< 二维逆问题
The following physical model of a vibrating inhomogeneous string (or string w/beads) by Krein provides physical/mechanical interpretation for the study of Stieltjes continued fractions, see [GK]. The model is one-dimensional, but it arises as the restriction of n-dimensional inverse problems with rotational symmetry.
The string is represented by a non-decreasing positive mass function m(x) on a possibly infinite interval [0, l]. The right end of the string is fixed. The ratio of the forced oscillation to an applied periodic force @ the left end of the string is the function of frequency, called coefficient of dynamic compliance of the string, see [KK] and [I2].
The small vertical vibration of the string is described by the following differential equation:
其中 是弦的密度,可能包括原子质量。可以用 ODE 的基本解来表达系数
The fundamental theorem of Krein and Kac, see [KK] & also [I2], essentially states that an analytic function ) is the coefficient of dynamic compliance of a string if and only if the function
是右半平面 的解析自同构,即在实正半轴上为正。Herglotz 定理完全刻画了以下积分表示的此类函数
是闭合正半轴 上的有界变差的正测度。
- 练习(**)。 使用上面的定理,变量变换和傅里叶变换来刻画具有旋转不变电导率的圆盘的 Dirichlet 到 Neumann 映射集。