Flora of New York
Flora noveboracensis
from clubmoss to cornsalad
Flora of New York is a guide to the vascular plants (or tracheophytes) found growing without cultivation in New York State, with an emphasis on showing which plants are native to the New York region, which plants have been introduced from elsewhere, where in the state the plants are likely to be found, and how likely they are to be found. | ||
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Table of contents |
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[edit | edit source]Class | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common names | # |
Lycopodiopsida (lycophytes) |
Lycopodiales | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodielloideae | Lycopodiella | bog clubmoss | 5 |
Pseudolycopodiella | false bog clubmoss | 1 | ||||
Lycopodioideae | Lycopodium | clubmoss | 2 | |||
Dendrolycopodium | tree clubmoss | 3 | ||||
Spinulum | interrupted clubmoss | 3 | ||||
Diphasiastrum | ground cedar | 7 | ||||
Huperzioideae | Huperzia | firmoss | 5 | |||
Isoetales | Isoetaceae | — | Isoetes | quillwort | 8 | |
Selaginellales | Selaginellaceae | — | Selaginella | spikemoss | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Acrogymnospermae
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common names | # |
gymnosperms | Ginkgoales | Ginkgoaceae | — | Ginkgo | maidenhair tree, ginkgo | 1 |
Pinales | Pinaceae | Pinoideae | Pinus subg. Strobus | soft pine | 1 | |
Pinus subg. Pinus | hard pines | 8 | ||||
Piceoideae | Picea | spruce | 5 | |||
Laricoideae | Pseudotsuga | Douglas-fir | 1 | |||
Larix | larch, tamarack | 3 | ||||
Abietoideae | Tsuga | hemlock | 1 | |||
Abies | fir (true firs) | 4 | ||||
Cupressaceae | Taxodioideae | Taxodium | cypress | 1 | ||
Cupressoideae | Thuja | arborvitae, white-cedar | 1 | |||
Juniperus | juniper, red-cedar | 4 | ||||
Chamaecyparis | cedar, false cypress | 2 | ||||
Taxaceae | — | Taxus | yew | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Angiosperm introduction: Flora of New York/Clade angiosperms and Flora of New York/Clade Magnoliidae.
basal angiosperms & magnoliids
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common name(s) | # |
basal angiosperms |
Nymphaeales | Cabombaceae | — | Brasenia | water-shield, wendock | 1 |
Cabomba | fanwort, watershield | 1 | ||||
Nymphaeaceae | Nupharoideae | Nuphar | yellow pond lily, spatterdock | 4 | ||
Nymphaeoideae | Nymphaea | white waterlily | 2 | |||
magnoliids | Piperales | Aristolochiaceae | Asaroideae | Asarum | wild ginger | 1 |
Hexastylis | heartleaf | 1 | ||||
Aristolochioideae | Endodeca | snakeroot, serpentary | 1 | |||
Isotrema | dutchman's pipe, pipevine | 2 | ||||
Aristolochia | birthwort, heartwort | 1 | ||||
Saururaceae | — | Saururus | lizard's tail, water-dragon, swamp root | 1 | ||
Laurales | Calycanthaceae | — | Calycanthus | sweet-shrub, strawberry bush | 2 | |
Lauraceae | — | Lindera | spicebush | 1 | ||
Sassafras | sassafras, ague tree, mitten tree | 1 | ||||
Persea | avocado | 1 | ||||
Magnoliales | Magnoliaceae | — | Magnolia | magnolia, cucumber tree, sweet-bay | 5 | |
Liriodendron | tulip tree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar | 1 | ||||
Annonaceae | Annonoideae | Asimina | pawpaw, dog banana, Indian banana | 1 |
alismatid monocots
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
alismatid monocots |
Acorales | Acoraceae | — | — | Acorus | sweetflag | 2 |
Alismatales | Araceae | Orontioideae | Orontieae | Orontium | goldenclub | 1 | |
Symplocarpeae | Symplocarpus | skunk cabbage | 1 | ||||
Lemnoideae | — | Spirodela | duckmeat | 1 | |||
Lemna | duckweed | 5 | |||||
Wolffia | watermeal | 3 | |||||
Aroideae | Calleae | Calla | callalily | 1 | |||
Peltandreae | Peltandra | arrow-arum | 1 | ||||
Arisaemateae | Arisaema | Jack-in-the-pulpit | 5 | ||||
Pinellia | pinellia | 1 | |||||
Pistieae | Pistia | water-lettuce | 1 | ||||
Tofieldiaceae | — | — | Triantha | tofieldia, false asphodel | 1 | ||
Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitoideae | — | Egeria | waterweed | 1 | ||
Hydrocharis | frogbit | 1 | |||||
Limnobium | spongeplant | 1 | |||||
Anacharidoideae | — | Elodea | waterweed | 3 | |||
Hydrilloideae | — | Najas | waternymph, naiad | 8 | |||
Hydrilla | water-thyme | 1 | |||||
Vallisneria | eelgrass | 1 | |||||
Butomaceae | — | — | Butomus | flowering rush | 1 | ||
Alismataceae | — | — | Sagittaria | arrowhead | 9 | ||
Alisma | water-plantiain | 12 | |||||
Helanthium | burhead | 1 | |||||
Scheuchzeriaceae | — | — | Scheuchzeria | rannoch-rush | 1 | ||
Juncaginaceae | Juncaginoideae | — | Triglochin | arrowgrass | 2 | ||
Ruppiaceae | — | — | Ruppia | ditch-grass | 1 | ||
Zosteraceae | — | — | Zostera | eelgrass | 1 | ||
Potamogetonaceae | — | Potamogetoneae | Potamogeton | pondweed | 36 | ||
Stuckenia | fineleaf pondweed | 2 | |||||
Zannichellieae | Zannichellia | horned pondweed | 1 |
lilioid monocots
[edit | edit source]commelinid monocots
[edit | edit source]Ceratophyllales & basal eudicots
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
sister to eudicots |
Ceratophyllales | Ceratophyllaceae | — | — | Ceratophyllum | hornwort | 2 |
basal eudicots |
Ranunculales | Lardizabalaceae | Lardizabaloideae | Akebieae | Akebia | chocolate vine, fiveleaf akebia | 1 |
Menispermaceae | Menispermoideae | Menispermeae | Menispermum | moonseed | 1 | ||
Berberidaceae | Podophylloideae | Leonticeae | Caulophyllum | blue cohosh | 2 | ||
Podophylleae | Podophyllum | mayapple, wild mandrake | 1 | ||||
Jeffersonia | twinleaf, rheumatism-root | 1 | |||||
Berberidoideae | Berberideae | Berberis | barberry | 3 | |||
Mahonia | Oregon grape | 1 | |||||
Ranunculaceae | Hydrastoideae | Hydrastideae | Hydrastis | golden-seal, yellow puccoon | 1 | ||
Coptidoieae | Coptideae | Coptis | goldthread, three-leaved goldthread |
1 | |||
Xanthorhizeae | Xanthorhiza | yellowroot | 1 | ||||
Thalictroideae | Aquilegieae | Aquilegia | columbine, wild columbine | 2 | |||
Enemion | false rue anemone | 1 | |||||
Thalictreae | Thalictrum | meadow rue | 7 | ||||
Ranunculoideae | Actaeeae | Actaea | baneberry | 5 | |||
Eranthis | winter aconite | 1 | |||||
Caltheae | Caltha | marsh marigold | 1 | ||||
Trollius | globeflower | 1 | |||||
Adonis | pheasant's eye | 2 | |||||
Delphinieae | Aconitum | monkshood | 3 | ||||
Delphinium | lark-spur | 1 | |||||
Consolida | knight's-spur, lark-spur | 2 | |||||
Nigelleae | Nigella | love-in-a-mist | 1 | ||||
Helleboreae | Helleborus | hellebore, Christmas-rose | 2 | ||||
Anemoneae | Anemone | hepatica, thimbleweed | 9 | ||||
Clematis | leather flower, virgin's-bower | 6 | |||||
Ranunculeae | Halerpestes | seaside crowfoot | 1 | ||||
Ceratocephala | curvseed butterwort | 1 | |||||
Ficaria | celadine | 1 | |||||
Ranunculus | buttercup, crowfoot, spearwort | 23 | |||||
Papaveraceae | Papaveroideae | Papavereae | Argemone | pricklypoppy | 2 | ||
Papaver | poppy | 6 | |||||
Chelidonieae | Sanguinaria | bloodroot, red puccuoon | 1 | ||||
Chelidonium | greater celandine | 1 | |||||
Macleaya | plume poppy | 1 | |||||
Glaucium | hornpoppy | 2 | |||||
Stylophorum | celandine-poppy | 1 | |||||
Eschscholtzieae | Eschscholzia | California poppy | 1 | ||||
Fumarioideae | Fumarieae | Dicentra | bleeding-heart, Dutchman's breeches | 3 | |||
Lamprocapnos | Asian bleeding-heart | 1 | |||||
Adlumia | climbing fumitory | 1 | |||||
Capnoides | harlequin, pink corydalis | 1 | |||||
Corydalis | fumewort, corydalis | 3 | |||||
Fumaria | fumitory | 1 | |||||
Pseudofumaria | rock fumitory, yellow corydalis | 1 | |||||
Proteales | Nelumbonaceae | − | − | Nelumbo | lotus | 2 | |
Platanaceae | − | − | Platanus | sycamore | 2 | ||
Buxales | Buxaceae | Buxoideae | − | Buxus | boxwood | 1 | |
Pachysandroideae | Pachysandreae | Pachysandra | spurge | 2 |
[edit | edit source]The order Saxifragales is the basal clade of the superrosids, indicating that Saxifragales is the sister to the rosids.
Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
sister to rosids |
Saxifragales | Paeoniaceae | − | − | Paeonia | peony | 1 |
Altingiaceae | − | − | Liquidambar | sweetgum | 1 | ||
Hamamelidaceae | Hamamelidoideae | Hamamelideae | Hamamelis | witchhazel | 1 | ||
Corylopsideae | Corylopsis | winterhazel | 4 | ||||
Cercidiphyllaceae | − | − | Cercidiphyllum | katsura tree | 1 | ||
Crassulaceae | Crassuloideae | − | Crassula | pygmyweed | 1 | ||
Sempervivoideae | Umbiliceae | Rhodiola | roseroot stonecrop | 2 | |||
Hylotelephium | stonecrop | 3 | |||||
Phedimus | false stonecrop | 1 | |||||
Semperviveae | Sempervivum | houseleek, hen-and-chickens | 1 | ||||
Sedeae | Sedum | stonecrop | 7 | ||||
Haloragaceae | − | Myriophylleae | Myriophyllum | watermilfoil | 10 | ||
Proserpinaca | mermaidweed | 2 | |||||
Penthoraceae | − | − | Penthorum | ditch-stonecrop | 1 | ||
Grossulariaceae | − | − | Ribes | currant, gooseberry | 12 | ||
Saxifragaceae | Saxifragoideae | Saxifrageae | Saxifraga | saxifrage | 5 | ||
Heucheroideae | Chrysosplenieae | Chrysosplenium | golden saxifrage | 1 | |||
Heuchereae | Tiarella | foamflower | 1 | ||||
Mitella | miterwort | 3 | |||||
Heuchera | alumroot | 2 | |||||
Astilbe | florist's spiraea | 1 |
Vitales & fabids
[edit | edit source]Fabales
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genus | Common names | # |
rosids: fabids |
Fabales | Fabaceae | Brachystegioideae | Cercideae | — | Cercis | redbud | 1 |
Faboideae | Sophoreae | — | Cladrastis | yellow wood | 1 | |||
Thermopsideae | — | Baptisia | wild indigo | 3 | ||||
Thermopsis | golden-banner, false lupine | 1 | ||||||
Crotalarieae | — | Crotalaria | rattle box | 1 | ||||
Genisteae | — | Lupinus | lupine | 2 | ||||
Cytisus | scotch broom | 2 | ||||||
Genista | dyer's broom | 1 | ||||||
Ulex | dyer's broom | 1 | ||||||
Amorpheae | — | Amorpha | false-indigo | 1 | ||||
Dalea | prairie clover | 2 | ||||||
Dalbergieae | — | Stylosanthes | pencilflower | 1 | ||||
Millettieae | — | Tephrosia | hoary-pea, goat's-rue | 1 | ||||
Wisteria | wisteria | 3 | ||||||
Phaseoleae | Erythrininae | Apios | ground nut | 1 | ||||
Glycininae | Amphicarpaea | hog peanut | 1 | |||||
Pueraria | kudzu | 1 | ||||||
Glycine | soy bean | 1 | ||||||
Phaseolinae | Strophostyles | fuzzybean | 2 | |||||
Phaseolus | kidney-bean | 2 | ||||||
Lablab | hyacinth bean | 1 | ||||||
Vigna | cowpea | X | ||||||
Diocleinae | Galactia | milk pea | 1 | |||||
Clitoriinae | Clitoria | pigeon wings | 1 | |||||
Desmodieae | Desmodiinae | Desmodium | tick trefoil | 12 | ||||
Hylodesmum | tick trefoil | 3 | ||||||
Lespedezinae | Lespedeza | bush clover | 23 | |||||
Kummerowia | Asian clover | 2 | ||||||
Psoraleeae | — | Cullen | scurf pea | 1 | ||||
Pediomelum | Indian-breadroot | 1 | ||||||
Loteae | — | Acmispon | American trefoil | 1 | ||||
Lotus | trefoil | 2 | ||||||
Securigera | crown vetch | 1 | ||||||
Anthyllis | kidney vetch | 1 | ||||||
Ornithopus | bird's-foot | 1 | ||||||
Robinieae | — | Robinia | locust | 4 | ||||
Galegeae | — | Astragalus | milk vetch | 3 | ||||
Glycyrrhiza | licorice | 1 | ||||||
Galega | professor weed | 1 | ||||||
Colutea | bladder senna | 1 | ||||||
Hedysareae | — | Caragana | pea shrub | 1 | ||||
Cicereae | — | Cicer | chick pea | 1 | ||||
Trifolieae | — | Medicago | alfalfa, medick | 7 | ||||
Melilotus | sweet clover | 4 | ||||||
Trifolium | clover | 14 | ||||||
Trigonella | fenugreek | 2 | ||||||
Fabeae | — | Lathyrus | pea | 8 | ||||
Lens | lentil | 1 | ||||||
Pisum | pea, garden pea | 1 | ||||||
Vicia | vetch | 15 | ||||||
Caesalpinioideae | Cassieae | — | Chamaecrista | sensitive pea | 2 | |||
Senna | wild senna | 2 | ||||||
Caesalpinieae | — | Gleditsia | locust | 1 | ||||
Gymnocladus | coffee tree | 1 | ||||||
Mimosoideae | Ingeae | — | Albizia | mimosa, silktree | 1 | |||
Polygalaceae | — | Polygaleae | — | Polygala | milkwort, snakeroot | 12 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
superrosids: rosids: fabids: NFC |
Rosales | Rosaceae | Rosoideae | Ulmarieae | Filipendula | queen, dropwort | 3 |
Rubeae | Dalibarda | dewdrop | 1 | ||||
Rubus | blackberry, raspberry, dewberry | 23 | |||||
Colurieae | Waldsteinia | barren strawberry | 1 | ||||
Geum | avens | 16 | |||||
Sanguisorbeae | Agrimonia | agrimony | 6 | ||||
Sanguisorba | burnet | 1 | |||||
Roseae | Rosa | rose | 27 | ||||
Potentilleae | Potentilla | cinquefoil | 14 | ||||
Argentina | silverweed | 2 | |||||
Duchesnea | mock strawberry | 1 | |||||
Comarum | marsh cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Drymocallis | tall cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Dasiphora | shrubby cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Sibbaldia | cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Fragaria | strawberry | 8 | |||||
Alchemilla | lady's mantle | 14 | |||||
Aphanes | parsley-piert | 1 | |||||
Amygdaloideae | Neillieae | Physocarpus | ninebark | 1 | |||
Amygdaleae | Prunus | cherry, plum, peach | 18 | ||||
Exochordeae | Exochorda | pearlbrush | 1 | ||||
Kerrieae | Rhodotypos | jetbead | 1 | ||||
Kerria | Japanese rose | 1 | |||||
Sorbarieae | Sorbaria | false spiraea | 1 | ||||
Spiraeeae | Spiraea | meadowsweet | 1 | ||||
Aruncus | goatsbeard, bride's feathers | 16 | |||||
Gillenieae | Gillenia | Indian physic, Bowman's root | 2 | ||||
Maleae | Amelanchier | serviceberry | 14 | ||||
Aronia | chokeberry | 3 | |||||
Pourthiaea | Christmas berry | 1 | |||||
Cydonia | quince | 1 | |||||
Chaenomeles | flowering quince | 2 | |||||
Cotoneaster | cotoneaster | 3 | |||||
Crataegus | hawthorn | 47 | |||||
Malus | apple | 8 | |||||
Pyrus | pear | 2 | |||||
Sorbus | mountain ash | 3 | |||||
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnoideae | Rhamneae | Rhamnus | buckthorn | 4 | ||
Frangula | glossy buckthorn | 2 | |||||
Ziziphoideae | Pomaderreae | Ceanothus | New Jersey tea | 2 | |||
Elaeagnaceae | — | — | Shepherdia | buffaloberry | 2 | ||
Elaeagnus | silverberry, Russian olive, autumn olive | 5 | |||||
Ulmaceae | — | — | Ulmus | elm | 6 | ||
Cannabaceae | — | — | Celtis | hackberry | 2 | ||
Humulus | hops | 4 | |||||
Cannabis | hemp | 1 | |||||
Moraceae | — | Moreae | Morus | mulberry | 2 | ||
Broussonetia | paper mulberry | 1 | |||||
Fatoua | crabweed | 1 | |||||
Maclureae | Maclura | Osage orange | 1 | ||||
Ficeae | Ficus | fig | 1 | ||||
Urticaceae | Urticoideae | Urticeae | Laportea | wood nettle | 1 | ||
Urtica | nettle | 4 | |||||
Lecantheae | Pilea | clearweed | 3 | ||||
Boehmerieae | Boehmeria | false nettle | 1 | ||||
Parietarieae | Parietaria | pellitory | 2 |
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
rosids: fabids |
Cucurbitales | Cucurbitaceae | Thladiantheae | Thladiantha | Manchu tubergourd | 1 |
Bryonieae | Ecballium | squirting-cucumber | 1 | |||
Sicyoeae | Echinocystis | wild cucumber | 1 | |||
Sicyos | burr cucumber | 1 | ||||
Benincaseae | Citrullus | watermelon | 1 | |||
Cucumis | melon | 3 | ||||
Lagenaria | bottle gourd | 1 | ||||
Cucurbiteae | Cucurbita | squash, pumpkin | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # | |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: fabids |
Fagales | Fagaceae | Quercoideae | Querceae | Quercus | oak | white oak | 15 |
red oak | 16 | |||||||
Castaneeae | Castanea | chestnut | 4 | |||||
Fagoideae | — | Fagus | beech | 2 | ||||
Myricaceae | — | — | Comptonia | sweetfern | 1 | |||
Myrica | sweetgale | 1 | ||||||
Morella | bayberry | 2 | ||||||
Juglandaceae | Juglandoideae | Juglandeae | Juglans | walnut, butternut | 3 | |||
Caryeae | Carya | hickory | 8 | |||||
Betulaceae | Betuloideae | — | Alnus | alder | 5 | |||
Betula | birch | 15 | ||||||
Coryloideae | Carpineae | Carpinus | hornbeam | 3 | ||||
Ostrya | hop hornbean | 1 | ||||||
Coryleae | Corylus | hazelnut | 3 |
Geraniales & Myrtales
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
angiosperms eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Geraniales | Geraniaceae | — | — | Erodium | stork's-bill | 5 |
Geranium | crane's-bill | 15 | |||||
Myrtales | Onagraceae | Ludwigioideae | — | Ludwigia | primrose willow | 5 | |
Onagroideae | Circaeeae | Circaea | enchanter's nightshade | 3 | |||
Epilobieae | Chamaenerion | fireweed | 1 | ||||
Epilobium | willow herb | 9 | |||||
Onagreae | Gaura | bee blossom | 0 | ||||
Oenothera | evening primrose | 17 | |||||
Lythraceae | Lagerstroemioideae | — | Trapa | water chestnut | 1 | ||
Punicoideae | — | Cuphea | waxweed | 1 | |||
Rotala | toothcup | 1 | |||||
Lythroideae | — | Decodon | water willow | 1 | |||
Lythrum | loosestrife | 4 | |||||
Melastomataceae | Melastomatoideae | Melastomateae | Rhexia | meadow beauty | 2 |
Crossosomatales, Sapindales
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Crossosomatales | Staphyleaceae | — | — | Staphylea | bladdernut | 1 |
Sapindales | Anacardiaceae | Anacardioideae | Rhoeae | Rhus | sumac | 5 | |
Toxicodendron | poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac | 4 | |||||
Cotinus | smoketree | 2 | |||||
Sapindaceae | Hippocastanoideae | Acereae | Acer | maple | 15 | ||
Hippocastaneae | Aesculus | buckeye, horse chestnut | 2 | ||||
Sapindoideae | Koelreuterieae | Koelreuteria | golden rain tree | 1 | |||
Paullinieae | Cardiospermum | balloon vine | 1 | ||||
Simaroubaceae | — | Ailantheae | Ailanthus | tree-of-heaven, Chinese sumac | 1 | ||
Rutaceae | Rutoideae | — | Ruta | rue | 1 | ||
Toddalioideae | — | Zanthoxylum | prickly ash | 1 | |||
Ptelea | hop tree | 1 | |||||
Phellodendron | Amur cork tree | 1 | |||||
Dictamnus | gas plant | 1 | |||||
Meliaceae | Melioideae | Melieae | Melia | Chinaberry tree | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | G | # |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Malvales | Thymelaeaceae | Thymelaeoideae | Thymelaeeae | Dirca (leatherwood) Daphne (paradise plant, mezereon) |
2 | 2 |
Cistaceae | — | — | Crocanthemum (New-World frostweed) Helianthemum (Old-World frostweed) Hudsonia (golden heather) Lechea (pin weed) |
4 | 16 | ||
Sterculiaceae | — | — | Melochia (chocolate-weed) | 1 | 1 | ||
Tiliaceae | — | Tilieae | Tilia (basswood, linden) | 1 | 3 | ||
Malvaceae | — | Hibisceae | Hibiscus (rose mallow) Kosteletzkya (sea-shore mallow) |
2 | 5 | ||
Malveae | Abutilon (Indian-mallow) Alcea (hollyhock) Althaea (marshmallow) Malva (mallow) Sida (fan petals) Sidalcea (checker bloom) Anoda (anoda) |
7 | 13 |
[edit | edit source]Mustards, Capers, etc.
Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Brassicales | Tropaeolaceae | — | — | Tropaeolum (nasturtium) | 1 | 1 |
Limnanthaceae | — | — | Floerkea (false mermaid-weed) | 1 | 1 | |
Resedaceae | — | Resedeae | Reseda (mignonette, dyer's rocket) | 1 | 4 | |
Cleomaceae | Cleomoideae | — | Polanisia (clammyweed) Peritoma (stinking beeplant) Tarenaya (spiderflower) Gynandropsis (cat’s-whiskers) |
4 | 5 | |
Brassicaceae | — | Alysseae | Lunaria (honesty) Alyssum (madwort) Aurinia (goldentuft) Berteroa (false madwort) Lobularia (sweet alyssum) |
5 | 7 | |
Conringieae | Conringia (hare's-ear-mustard) | 1 | 1 | |||
Thlaspideae | Alliaria (garlic mustard) Microthlaspi (pennycress) Thlaspi (pennycress) Teesdalia (shepherd's cress) |
4 | 4 | |||
Arabideae | Arabis (rockcress) Draba (whitlow grass) |
2 | 6 | |||
Iberideae | Iberis (candytuft) | 1 | 3 | |||
Isatideae | Isatis (dyer’s woad) | 1 | 1 | |||
Brassiceae | Cakile (sea rocket) Brassica (mustard) Coincya (star mustard) Diplotaxis (wall rocket) Eruca (rocket salad) Erucastrum (dog mustard) Raphanus (radish) Rapistrum (bastard cabbage) Sinapis (mustard) |
9 | 19 | |||
Sisymbrieae | Sisymbrium (tumble-mustard) | 1 | 5 | |||
Buniadeae | Bunias (warty cabbage) | 1 | 1 | |||
Hesperideae | Hesperis (dame's rocket) | 1 | 1 | |||
Cardamineae | Armoracia (horse radish) Cardamine (bitter cress) Barbarea (yellow rocket) Nasturtium (water cress) Rorippa (yellow cress) Subularia (awl wort) |
6 | 26 | |||
Lepidieae | Lepidium (pepper weed) | 1 | 10 | |||
Descurainieae | Descurainia (tansy mustard) | 1 | 3 | |||
Boechereae | Boechera (rock cress) | 1 | 6 | |||
Erysimeae | Erysimum (wall flower) | 1 | 5 | |||
Camelineae | Arabidopsis (rock cress) Camelina (false flax) Capsella (shepherd's purse) Neslia (ball mustard) Turritis (tower cress) |
5 | 7 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Santalales | Comandraceae | — | — | Comandra (bastard-toadflax) Geocaulon (false-toadflax) |
2 | 2 |
Cervantesiaceae | — | — | Pyrularia (buffalo-nut, oil-nut) | 1 | 1 | |
Viscaceae | — | — | Arceuthobium (dwarf-mistletoe) Phoradendron (mistletoe) |
2 | 2 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Caryophyllales | Droseraceae | — | — | Drosera (sundew) | 1 | 4 |
Plumbaginaceae | Limonioideae | Limonieae | Limonium (sea lavender) | 1 | 2 | |
Polygonaceae | Polygonoideae | Fagopyreae | Fagopyrum (buckwheat) | 1 | 2 | |
Rumiceae | Rumex (dock) Rheum (rhubarb) |
2 | 16 | |||
Persicarieae | Persicaria (smartweed) | 1 | 19 | |||
Polygoneae | Fallopia (false buckwheat, knotweed) Polygonella (jointweed) Polygonum (knotweed) |
3 | 24 | |||
Caryophyllaceae | Illecebroideae | Paronychieae | Herniaria (rupture wort) Paronychia (nail wort) |
2 | 4 | |
Sperguleae | Spergularia (sand spurry) Spergula (spurry) |
2 | 6 | |||
Caryophylloideae | Sileneae | Silene (catchfly) Agrostemma (corncockle) Lychnis (campion) |
3 | 20 | ||
Caryophylleae | Dianthus (pink) Gypsophila (baby's breath) Petrorhagia (pink) Saponaria (soap wort) Vaccaria (pink) |
5 | 14 | |||
Alsinoideae | Arenarieae | Arenaria (sand wort) Moehringia (sand wort) |
2 | 2 | ||
Alsineae | Cerastium (mouse-ear chickweed) Holosteum (jagged chickweed) Myosoton (giant chickweed, water chickweed) Stellaria (common chickweed) |
4 | 19 | |||
Sagineae | Sagina (pearlwort) | 1 | 3 | |||
Sclerantheae | Honckenya (sea chickweed) Minuartia (stitchwort) Scleranthus (German-knotgrass) |
3 | 6 | |||
Amaranthaceae | Amaranthoideae | — | Amaranthus (pigweed) | 1 | 18 | |
Achyranthoideae | — | Achyranthes (chaff flower) | 1 | 1 | ||
Gomphrenoideae | — | Alternanthera (joyweed) Froelichia (snake cotton) Gomphrena (globe amaranth) |
3 | 4 | ||
Polycnemoideae | — | Polycnemum (needleleaf) | 1 | 1 | ||
Salicornioideae | Salicornieae | Salicornia (pickleweed) Sarcocornia (swampfire) |
2 | 3 | ||
Camphorosmoideae | Suaedeae | Suaeda (seepweed) | 1 | 4 | ||
Camphorosmeae | Bassia (smotherweed) Kochia (molly) Spirobassia (hairy smotherweed) |
3 | 4 | |||
Salsoloideae | Salsoleae | Salsola (Russian thistle) Kali (Russian thistle) |
1 | 4 | ||
Corispermoideae | — | Corispermum (bugseed) | 1 | 3 | ||
Chenopodioideae | Axyrideae | Axyris (Russian pigweed) | 1 | 1 | ||
Dysphanieae | Dysphania (goosefoot) Teloxys (wormseed) Cycloloma (pigweed) |
3 | 9 | |||
Anserineae | Spinacia (spinach) Blitum (goosefoot) Monolepis (poverty weed) |
2 | 5 | |||
Chenopodieae | Chenopodiastrum (goosefoot) Oxybasis (goosefoot) Atriplex (saltbush, orache) Chenopodium (goosefoot) |
4 | 34 | |||
Betoideae | — | Beta (beet) | 1 | 1 | ||
Aizoaceae | Tetragonioideae | — | Tetragonia (New Zealand spinach) | 1 | 1 | |
Sesuvioideae | — | Sesuvium (sea purslane) | 1 | 1 | ||
Nyctaginaceae | — | Nyctagineae | Mirabilis (four-o'clock) | 1 | 4 | |
Phytolaccaceae | — | — | Phytolacca (pokeweed) | 1 | 1 | |
Molluginaceae | — | — | Mollugo (carpetweed) | 1 | 1 | |
Portulacaceae | — | — | Claytonia (spring beauty) Portulaca (purslane, rose moss) |
2 | 4 | |
Cactaceae | Opuntioideae | Opuntieae | Opuntia (prickly-pear, devil's tongue cactus) | 1 | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
Cornales | Hydrangeaceae | Hydrangeoideae | Philadelpheae | Deutzia | pride of Rochester | 1 |
Philadelphus | mock orange | 3 | ||||
Hydrangeae | Hydrangea | hydrangea | 3 | |||
Decumaria | (excluded) | X | ||||
Cornaceae | — | — | Cornus | dogwood | 13 | |
Nyssaceae | — | — | Nyssa | tupelo | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Gentianales
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Gentianales | Rubiaceae | Cinchonoideae | Naucleeae | — | Cephalanthus (button bush) | 1 | 1 |
Rubioideae | Morindeae | — | Mitchella (partridge berry) | 1 | 1 | ||
Spermacoceae | — | Diodia (buttonweed) Houstonia (bluet) Oldenlandia (clustered bluets) |
3 | 6 | |||
Rubieae | — | Rubia (madder) Sherardia (field-madder) Asperula (woodruff) Cruciata (bedstraw) Galium (bedstraw, wild-licorice, cleavers) |
5 | 29 | |||
Loganiaceae | — | — | — | Spigelia (Indian pink, pinkroot) | 1 | 1 | |
Gentianaceae | — | Chironieae | — | Centaurium (centaury) Sabatia (rose gentian, pink) |
2 | 6 | |
Gentianeae | Gentianinae | Gentiana (gentian) | 1 | 5 | |||
Swertiinae | Bartonia (screwstem) Frasera (green-gentian) Gentianella (dwarf gentian) Gentianopsis (fringed-gentian) Halenia (spurred-gentian) |
5 | 7 | ||||
Apocynaceae | Rauvolfioideae | Vinceae | Vincinae | Vinca (periwinkle) | 1 | 2 | |
Amsonieae | — | Amsonia (bluestar) | 1 | 3 | |||
Apocynoideae | Apocyneae | — | Apocynum (dogbane) | 1 | 3 | ||
Periplocoideae | — | — | Periploca (silk vine) | 1 | 1 | ||
Asclepiadoideae | Asclepiadeae | Asclepiadinae | Asclepias (milkweed) | 1 | 12 | ||
Cynanchinae | Cynanchum (honeyvine) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Tylophorinae | Vincetoxicum (swallow-wort) | 1 | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Solanales | Convolvulaceae | Convolvuloideae | Convolvuleae | Convolvulus (bindweed) Calystegia (false bindweed) |
2 | 12 |
Ipomoeeae | Ipomoea (morning-glory, sweet potato) | 1 | 8 | |||
Cuscutoideae | — | Cuscuta (dodder) | 1 | 13 | ||
Solanaceae | Schizanthoideae | — | Schizanthus (poorman's orchid) | 1 | 1 | |
Petunioideae | — | Petunia (garden petunia) | 1 | 1 | ||
Nicotianoideae | Nicotianeae | Nicotiana (tobacco) | 1 | 4 | ||
Solanoideae | Nicandreae | Nicandra (shoofly plant) | 1 | 1 | ||
Hyoscyameae | Atropa (belladonna, nightshade) Hyoscyamus (henbane) Lycium (matrimony vine) |
3 | 3 | |||
Capsiceae | Capsicum (pepper) | 1 | 1 | |||
Datureae | Datura (jimsonweed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Physaleae | Physalis (ground cherry) Leucophysalis (false ground cherry) |
2 | 9 | |||
Solaneae | Solanum (nightshade, tomato) | 1 | 14 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Boraginales | Boraginaceae | Boraginoideae | Boragineae | Anchusa (bugloss) Borago (borage) Brunnera (bugloss) Pulmonaria (lungwort) Symphytum (comfrey) |
5 | 8 |
Cynoglosseae | Cynoglossum (hound's tongue) | 1 | 3 | |||
Echieae | Echium (Viper's bugloss) | 1 | 3 | |||
Eritrichieae | Hackelia (stickseed) Mertensia (blue bells) Amsinckia (fiddleneck) Lappula (stickseed) Asperugo (German madwort) |
5 | 9 | |||
Lithospermeae | Lithospermum (stoneseed) Myosotis (forget-me-not) Buglossoides (corn gromwell) |
3 | 14 | |||
Hydrophylloideae | — | Hydrophyllum (waterleaf, John's cabbage) Ellisia (Aunt Lucy, false babyblueeyes) Phacelia (scorpion-weed, desert bluebells) |
3 | 6 | ||
Heliotropioideae | — | Heliotropium (heliotrope) | 1 | 4 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Lamiales | Oleaceae | — | Forsythieae | — | Forsythia | 1 | 2 |
— | Oleeae | Fraxininae | Fraxinus (ash) | 1 | 5 | ||
Ligustrinae | Syringa (lilac) Ligustrum (privet) |
2 | 8 | ||||
Oleinae | Chionanthus (fringe tree) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Tetrachondraceae | — | — | — | Polypremum (juniper leaf) | 1 | 1 | |
Plantaginaceae | — | Gratioleae | — | Gratiola (hedge hyssop) Leucospora (cliff conobea) |
2 | 3 | |
Cheloneae | — | Chelone (turtlehead) Collinsia (blue-eyed Mary) Penstemon (beard tongue) |
3 | 8 | |||
Antirrhineae | — | Antirrhinum (snapdragon) Chaenorhinum (dwarf snapdragon) Cymbalaria (toadflax) Kickxia (cancerwort) Linaria (toadflax) Misopates (snapdragon) Nuttallanthus (toadflax) |
7 | 11 | |||
Callitricheae | — | Callitriche (water starwort) Hippuris (mare's-tail) |
2 | 6 | |||
Digitalideae | — | Digitalis (foxglove) | 1 | 4 | |||
Veroniceae | — | Veronica (speedwell) Veronicastrum (Culver's root) |
2 | 25 | |||
Plantagineae | — | Littorella (shore grass) Plantago (plantain) |
2 | 16 | |||
Scrophulariaceae | Scrophularioideae | Scrophularieae | — | Scrophularia (figwort) Verbascum (mullein) |
2 | 11 | |
Limoselleae | — | Limosella (mudwort) | 1 | 1 | |||
Buddlejoideae | Buddlejeae | — | Buddleja (butterfly bush) | 1 | 1 | ||
Lamiaceae | Viticoideae | — | — | Vitex (chasteberry) | 1 | 1 | |
Ajugoideae | Ajugeae | — | Trichostema (blue curls) Ajuga (bugle) |
2 | 3 | ||
Teucrieae | — | Teucrium (germander) | 1 | 3 | |||
Scutellarioideae | — | — | Scutellaria (skullcap) | 1 | 10 | ||
Lamioideae | Marrubieae | — | Ballota, Marrubium (horehound) Moluccella (shellflower) |
3 | 3 | ||
Lamieae | — | Lamiastrum (yellow archangel) Lamium (deadnettle) |
2 | 6 | |||
Leonureae | — | Leonurus (motherwort, lion's tail) | 1 | 2 | |||
Phlomideae | — | Phlomis (Jerusalem sage) | 1 | 1 | |||
Synandreae | — | Physostegia (lion's heart, obedient plant) | 1 | 1 | |||
Stachydeae | — | Stachys (hedgenettle) | 1 | 11 | |||
(unplaced) | — | Galeopsis (hempnettle) | 1 | 4 | |||
Nepetoideae | Elsholtzieae | — | Collinsonia (horsebalm, richweed) Elsholtzia (latesummer mint) Perilla (beefsteak plant) |
3 | 4 | ||
Mentheae | Salviinae | Melissa (balm) Salvia (sage) |
2 | 10 | |||
Prunellinae | Prunella (selfheal) | 1 | 3 | ||||
Lycopinae | Lycopus (bugle weed) | 1 | 7 | ||||
Neptinae | Agastache (giant hyssop) Dracocephalum (dragonhead) Glechoma (ground ivy) Hyssopus (hyssop) Nepeta (catnip) |
5 | 10 | ||||
Menthinae | Hedeoma (false-pennyroyal) Blephilia (pagoda-plant) Monarda (beebalm, wild bergamot, horse-mint) Pycnanthemum (mountain-mint) Cunila (dittany) Mentha (mint) Clinopodium, Calamintha (basil, calamint) Satureja (savory) Origanum (marjoram) Thymus (thyme) |
10 | 37 | ||||
Ocimeae | — | Lavandula, Ocimum (lavender, basil) | 2 | 2 | |||
Mazaceae | — | — | — | Mazus (mazus) | 1 | 2 | |
Phrymaceae | — | Mimuleae | — | Mimulus (monkey flower) | 1 | 4 | |
Phrymeae | — | Phryma (lopseed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Paulowniaceae | — | — | — | Paulownia (princess tree, foxglove tree) | 1 | 1 | |
Orobanchaceae | Rhinanthoideae | Castillejeae | — | Castilleja (Indian paintbrush) Orthocarpus (owl's clover) |
2 | 2 | |
Gerardieae | — | Aureolaria (false foxglove) Agalinis (false foxglove, gerardia) |
2 | 14 | |||
Pedicularideae | — | Pedicularis (lousewort) | 1 | 2 | |||
Buchnereae | — | Buchnera (blue hearts) | 1 | 1 | |||
Rhinantheae | — | Euphrasia (eyebright) Melampyrum (cow wheat) Odontites (bartsia) Rhinanthus (yellow rattle) |
4 | 7 | |||
Orobanchoideae | Orobancheae | — | Epifagus (beechdrops) Conopholis (squawroot) Orobanche (broom rape) |
3 | 4 | ||
Cymbarieae | — | Schwalbea (chaffseed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Verbenaceae | — | Verbeneae | — | Verbena (vervain) | 1 | 12 | |
Lantaneae | — | Phyla (fogfruit, bogfruit) | 2 | 2 | |||
Pedaliaceae | Pedalioideae | Sesameae | — | Sesamum (sesame) | 1 | 1 | |
Martyniaceae | — | — | — | Proboscidea (unicorn plant, devil's claw) | 1 | 1 | |
Linderniaceae | — | Lindernieae | — | Micranthemum (mudflower) Lindernia (false pimpernel) |
2 | 4 | |
Bignoniaceae | — | Tecomeae | — | Campsis (trumpet creeper) | 1 | 1 | |
Catalpeae | — | Catalpa (catalpa) | 1 | 3 | |||
Acanthaceae | Acanthoideae | Ruellieae | — | Ruellia (petunia) | 1 | 1 | |
Justicieae | — | Justicia (water willow) | 2 | 2 | |||
Lentibulariaceae | — | — | — | Pinguicula (butterwort) Utricularia (bladderwort) |
2 | 15 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common Name | # |
Aquifoliales | Aquifoliaceae | — | — | Ilex | holly | 7 |
[edit | edit source]Apiales
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Apiales | Araliaceae | Aralioideae | Hedereae | — | Hedera (English ivy) | 1 | 1 |
Aralieae | — | Aralia (spikenard, sarsaparilla, angelica tree) Panax (ginseng) Eleutherococcus (five-leaved aralia) |
3 | 8 | |||
Hydrocotyloideae | — | — | Hydrocotyle (water pennywort) | 1 | 5 | ||
Apiaceae | Saniculoideae | Saniculeae | — | Sanicula (sanicle, black snakeroot) Eryngium (eryngo, coyote thistle) |
2 | 7 | |
Apioideae | Oenantheae | — | Sium (water-parsnip) Cicuta (water-hemlock) Cryptotaenia (honewort) Ptilimnium (mock bishop-weed, herb-william) Lilaeopsis (grasswort) Oxypolis (cowbane, stiff cowbane, water dropwort) Berula (water parsnip) |
7 | 8 | ||
Scandiceae | Scandicinae | Osmorhiza (sweetroot, sweet-cicely) Chaerophyllum (chervil) Anthriscus (chervil, cow parsley) |
3 | 6 | |||
Daucinae | Daucus (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Torilidinae | Torilis (hedge parsley) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Careae | — | Carum (caraway, anise) Aegopodium (goutweed, ground elder) |
2 | 2 | |||
Pimpinelleae | — | Pimpinella (burnet-saxifrage) | 1 | 2 | |||
Coriandreae | — | Coriandrum (coriander) | 1 | 1 | |||
Apieae | — | Apium (celery) Anethum (dill) Foeniculum (fennel) Levisticum (lovage) Petroselinum (parsley) |
4 | 4 | |||
Tordylieae | — | Heracleum (cow parsnip, hogweed) Pastinaca (parsnip) |
2 | 4 | |||
Selineae | — | Taenidia (yellow pimpernel) Zizia (golden Alexanders) Angelica (angelica) Ligusticum (licorice-root) Thaspium (meadow-parsnip) Aethusa (fool's parsley) Peucedanum (masterwort) |
7 | 11 | |||
(unplaced) | — | Conioselinum (hemlock-parsley) Erigenia (pepper-and-salt) Conium (poison hemlock) |
3 | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common Names | # |
Dipsacales | Viburnaceae | Viburnoideae | Viburneae | Viburnum | hobblebush, nannyberry, arrowwood, possumhaw, cranberrybush | 19 |
Adoxoideae | Adoxeae | Sambucus | elderberry | 3 | ||
Adoxa | muskroot | 1 | ||||
Caprifoliaceae | Diervilloideae | — | Diervilla | northern bush-honeysuckle | 1 | |
Weigela | crimson weigela | 2 | ||||
Caprifolioideae | — | Triosteum | horse-gentian | 3 | ||
Lonicera | honeysuckle | 20 | ||||
Symphoricarpos | snowberry | 4 | ||||
Linnaeoideae | — | Linnaea | twinflower | 1 | ||
Kolkwitzia | beautybush | 2 | ||||
Dipsacoideae | Dipsaceae | Succisella | frosted pearls | 1 | ||
Dipsacus | teasel | 3 | ||||
Knautia | scabious, blue-buttons | 1 | ||||
Scabiosa | scabious, pincushions | 1 | ||||
Valerianoideae | — | Valeriana | valerian | 3 | ||
Valerianella | corn salad | 3 |
[edit | edit source]