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音步 - 十一音节格

行号 拉丁文本 英文翻译
1 Lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque, Mourn, Oh Venuses and Cupids
2 et quantum est hominum venustiorum And all men of finer feeling
3 passer mortuus est meae puellae, The sparrow of my girl has died,
4 passer, deliciae meae puellae, the sparrow, my lady's pet
5 quem plus illa oculis suis amabat. Whom she loved more than her own eyes.
6 nam mellitus erat suamque norat For it was honey sweet and it knew its own
7 ipsam tam bene quam puella matrem, mistress just as well as a girl her mother,
8 nec sese a gremio illius movebat, nor would it move from her lap
9 sed circumsiliens modo huc modo illuc but hopping around from here, to there
10 ad solam dominam usque pipiabat. it used to constantly chirp to its mistress alone.
11 qui nunc it per iter tenebricosum it now goes through the dark journey
12 illuc, unde negant redire quemquam. to that place from where they deny that anyone returns
13 at vobis male sit, malae tenebrae but curse on you, evil shadows
14 Orci, quae omnia bella devoratis of hell , who devour all beautiful things
15 tam bellum mihi passerem abstulistis you have taken such a beautiful sparrow from me
16 o factum male! o miselle passer! Oh what evil deeds! Oh unfortunate little sparrow!
17 tua nunc opera meae puellae now, because of you,
18 flendo turgiduli rubent ocelli. my girlfriends' little eyes are swollen red from weeping


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第 1 行

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  • Veneres Cupidinesque

这是卡图卢斯最喜欢的短语。他还在第 13 首诗中使用了它。

第 3-4 行

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  • passer... meae puellae - sparrow... of my girl


第 9 行

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  • modo huc modo illuc - now here now there


第 10 行

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  • pipiabat - chirped

这个词的声音模仿了小麻雀发出的声音。用扫描形式写成 - pǐpǐābǎt - 长短音节的组合反映了小鸟的声音。

第 1 行

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  • lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus - to mourn
  • Venus, Venus, Veneris f. (第三格) - Venus
  • Cupido, Cupido Cupidinis m. (第三格) - Cupid

第 2 行

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  • homo, homo hominis m. man, human
  • venustiorus, venustiorus venustiora venustiorum - sweeter/more delightful

第 3 行

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  • passer, passeris, m. - sparrow
  • meus, mea, meum - my
  • puella, puella, puellae f. - girl

第 4 行

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  • delicia, deliciae f. - delight

第 5 行

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  • plus, plus + Ablativus - more than
  • ille, illa, ille, illud - she
  • oculus, oculi m. - eye
  • suus, suus, sua, suum - her
  • amo, amare, amavi, amatum - 指示过去时主动式 - she/he/it loved

第 6 行

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  • mellitus, mellita, mellitum - honey sweet
  • novi, novisse --> Plusquamperfect noveram --> no(ve)rat+contraction norat - to acknowledge as

第 7 行

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  • tam - so
  • bene - 好
  • mater, matris f. - matrem -> accusativus singularis - 母亲

第 8 行

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  • gremium, gremii, n. - 膝盖,胸怀,女性内
  • moveo, movere, movi, motum - Indicative Praeteritum Active - 她移动了
  • a, a+ablativus - 从

第 9 行

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  • sed - 但是
  • circumsilio, circumsilio, circumsilire, circumsiliui - 跳跃,跳来跳去
  • hoc - 这里
  • illuc - 那里
  • modo - 一次

第 10 行

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  • ad, ad+accusativus - 关于
  • solus, solus, sola, solum - 只有
  • domina, domina, dominae f. - akkusativus singularis - 女主人
  • usque - 不断地,持续地
  • pipio, pipio, pipiare, pipiavi, pipiatum - Indicative Praeteritum Active - 麻雀唱歌/正在唱歌


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