 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 1 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 1 is selected.<br/>
            <xf:case id="case-2">
                <div id="div-2">
                    This view is only displayed when tab 2 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 2 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 2 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 2 is selected.<br/>
            <xf:case id="case-3">
                <div id="div-3">
                    This view is only displayed when tab 3 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 3 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 3 is selected.<br/>
                    This view is only displayed when tab 3 is selected.<br/>
        <p>This XForms example shows how the switch and case statements can be
        used to simulate a multi-part form with a row of horizontal tabs at
        the top of the form.  Background colors are used to show which
        tab is the currently selected tab.</p>


将菜单转换为使用 XForms 是减少 JavaScript 的最佳方法之一。


此示例应与 XUL tabbox 元素[1] 保持一致。如果 XForms 使用了所有 XUL 元素,整个示例将更容易成为标准。

希望 XUL 和 XForms 将来能保持一致。


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这是一个使用 CSS-3 目标伪元素的示例

W3C 目标示例

我们也可以修改示例使其适用于 XForms。

使用非标准属性值模板 (AVT)

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XForms 1.0 版本不包含在属性值中放置条件语句的功能。属性值是等号右边的文本,通常用双引号括起来。


  <div class="{if (instance('selected-item') = .) then 'selected' else 'not-selected')}">

这将有效地更改每个标签的样式,以使用 selectednot-selected 样式。

未来版本的 XForms 标准可能会包含 AVT 函数。


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Kurt Cagle 在 XML Today 上关于标签的文章

下一页: 水平文件标签菜单突出显示 | 上一页: 多模型比较
主页: XForms