高克雷岛缅族民间故事/词汇解释 (Glossary)
- 接生婆太多,孩子会死。(Many midwives will kill a baby.)
- 最热的是贪欲,最冷的是慈悲。(One’s insatiable earthly desires burn one’s soul; one’s compassion brings his or her peace of mind.)
- 佛陀将要成佛,魔军来考验。(Before the Buddha attained Nibbana, he had to overcome ).
- 佛塔毁于菩提树,人毁于朋友和亲近之人。(Pagodas are ruined by their nearby banyan trees; humans are ruined by their friends and those who are close to them.)
- 出身名门望族,不抛弃传统。(A person of noble ancestry does not abandon tradition.)
- 青蛙有智慧,能与狮子斗争。(A frog with wisdom can fight a great lion.)
- 渴望涅槃,却做着不称职的事。(Aim to attain Nibbana, but perform poor work.)