
在 SuperCollider 中设计声音 / 昆虫


图 50.7:蟋蟀

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a = {
	var modulator, mod1, mod2, mod3;
	// repeat time is 0.7s: equates to 1.43 Hz.
	modulator = LFSaw.ar(1.43, 1, 0.5, 0.5);
	mod2 = (modulator * 40.6 * 2pi).cos.squared;
	mod3 = modulator * 3147;
	mod3 = (mod3 * 2pi).cos + ((mod3 * 2 * 2pi).cos * 0.3);
	mod1 = ((Wrap.ar(modulator.min(0.1714) * 5.84) - 0.5).squared * (-4) + 1) * (mod2 * mod3);
	mod1 = (mod1 * 0.1)!2;

// To stop: 

图 50.8:蟋蟀 2

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b = {
	var trig, seq, demand, cricket;
	// instead of [metro], Impulse.kr is used here. Delta t = 17 ms equates to 58.82 Hz.
	trig = Impulse.kr(58.82);
	// the main idea of the following line was to use an approach
	// that uses the same coefficients as described in the pd patch
	seq = Dseq(Array.fill(41, {|i| if(i<7, {(i+2)/9},{0}) }),inf);
	demand = Demand.kr(trig,0,seq);
	// Implementation of the pd code for pulses including amplitude grow:
	// cricket = EnvGen.ar(Env.new([0, 1, 1, 0], [0.0001, 0.0001, 0]), trig) * demand;
	// 2nd implementation: pure data seemed to slightly disobey its own specifications, 
	// so I analysed the waveform and came up with this:
	cricket = EnvGen.ar(Env.new([0, 1, 0], [4/44100, 0]), trig) * demand;
	cricket = OnePole.ar(cricket, exp(-2pi * (1000 * SampleDur.ir)));
	cricket = (
			// changed the Q factor of the first 3 BPFs to approximate farnells sound 
			BPF.ar(cricket, 4500 + ((0..2)*50), 300.reciprocal, 100)).sum 
			+ BPF.ar(cricket, 9000, 500.reciprocal, 42
	cricket = ((cricket - OnePole.ar(cricket, exp(-2pi * (4000 * SampleDur.ir)))) * 0.5)!2;

// To stop: 

图:50.10:3 种叫声类型的蝉

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c = {
	var sig, trig, seq, freq, mul, vals;
	trig = Impulse.kr(0.2);
	vals = [
		[0.5, 128],
	freq = TChoose.kr(trig, vals);
	sig = WhiteNoise.ar;
	// The one pole filters in pure data and SC differ, so I changed the coefficents 
	// a little. Also the  multiplication by 5 is not in the book, but helps to 
	// approach the audible result of Farnells patch.
	sig = (sig - OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (8000 * SampleDur.ir))));
	sig = (sig - OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (8000 * SampleDur.ir))));
	sig = OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (10000 * SampleDur.ir)));
	sig = OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (10000 * SampleDur.ir)));
	sig = sig * 5;

	sig = BPF.ar(sig, [7500, 5500], 40.reciprocal).sum * SinOsc.ar(500);
	sig = sig * (1 / (SinOsc.ar( freq[0], 0, freq[1] ).squared + 1));
	sig = (sig - OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (4000 * SampleDur.ir)))) * 4.dup;

// To stop: 

图:50.13 家蝇翅膀的直接信号实现

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pd 贴片中的可调整参数可以通过鼠标移动来控制:MouseX 控制翅膀频率,MouseY 控制翅膀共振。

SynthDef(\houseflyWing, { |out=0|
	var sig, downstroke, upstroke, wingFreq, wingRes;
	// this is already a preparation for fig 50.14 and is not described 
	// in the pure data patch on fig 50.13
	wingFreq = In.ar(10,2);
	wingRes = In.ar(20,2);

	// Also, it is prepared for some other input from a different source, 
	// to not only control the patch with the mouse movement. 
	// See also the following URL for more information about the next lines: 
	// http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Boolean_logic_in_the_server 
	wingFreq = Select.ar(wingFreq > 0, [K2A.ar(MouseX.kr(0, 300)), wingFreq]);
	wingRes = Select.ar(wingRes > 0, [K2A.ar(MouseY.kr(3,5)), wingRes]);	

	sig = LFSaw.ar(wingFreq, 1, 0.5, 0.5);
	sig = ((sig * 0.2).min(sig * (-1) + 1)).min(sig.min(sig * (-1) + 1));
	sig = (sig * 6 - 0.5) * 2; 	
	downstroke = (wingRes) * sig.min(0);
	downstroke = (Wrap.ar(downstroke) * 2pi).cos * sig.min(0) * 0.5 + sig.min(0);
	upstroke = sig.max(0).cubed * 2;	
	sig = downstroke + upstroke;	
	sig = (sig - OnePole.ar(sig, exp(-2pi * (700 * SampleDur.ir)))).dup * 0.05;
	Out.ar(out, sig);
x = Synth(\houseflyWing);


图:50.14 嗡嗡作响的家蝇

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SynthDef(\buzzingHousefly, { 
	var beatingFreq, resonanceMod;
	beatingFreq = OnePole.ar(WhiteNoise.ar, exp(-2pi * (4 * SampleDur.ir)));
	beatingFreq = OnePole.ar(beatingFreq, exp(-2pi * (4 * SampleDur.ir)));
	beatingFreq = beatingFreq * 700 + 220;
	resonanceMod = OnePole.ar(WhiteNoise.ar, exp(-2pi * (5 * SampleDur.ir)));
	resonanceMod = OnePole.ar(resonanceMod, exp(-2pi * (5 * SampleDur.ir)));
	Out.ar(10, [beatingFreq, (resonanceMod * 3) + beatingFreq]);
	Out.ar(20, (resonanceMod * 40 + 5)!2 );	
y = Synth(\buzzingHousefly);

// now again the housefly wings are controlled by the mouse movement.

// To stop: 

如果在 Synth(\houseflyWing) 之前执行了 Synth(\buzzingHousefly),则需要执行以下行才能听到 Synth(\buzzingHousefly) 的效果。这是因为本例中使用了 In.ar 和 Out.ar 来在两个贴片之间进行通信,并且在使用 In.ar 时,始终需要牢记服务器上合成器的执行顺序。(另请参阅帮助文件:执行顺序)。

Synth(\buzzingHousefly, addAction: \addToHead);