在 SuperCollider/Boing 中设计声音
~clampedmodes = { |basefreq, env|
var freqs, amps;
freqs = [1, 6.267, 17.55, 34.39];
amps = [0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.06125];
Klank.ar(`[freqs, amps, 0.2], env, basefreq);
{~clampedmodes.(100, Impulse.ar(10))}.plot(1)
~freemodes = { |input, basefreq=100, res=80|
var filtfreqs;
// The actual filter freqs take these harmonic relationships:
filtfreqs = basefreq * [1, 2.7565, 5.40392, 8.93295, 13.3443, 18.6379];
BPF.ar(input, filtfreqs, 1/res).sum * 10
在这里我们使用 Env 创建一个非对称波形 - 当值低于零时,尺子会接触到桌子,因此实际上“更短”。因此,它在较低的周期中比在较高的周期中具有更高的频率(更短的波长)。
~rulerwave = Env([1, 0, -0.7, 0, 1], [0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3], [4, -4, 4, -4]).asSignal(512).asWavetable;
// Here let's plot it running at a frequency that speeds up.
// This approximates the actual trajectory of motion of the end of the ruler:
{Osc.kr(~rulerwave.as(LocalBuf), XLine.kr(50, 100, 1), mul: XLine.kr(1, 0.001, 1))}.plot(1)
// Now, every time the wave passes zero in a downwards-going direction, that represents the ruler thwacking on the table and therefore transmitting energy into the resonances.
// This code builds on the previous one to derive the thwacks - one at each downward zero crossing, with an energy proportional to the speed (==derivative of position, found using Slope)
var motion, thwacks, isDown;
motion = Osc.ar(~rulerwave.as(LocalBuf), XLine.kr(50, 100, 1), mul: XLine.kr(1, 0.001, 1));
isDown = motion < 0;
thwacks = Trig1.ar(isDown, 0) * (0-Slope.ar(motion)) * 0.01;
thwacks = LPF.ar(thwacks, 500);
[motion, isDown, thwacks]
好的,现在我们需要从这些数据中制作声音。如果 isDown==true,共鸣器的基频更高,因为有效长度更短。因此,我们需要同时调制基频并推动击打声穿过共鸣器。
var motion, thwacks, isDown, basefreq;
motion = Osc.ar(~rulerwave.as(LocalBuf), XLine.kr(10, 100, 1), mul: Line.kr(1, 0.001, 1, doneAction: 2));
isDown = motion < 0;
thwacks = Trig1.ar(isDown, 0) * (0-Slope.ar(motion)) * 0.01;
thwacks = LPF.ar(thwacks, 500);
basefreq = if(isDown, 289, 111);
~freemodes.value(thwacks, basefreq, 100)
~clampedmodes.value(basefreq, thwacks);
// That was a model of a ruler-on-a-desk. The next one is... something else.
var motion, thwacks, isDown, basefreq;
motion = Osc.ar(~rulerwave.as(LocalBuf), 80, mul: Line.kr(1, 0.001, 1, doneAction: 2));
isDown = motion < 0;
thwacks = Trig1.ar(isDown, 0) * (0-Slope.ar(motion)) * 0.01;
basefreq = if(isDown, 289, 111) * Pulse.ar(10).exprange(0.9, 1.1);
~freemodes.value(thwacks, basefreq, 100)
~clampedmodes.value(basefreq, thwacks);