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书架涵盖了关于计算机科学的书籍 - 即,关于软件设计、计算机编程和计算理论的书籍。另请参见分类:书架:计算机科学



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MULTI PARADIGMAda Programming 75% developed  as of Jul 27, 2005C++Common Lisp 25% developed  as of Feb 01, 2005Objective-C 25% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000Perl 50% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000Python 50% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000Tcl 75% developed  as of Oct, 10 2005Visual Basic 50% developed  as of Oct 24, 2005JavaScript 50% developed  as of Nov 04, 2005IMPERATIVEBourne Shell Scripting 50% developed  as of October 10, 2005CFortran 25% developed  as of Sep, 09 2005PHP 75% developed  as of Oct, 31 2005Icon 25% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000QBasic 25% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000ActionScript 25% developed  as of Jan, 18 2007Turing 25% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000DECLARATIVEApache Ant - 75% developed  as of Feb 26, 2007 (Feb 26, 2007)XForms - 75% developed  as of Feb 26, 2007 (Feb 26, 2007)OBJECT ORIENTEDC# Programming 50% developed  as of May 9, 2007Delphi Programming 25% developed  as of August 1, 2008Java Programming 25% developed  as of Nov 23, 2005Ruby 25% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000Visual Basic .NET 25% developed  as of Oct, 30, 2005Objective-JLOGICProlog 50% developed  as of Jan, 01 0000FUNCTIONALErlang 50% developed  as of Aug, 20 2008Haskell 50% developed  as of Jun, 18 2006ASSEMBLY LANGUAGESx86 Assembly 50% developedMIPS Assembly 25% developedSPARC Assembly 25% developed360 Assembly 25% developed

AWK 截至2005年10月10日,开发完成度为0%正则表达式 截至2006年6月2日,开发完成度为0%CSSHTMLXHTMLXForms 截至2006年9月13日,开发完成度为50%XML:管理数据交换Ant- 截至2005年10月5日,开发完成度为25%LaTeXPostScript 常见问题TeX可编程逻辑据库MySQLSQLXQuery
