
XQuery/REST 接口定义


REST 接口,特别是用于调用服务的 URL 语言,没有等同于 SOAP 的 WSDL。这个例子探讨了创建用于定义此类接口的简单 XML 模式,以及使用 XQuery 脚本根据接口定义创建通用的网站接口。

示例 REST 定义

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以下是使用自制模式对 del.icio.us 接口进行的部分定义。参数使用每个参数的唯一本地名称定义,然后接口支持的服务使用模板定义,大括号用于分隔参数的名称,以便用其实际值替换。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <description><p>An almost complete description of the REST interface of the del.icio.us social
    bookmark site, excluding services requiring login</p>
        <p> Chris Wallace May 2009</p></description>
            <purpose>User Identifier</purpose>
            <purpose>a group of bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>the tag list appearance</purpose>
            <purpose>the order of tags in the tag list</purpose>
            <purpose>the minimum frequency of a tag to appear in the tag list</purpose>
            <purpose>whether bundles are shown</purpose>
            <purpose>the page of the bookmark list</purpose>
            <purpose>the number of bookmarks to shown per page</purpose>
            <purpose>search string</purpose>
            <purpose>search scope</purpose>
            <purpose>a page of the help manual</purpose>
            <purpose>Home Page</purpose>
            <purpose>View a user's public bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View a user's public bookmarks, controlling its appearance</purpose>
            <purpose>Get an RSS feed of a user's bookmarks - limited to the latest 20 items</purpose>
            <purpose>View a user's bookmarks by tag</purpose>
            <purpose>View tagged bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View a user's network and their tags</purpose>
            <purpose>View a user's subscriptions - i.e.watched bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View links suggested to a user</purpose>
            <purpose>Get an RSS feed of tagged bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View popular tagged bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View today's popular bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View today's new popular bookmarks</purpose>
            <purpose>View Bookmarks for a URL</purpose>
            <purpose>Help index</purpose>
            <purpose>View a page of the help manual</purpose>
            <purpose>Search for string in different scopes</purpose>
            <purpose>RSS hotlist feed</purpose>
            <purpose>RSS feed for a tag</purpose>
            <purpose>Get a contolled HTML extract of a user's tag</purpose>


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XQuery 脚本接受一个名为 uri 的参数,即 XML 接口描述的 uri。该脚本根据此定义创建通用接口,在表单中的值更改并刷新表单时重新生成服务 URL。

del.icio.us 接口

declare namespace rest  = "http://ww.cems.uwe.ac.uk/xmlwiki/rest";

(: declare global variables :)

declare variable $uri := request:get-parameter("_uri",());
declare variable $index := request:get-parameter("_index","tag");
declare variable $interface :=  doc(concat($uri,"?r=",math:random()))/interface;

declare function rest:template-parameters($template as xs:string) as xs:string* {
(: parse the template to get the parameters :) 
    for $p in  subsequence(tokenize($template,"\{"),2)
    return substring-before($p,"}")

declare function rest:parameter-value($name as xs:string)  as xs:string? {
  let $parameter := $interface/parameters/parameter[name=$name]
  return  (request:get-parameter($name,$parameter/default),"")[1]

declare function rest:replace-template-parameters($template as xs:string, $names as xs:string* ) as xs:string {
(: recursively replace the tempate paramters by their current values :)
  if (empty($names))
  then $template
       let $name := $names[1]
       let $value := rest:parameter-value($name)
       let $templatex :=
           if (exists($value))
           then replace($template, concat("\{",$name,"\}"),$value)
           else $template
       return  rest:replace-template-parameters( $templatex,subsequence($names,2))

(:  interface generation  :)

declare function rest:parameter-input-field( $parameter as element(parameter) ) as element(span)? {
(: create a  parameter field in the  parameter input form :) 
        let $name := $parameter/name
        let $value := rest:parameter-value($name)
              <span class="input">
                    <label for="{$name}">             
                    {if ($index = "parameter")    (: if  it the index is by parameter, generate a link to that part of the index :)
                    then <a href="#{$name}">  {string($name)}</a>
                    else  $name
                    {if ($parameter/options)
                          <select name="{$name}" title="{$parameter/purpose}" > 
                                 {for $option in $parameter/options/option
                                        <option value="{$option}"  title="{$option/@label}">
                                            { if ($option= $value)
                                               then  attribute selected {"true"}
                                               else ()
                        <input type="text" name="{$name}" title="{$parameter/purpose}"  value="{$value}"  size="{string-length($value)+1}"/>

declare function rest:parameter-form() {
     <form method="post"  action="interface.xq">
            <div class="subhead"> interface
                        <div class="group">
                          <label for="_uri" > uri </label> 
                          <input type="text" name="_uri" value="{$uri}" size="80"/>                     
        {for $tag in distinct-values($interface/parameters/parameter/tag)
            <div class="subhead">{$tag} </div>
            <div class="group">
             { for $parameter in $interface/parameters/parameter[tag=$tag]
      Index services by  <select name="_index">
         {for $index in ("parameter","tag")
                if ($index = request:get-parameter("index","tag"))
                then <option value="{$index}" selected="true"> {$index} </option>
                else <option value="{$index}" > {$index}  </option>
      <hr/><input type="submit" value="refresh"/>

declare function rest:service-link ($service as element(service) )as element(tr) {
      <div class="label">{string($service/purpose)}</div>
        let $names := rest:template-parameters($service/template)
        let $filledTemplate := rest:replace-template-parameters($service/template,$names)
        let $uri := 
            if (starts-with($service/template,"http://"))
            then  $filledTemplate
            else concat($interface/endpoint,$filledTemplate)
           <div class="link"><a href="{$uri}">../{$filledTemplate}</a> </div>

declare  function rest:parameter-index() {
<div id="index"> 
    <h2>Parameter index </h2>
     {for $parameter in $interface/parameters/parameter
       let $name := $parameter/name
       let $match := concat("{",$name,"}")
       order by lower-case($name)
            <div class="subhead"><a name="{$name}">{string($name)} </a> </div>
            <div class="group">  
                      {for $service in $interface//service[contains(template,$match)]
                        return  rest:service-link($service)

declare function rest:tag-index()  {
<div id="index">
    <h2>Tag index </h2>
      {for $tag in distinct-values($interface//service/tag)
       order by lower-case($tag)
            <div class="subhead" >{$tag}</div>
            <div class="group">
                    {for $service in $interface//service[tag=$tag]
                     return   rest:service-link($service)

declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=text/html omit-xml-declaration=no indent=yes 

       <title>Infterface for {string($interface/name)}</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="screen.css" />
        <h1>{string($interface/name)} interface</h1>
          <div id="parameters">            
    {if (exists($interface))
       <div id="services">
               <h2> Interface properties </h2>
                    <div class="group">
                          <div class="label">Interface definition 
                             <div class="link"><a href="{$uri}">{$uri} </a> </div>
                           <div class="label">Service endpoint 
                              <div class="link"><a href="{$interface/endpoint}"> {string($interface/endpoint)} </a> </div>
             {if ($index = "parameter")
              then  rest:parameter-index()
              else if ($index= "tag")
              then rest:tag-index()
              else ()
       else ()

该脚本使用常见的层状架构,其中低级函数对基本数据模型进行操作,这些函数又用于生成用户界面的函数。最后,生成的 XHTML 中的类和 id 钩子与 CSS 链接起来以设置页面样式。确定使用多少层以及层如何交互是 XQuery 应用程序中的一个核心设计决策,就像其他技术一样。有几个替代方案值得考虑:脚本生成一个中间 XML 结构,该结构在服务器端或客户端使用 XSLT 进行转换;脚本生成一个 XForm 代替 HTML 表单;整个任务由客户端的 JavaScript 处理;客户端 AJAX 与基本 XQuery 脚本交互。处理此设计空间是 Web 开发的挑战之一。


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对于在代理服务器内运行的脚本,由于这些脚本位于 UWE 服务器上,因此多次访问 doc() 函数中的同一 URL 将返回缓存的文件。为了打破缓存,会在 URL 中添加一个随机数。


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该脚本使用变量声明来定义脚本函数中使用的一些全局变量。全局变量感觉像是回到了 Fortran COMMON 和类似的恐怖,除了这些变量一旦定义就是常量。尽管如此,对这些变量的依赖关系并不显式。另一种方法是显式地将这些数据通过函数传递下去。使用此样式的替代脚本,将构成数据的单个节点传递到单个“对象”中,执行速度慢了几倍,更冗长,而且可以说没有更易理解。



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