* The Earths crust is about 5 miles to 25 miles in thickness (only about 1% of the earth's total volume). What makes up the crust? Well it is basically rock, mostly granite (continents) and basalt (sea floors). Lets not forget most of the crust is hiding mainly because it is covered by the water and soil. Within the crust lies coal, oil, gas, and minerals. We have never been able to drill all the way through the crust! Ever wonder why we have mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes? Well, that is because forces are being applied to the crust causing it to bend and crack and float. These forces are mainly due to the fact that the earth is still hot, so magma moves through convection, moving the continents at a rate similar to that of fingernails growing (this is called plate tectonics).
* The mantle is about 1,800 miles thick. The mantle consists of rocks (mainly silicates) that are denser than the rock that makes up the crust, and under tremendous pressure. The mantle is HUGE, making up 84% of the volume of the planet. When deep cracks are made in the mantle the pressure located there drops and the solid rock turns into liquid called magma. Temperatures in the mantle range from 500 to 900 °C (932 to 1,652 °F). Hot material upwells, while cooler (and heavier) material sinks downward. These actions create earthquakes and volcanoes in the crust.
* The outer core is about 1,400 miles thick it is made up of melted iron and nickel. But, the inner core is almost 800 miles and that part is made up SOLID iron and nickel lets not forget that both the inner and outer core have about the same temperatures. The core is about 15% of the volume of the planet