第 1 章。资金供求
- Borrowers of funds, funding cost - Lenders of funds, investment yield - Where borrowers meet lenders -- banks, primary market and secondary market - market segmentation - product format - example products - Three dimensions (to analyze the price of money a.k.a. interest rate): - credit worthiness (name, collateral) - currency - term - This book focuses on "macro" factors
第 2 章。衍生品
- doesn't bring funds / provide yield in itself - serve as hedging / transformation / etc purpose - (trading venues?) - example products: - in currency dimension: fxswap, ccs - in term dimension: interest rate swap
第 3 章。做市商、套期保值和套利
* liquidity provider * economy of scale * law of one price * risk-free and risky arbitrage * arbitrage in term, currency, market access * potato
第 4 章。监管限制
第 5 章。模型的作用
* Banking book (accrual accounting) vs trading book (mark-to-market accounting) * price and avoid arbitrage * pricing on unseen point / hedging * q-quant vs p-quant * q-quant: key is hedging and replication * p-quant: statistical hedging and arbitrage (cross-sectional or in time a.k.a carry) * Non-parametric approach * provide benchmark for potato price * mark-to-market vs mark-to-model: potato * price/pricing vs value/valuation
第 6 章。产品定价/估值方法
- "know your problem" phase * (why) understand the purpose of its existence (how does it help demand and supply) * (what) understand payoff (termsheet, master agreement; link to spec and/or open source code) * (how) roughly go through the front-to-back workflow - Modelling phase * replicate with traded instruments with known price (model-free, q-quant) * price the residual payoff using a model (model-dependent, p-quant) * check the hidden costs (regulatory charges, VAs, tax, etc)
第 7 章。单一货币融资和收益率曲线
- non-collateralized funding - deposit (non-tradable); deposit curve (discount curve) - bond (tradable); yield curve - collateralized funding - repo (non-tradable); repo "curve" (not "macro"?) - mbs/abs (just mention)
第 8 章。跨货币融资和收益率差异
- fx swap - interest rate parity
第 9 章。利率掉期和远期曲线
- why what how - short-model way - "market model" way (potatoes) - which is better?
第 10 章。基差掉期和基差曲线
- why what how - irs is not funding / LIBOR is *not* funding / no "unique" funding curve!
第 11 章。隔夜指数掉期(以及短期利率模型和市场模型的结合)
- why what how - major ois indices - moving from LIBOR to OIS - again, OIS is not unique (e.g. fed-fund v sofr) - reunion of short-rate and market model (from a model perspective)
第 12 章。跨货币掉期
- CCS, CBS, MTM-CCS, MTM-CBS - not exactly replicable!
第 13 章。场外交易特性
- bilateral trading - collateral, csa - not linked to the payoff but affects valuation on a trade basis - 2nd order effect in nature (funding rate is 1st order effect) - central clearing - types of margins - not linked to the payoff and affects valuation on an aggregate basis - how do we price them?
第 14 章。期货
- trading venue (exchange), margin process, settlement / fixing - interest rate futures and convexity adjustment - bond futures, delivery basket, cheapest to deliver, options - fx futures (??)
(??) 可选内容:信用违约掉期和存续曲线(更重要);通胀产品(?? 较不重要);结构性产品(不太适合这里)
- parametric Interpolation - non-parametric optimization - reference to books and open source libraries