SuperCollider 中的声音设计/吱呀作响的门
~woodfilter = { |input|
var freqs, rqs, output;
// Note: these freqs are as given in the diagram:
freqs = [62.5, 125, 250, 395, 560, 790];
// The Q values given in the diagram (we take reciprocal, since that's what BPF unit wants)
rqs = 1 / [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3];
// in the text, andrew says that the freqs follow these ratios,
// which give a very different set of freqs...:
// freqs = 125 * [0.5, 1, 1.58, 2.24, 2.92, 2, 2.55, 3.16];
//Now let's apply the parallel bandpass filters, plus mix in a bit of the original:
output =, freqs, rqs).sum + (input*0.2);
// Now let's use this function in something - some dust impulses tap-tap-tapping on the door:
x = {, 10000) ))
// Doesn't sound much like a door? Compare it to the raw tapping sound (edit the above).
~stickslip = { |force|
var inMotion, slipEvents, forceBuildup, evtAmp, evtDecayTime, evts;
force = force.lag(0.1); // smoothing to get rid of volatile control changes
inMotion = force > 0.1; // static friction: nothing at all below a certain force
// slip events are generated at random with freqency proportional to force.
// I originally used Dust to generate random events at a defined frequency, but
// that lacks the slight "pitched" sound of the creaky door. Here we use Impulse
// to generate a frequency, but we add some noise to its frequency to try and
// avoid it getting too perfectly regular.
slipEvents = inMotion *, 1, 1, 1/0.003) *,1, 0.5, 2).poll);
forceBuildup =, 10 *, 0, inf).min(1);
// Whenever a slip event happens we use Latch to capture the amount of
// force that had built up.
evtAmp =, slipEvents);
evtDecayTime = evtAmp.sqrt;
// The book applies square-root functions to shape the dynamic range of the events.
// Remember that square-root is computationally intensive, so for efficient
// generation we might want to change it to (e.g.) a pre-calculated envelope.
// Now we generate the events
evts =, 1), slipEvents, evtAmp, 0, evtDecayTime * 0.01);
// Let's plot 4 seconds worth, with steadily increasing force.
// Events should appear more frequent but less violent as the plot progresses.
~squarepanel = { |input|
var times, filt;
// times in milliseconds, converted to seconds:
times = [4.52, 5.06, 6.27, 8, 5.48, 7.14, 10.12, 16] * 0.001;
filt =, times, times).mean;
filt =, 125);
filt * 4
以下内容结合了本页之前定义的函数,以创建一个 你可以自己推动的门!
x = {~squarepanel.value(~woodfilter.value(~stickslip.value(,1))))}.play