
GLSL 编程/Unity/球体的软阴影



它是关于照明的几个教程之一,它超出了 Phong 反射模型,Phong 反射模型是一种局部照明模型,因此不考虑阴影。介绍的技术在任何网格上渲染单个球体的软阴影,并且与 Orion Sky Lawlor 提出的技术有些相关(参见“进一步阅读”部分)。着色器可以扩展以渲染少量球体的阴影,但代价是渲染性能;然而,它不能轻松地应用于任何其他类型的阴影投射器。潜在的应用包括电脑弹球游戏(其中球体通常是唯一需要软阴影的物体,也是唯一应该在所有其他物体上投射动态阴影的物体)、具有球形主角的电脑游戏(例如“弹珠狂热”)、仅由球体组成的可视化(例如行星可视化、小核、原子或分子的球形模型等)或可以填充球体并受益于软阴影的测试场景。

卡拉瓦乔的“荆棘加冕”(约 1602 年)。注意左上角的阴影线,随着距离阴影投射墙壁的距离增加,阴影线变得更柔和。


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用于计算软阴影的向量:指向光源的向量 L,指向球体中心的向量 S,切线向量 T 以及切线与光源中心的距离 d。


为此,我们考虑一个方向为T的切线,该切线与球体相切并经过表面点。此外,选择该切线位于LS所跨越的平面内,即平行于左边图的视角平面。关键的观察结果是,光源中心与该切线的最小距离与表面点的阴影量直接相关,因为它决定了从表面点可见的光源区域有多大。更准确地说,我们需要一个带符号的距离(如果切线与球体在L的同侧,则为正,否则为负),以确定表面点是在本影内 (),在半影内 (),还是在阴影之外 ()。














我们目前所做的近似处理影响不大;更重要的是它不会产生渲染伪影。如果性能是一个问题,我们可以更进一步地使用 arcsin(x) ≈ x;也就是说,我们可以使用


接下来我们看看如何根据 计算阴影程度 。当 减少到 应该从 0 增加到 1。换句话说,我们想要在 的 -1 到 1 值之间进行平滑过渡。实现这一点可能最有效的方法是使用内置 GLSL 函数 smoothstep(a,b,x) = t*t*(3-2*t) 提供的 Hermite 插值,其中 t=clamp((x-a)/(b-a),0,1)

虽然这不是 之间基于物理的关系的特别好的近似,但它仍然能正确地体现基本特征。

此外, 应该为 0,如果光线方向 LS 方向相反;也就是说,如果它们的点积为负。这个条件有点棘手,因为它会导致 LS 正交的平面上出现明显的间断。为了使这种间断平滑,我们再次可以使用 smoothstep 来计算改进的值

此外,如果点光源比遮挡球更靠近表面点,我们必须将 设置为 0。这也有点棘手,因为球形光源可能会与投射阴影的球体相交。一个避免过于明显的伪影(但无法处理完全相交问题)的解决方案是

在定向光源的情况下,我们只需设置 。然后,指定无阴影照明的级别的项 应该乘以光源的任何照明。(因此,环境光不应乘以该因子。)如果计算多个阴影投射器的阴影,则对于每个光源,必须组合所有阴影投射器的项 。常见的方法是将它们相乘,尽管这可能不准确(特别是当阴影相交时)。


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该实现计算lightDirectionsphereDirection 向量的长度,然后继续处理归一化向量。这样,这些向量的长度只需要计算一次,我们甚至可以避免一些除法,因为我们可以使用归一化向量。以下是片段着色器的关键部分

            // computation of level of shadowing w  
            vec3 sphereDirection = vec3(_SpherePosition - position);
            float sphereDistance = length(sphereDirection);
            sphereDirection = sphereDirection / sphereDistance;
            float d = lightDistance 
               * (asin(min(1.0, 
               length(cross(lightDirection, sphereDirection)))) 
               - asin(min(1.0, _SphereRadius / sphereDistance)));
            float w = smoothstep(-1.0, 1.0, -d / _LightSourceRadius);
            w = w * smoothstep(0.0, 0.2, 
               dot(lightDirection, sphereDirection));
            if (0.0 != _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // point light source?
               w = w * smoothstep(0.0, _SphereRadius, 
                  lightDistance - sphereDistance);

使用asin(min(1.0, ...)) 确保asin 的参数在允许的范围内。


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完整的源代码定义了用于投射阴影的球体和光源半径的属性。所有值都应该在世界坐标中。对于定向光源,光源半径应以弧度表示(1 弧度 = 180° / π)。设置投射阴影的球体的位置和半径的最佳方法是一个简短的脚本,该脚本应该附加到使用着色器的所有接收阴影的对象,例如

@script ExecuteInEditMode()

var occluder : GameObject;

function Update () {
   if (null != occluder) {
         occluder.transform.localScale.x / 2.0);


Shader "GLSL shadow of sphere" {
   Properties {
      _Color ("Diffuse Material Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) 
      _SpecColor ("Specular Material Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) 
      _Shininess ("Shininess", Float) = 10
      _SpherePosition ("Sphere Position", Vector) = (0,0,0,1)
      _SphereRadius ("Sphere Radius", Float) = 1
      _LightSourceRadius ("Light Source Radius", Float) = 0.005
   SubShader {
      Pass {      
         Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } 
            // pass for ambient light and first light source
         // User-specified properties
         uniform vec4 _Color; 
         uniform vec4 _SpecColor; 
         uniform float _Shininess;
         uniform vec4 _SpherePosition; 
            // center of shadow-casting sphere in world coordinates
         uniform float _SphereRadius; 
            // radius of shadow-casting sphere
         uniform float _LightSourceRadius; 
            // in radians for directional light sources
         // The following built-in uniforms (except _LightColor0) 
         // are also defined in "UnityCG.glslinc", 
         // i.e. one could #include "UnityCG.glslinc" 
         uniform vec3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos; 
            // camera position in world space
         uniform mat4 _Object2World; // model matrix
         uniform mat4 _World2Object; // inverse model matrix
         uniform vec4 _WorldSpaceLightPos0; 
            // direction to or position of light source
         uniform vec4 _LightColor0; 
            // color of light source (from "Lighting.cginc")
         varying vec4 position; 
            // position of the vertex (and fragment) in world space 
         varying vec3 varyingNormalDirection; 
            // surface normal vector in world space
         #ifdef VERTEX
         void main()
            mat4 modelMatrix = _Object2World;
            mat4 modelMatrixInverse = _World2Object; // unity_Scale.w 
               // is unnecessary because we normalize vectors
            position = modelMatrix * gl_Vertex;
            varyingNormalDirection = normalize(vec3(
               vec4(gl_Normal, 0.0) * modelMatrixInverse));
            gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
         #ifdef FRAGMENT
         void main()
            vec3 normalDirection = normalize(varyingNormalDirection);
            vec3 viewDirection = 
               normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - vec3(position));
            vec3 lightDirection;
            float lightDistance;
            float attenuation;
            if (0.0 == _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // directional light?
               attenuation = 1.0; // no attenuation
               lightDirection = normalize(vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0));
               lightDistance = 1.0;
            else // point or spot light
               lightDirection = vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0 - position);
               lightDistance = length(lightDirection);
               attenuation = 1.0 / lightDistance; // linear attenuation 
               lightDirection = lightDirection / lightDistance;

            // computation of level of shadowing w  
            vec3 sphereDirection = vec3(_SpherePosition - position);
            float sphereDistance = length(sphereDirection);
            sphereDirection = sphereDirection / sphereDistance;
            float d = lightDistance 
               * (asin(min(1.0, 
               length(cross(lightDirection, sphereDirection)))) 
               - asin(min(1.0, _SphereRadius / sphereDistance)));
            float w = smoothstep(-1.0, 1.0, -d / _LightSourceRadius);
            w = w * smoothstep(0.0, 0.2, 
               dot(lightDirection, sphereDirection));
            if (0.0 != _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // point light source?
               w = w * smoothstep(0.0, _SphereRadius, 
                  lightDistance - sphereDistance);

            vec3 ambientLighting = 
               vec3(gl_LightModel.ambient) * vec3(_Color);
            vec3 diffuseReflection = 
               attenuation * vec3(_LightColor0) * vec3(_Color) 
               * max(0.0, dot(normalDirection, lightDirection));
            vec3 specularReflection;
            if (dot(normalDirection, lightDirection) < 0.0) 
               // light source on the wrong side?
               specularReflection = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
                  // no specular reflection
            else // light source on the right side
               specularReflection = attenuation * vec3(_LightColor0) 
                  * vec3(_SpecColor) * pow(max(0.0, dot(
                  reflect(-lightDirection, normalDirection), 
                  viewDirection)), _Shininess);
            gl_FragColor = vec4(ambientLighting 
               + (1.0 - w) * (diffuseReflection + specularReflection), 
      Pass {      
         Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" } 
            // pass for additional light sources
         Blend One One // additive blending 

         // User-specified properties
         uniform vec4 _Color; 
         uniform vec4 _SpecColor; 
         uniform float _Shininess;
         uniform vec4 _SpherePosition; 
            // center of shadow-casting sphere in world coordinates
         uniform float _SphereRadius; 
            // radius of shadow-casting sphere
         uniform float _LightSourceRadius; 
            // in radians for directional light sources
         // The following built-in uniforms (except _LightColor0) 
         // are also defined in "UnityCG.glslinc", 
         // i.e. one could #include "UnityCG.glslinc" 
         uniform vec3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos; 
            // camera position in world space
         uniform mat4 _Object2World; // model matrix
         uniform mat4 _World2Object; // inverse model matrix
         uniform vec4 _WorldSpaceLightPos0; 
            // direction to or position of light source
         uniform vec4 _LightColor0; 
            // color of light source (from "Lighting.cginc")
         varying vec4 position; 
            // position of the vertex (and fragment) in world space 
         varying vec3 varyingNormalDirection; 
            // surface normal vector in world space
         #ifdef VERTEX
         void main()
            mat4 modelMatrix = _Object2World;
            mat4 modelMatrixInverse = _World2Object; // unity_Scale.w 
               // is unnecessary because we normalize vectors
            position = modelMatrix * gl_Vertex;
            varyingNormalDirection = normalize(vec3(
               vec4(gl_Normal, 0.0) * modelMatrixInverse));
            gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
         #ifdef FRAGMENT
         void main()
            vec3 normalDirection = normalize(varyingNormalDirection);
            vec3 viewDirection = 
               normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - vec3(position));
            vec3 lightDirection;
            float lightDistance;
            float attenuation;
            if (0.0 == _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // directional light?
               attenuation = 1.0; // no attenuation
               lightDirection = normalize(vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0));
               lightDistance = 1.0;
            else // point or spot light
               lightDirection = vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0 - position);
               lightDistance = length(lightDirection);
               attenuation = 1.0 / lightDistance; // linear attenuation 
               lightDirection = lightDirection / lightDistance;
            // computation of level of shadowing w  
            vec3 sphereDirection = vec3(_SpherePosition - position);
            float sphereDistance = length(sphereDirection);
            sphereDirection = sphereDirection / sphereDistance;
            float d = lightDistance 
               * (asin(min(1.0, 
               length(cross(lightDirection, sphereDirection)))) 
               - asin(min(1.0, _SphereRadius / sphereDistance)));
            float w = smoothstep(-1.0, 1.0, -d / _LightSourceRadius);
            w = w * smoothstep(0.0, 0.2, 
               dot(lightDirection, sphereDirection));
            if (0.0 != _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // point light source?
               w = w * smoothstep(0.0, _SphereRadius, 
                  lightDistance - sphereDistance);

            vec3 diffuseReflection = 
               attenuation * vec3(_LightColor0) * vec3(_Color) 
               * max(0.0, dot(normalDirection, lightDirection));
            vec3 specularReflection;
            if (dot(normalDirection, lightDirection) < 0.0) 
               // light source on the wrong side?
               specularReflection = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
                  // no specular reflection
            else // light source on the right side
               specularReflection = attenuation * vec3(_LightColor0) 
                  * vec3(_SpecColor) * pow(max(0.0, dot(
                  reflect(-lightDirection, normalDirection), 
                  viewDirection)), _Shininess);
            gl_FragColor = vec4((1.0 - w) * (diffuseReflection 
               + specularReflection), 1.0);
   // The definition of a fallback shader should be commented out 
   // during development:
   // Fallback "Specular"


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  • 什么是软阴影以及什么是半影和本影。
  • 如何计算球体的软阴影。
  • 如何实现计算,包括使用 JavaScript 编写的脚本,该脚本根据另一个GameObject 设置一些属性。


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  • 关于着色器代码的其余部分,您应该阅读 “平滑镜面高光”部分
  • 关于软阴影的计算,您应该阅读 Orion Sky Lawlor 的出版物:“插值友好型软阴影贴图”,发表在 2006 年计算机图形和虚拟现实大会论文集,第 111-117 页。预印本可在 网上 获得。

< GLSL 编程/Unity
