在Ubuntu(以及其他Debian衍生版本)上,你可以通过运行以下命令安装OpenCV、Python和OpenCV-Python绑定所需的所有软件包:sudo apt-get install python-opencv 这将安装一个稍微过时的OpenCV版本(2.3.1),但这对于本课程中你所需的操作来说应该足够了。如果你没有使用Debian衍生版本,请咨询你的包管理器或Google。
import cv2
# Open video device
capture1 = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
while True:
ret, img = capture1.read() # Read an image
cv2.imshow("ImageWindow", img) # Display the image
if (cv2.waitKey(2) >= 0): # If the user presses a key, exit while loop
cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Close window
cv2.VideoCapture(0).release() # Release video device
# ENGR421 -- Applied Robotics, Spring 2013
# OpenCV Python Demo
# Taj Morton <[email protected]>
import sys
import cv2
import time
import numpy
import os
# Opens a video capture device with a resolution of 800x600
# at 30 FPS.
def open_camera(cam_id = 0):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cam_id)
cap.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 600);
cap.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 800);
cap.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 30);
return cap
# Gets a frame from an open video device, or returns None
# if the capture could not be made.
def get_frame(device):
ret, img = device.read()
if (ret == False): # failed to capture
print >> sys.stderr, "Error capturing from video device."
return None
return img
# Closes all OpenCV windows and releases video capture device
# before exit.
def cleanup(cam_id = 0):
# Creates a new RGB image of the specified size, initially
# filled with black.
def new_rgb_image(width, height):
image = numpy.zeros( (height, width, 3), numpy.uint8)
return image
########### Main Program ###########
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Camera ID to read video from (numbered from 0)
camera_id = 0
dev = open_camera(camera_id) # open the camera as a video capture device
while True:
img_orig = get_frame(dev) # Get a frame from the camera
if img_orig is not None: # if we did get an image
cv2.imshow("video", img_orig) # display the image in a window named "video"
else: # if we failed to capture (camera disconnected?), then quit
if (cv2.waitKey(2) >= 0): # If the user presses any key, exit the loop
cleanup(camera_id) # close video device and windows before we exit
# Converts an RGB image to grayscale, where each pixel
# now represents the intensity of the original image.
def rgb_to_gray(img):
return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
# Converts an image into a binary image at the specified threshold.
# All pixels with a value <= threshold become 0, while
# pixels > threshold become 1
def do_threshold(image, threshold = 170):
(thresh, im_bw) = cv2.threshold(image, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
return (thresh, im_bw)
# If you have captured a frame from your camera like in the template program above,
# you can create a bitmap from it as follows:
img_gray = rgb_to_gray(img_orig) # Convert img_orig from video camera from RGB to Grayscale
# Converts grayscale image to a binary image with a threshold value of 220. Any pixel with an
# intensity of <= 220 will be black, while any pixel with an intensity > 220 will be white:
(thresh, img_threshold) = do_threshold(img_gray, 220)
cv2.imshow("Grayscale", img_gray)
cv2.imshow("Threshold", img_threshold)
# Finds the outer contours of a binary image and returns a shape-approximation
# of them. Because we are only finding the outer contours, there is no object
# hierarchy returned.
def find_contours(image):
(contours, hierarchy) = cv2.findContours(image, mode=cv2.cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
return contours
# If you have created a binary image as above and stored it in "img_threshold"
# the following code will find the contours of your image:
contours = find_contours(img_threshold)
# Here, we are creating a new RBB image to display our results on
results_image = new_rgb_image(img_threshold.shape[1], img_threshold.shape[0])
cv2.drawContours(results_image, contours, -1, cv2.cv.RGB(255,0,0), 2)
# Display Results
cv2.imshow("results", results_image)
找到轮廓后,你可能想要找到形状的中心。OpenCV可以通过找到轮廓的矩 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_moment) 来实现。以下函数可以用来查找并显示轮廓列表的质心。
# Finds the centroids of a list of contours returned by
# the find_contours (or cv2.findContours) function.
# If any moment of the contour is 0, the centroid is not computed. Therefore
# the number of centroids returned by this function may be smaller than
# the number of contours passed in.
# The return value from this function is a list of (x,y) pairs, where each
# (x,y) pair denotes the center of a contour.
def find_centers(contours):
centers = []
for contour in contours:
moments = cv2.moments(contour, True)
# If any moment is 0, discard the entire contour. This is
# to prevent division by zero.
if (len(filter(lambda x: x==0, moments.values())) > 0):
center = (moments['m10']/moments['m00'] , moments['m01']/moments['m00'])
# Convert floating point contour center into an integer so that
# we can display it later.
center = map(lambda x: int(round(x)), center)
return centers
# Draws circles on an image from a list of (x,y) tuples
# (like those returned from find_centers()). Circles are
# drawn with a radius of 20 px and a line width of 2 px.
def draw_centers(centers, image):
for center in centers:
cv2.circle(image, tuple(center), 20, cv2.cv.RGB(0,255,255), 2)
# If you have computed the contours of your binary image as above
# and created an RGB image to show your algorithm's output, this will
# draw circles around each detected contour:
centers = find_centers(contours)
cv2.drawContours(results_image, contours, -1, cv2.cv.RGB(255,0,0), 2)
draw_centers(centers, results_image)
cv2.imshow("results", results_image)
由于你的摄像头(可能)没有直接安装在球场中心的正上方,因此你需要对传入的视频帧进行透视变换,以校正图像中的倾斜。通常情况下,这是通过选择矩形中的4个已知位置,并找到旋转/倾斜图像的矩阵来完成的,使原始图像上选择的4个点被放置在正确的位置。本示例要求用户在初始化过程中点击球场角落的4个点。一个更高级的算法可以使用位于球场4个角落的基准点 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiduciary_marker)。
# Global variable containing the 4 points selected by the user in the corners of the board
corner_point_list = []
# This function is called by OpenCV when the user clicks
# anywhere in a window displaying an image.
def mouse_click_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
print "Click at (%d,%d)" % (x,y)
corner_point_list.append( (x,y) )
# Computes a perspective transform matrix by capturing a single
# frame from a video source and displaying it to the user for
# corner selection.
# Parameters:
# * dev: Video Device (from open_camera())
# * board_size: A tuple/list with 2 elements containing the width and height (respectively) of the gameboard (in arbitrary units, like inches)
# * dpi: Scaling factor for elements of board_size
# * calib_file: Optional. If specified, the perspective transform matrix is saved under this filename.
# This file can be loaded later to bypass the calibration step (assuming nothing has moved).
def get_transform_matrix(dev, board_size, dpi, calib_file = None):
# Read a frame from the video device
img = get_frame(dev)
# Displace image to user
cv2.imshow("Calibrate", img)
# Register the mouse callback on this window. When
# the user clicks anywhere in the "Calibrate" window,
# the function mouse_click_callback() is called (defined above)
cv2.setMouseCallback("Calibrate", mouse_click_callback)
# Wait until the user has selected 4 points
while True:
# If the user has selected all 4 points, exit loop.
if (len(corner_point_list) >= 4):
print "Got 4 points: "+str(corner_point_list)
# If the user hits a key, exit loop, otherwise remain.
if (cv2.waitKey(10) >= 0):
# Close the calibration window:
# If the user selected 4 points
if (len(corner_point_list) >= 4):
# Do calibration
# src is a list of 4 points on the original image selected by the user
src = numpy.array(corner_point_list, numpy.float32)
# dest is a list of where these 4 points should be located on the
# rectangular board (in the same order):
dest = numpy.array( [ (0, 0), (0, board_size[1]*dpi), (board_size[0]*dpi, 0), (board_size[0]*dpi, board_size[1]*dpi) ], numpy.float32)
# Calculate the perspective transform matrix
trans = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dest)
# If we were given a calibration filename, save this matrix to a file
if calib_file:
numpy.savetxt(calib_file, trans)
return trans
return None
### Calibration Example ###
if __name__ == "__main__":
cam_id = 0
dev = open_camera(cam_id)
# The size of the board in inches, measured between the two
# robot boundaries:
board_size = [22.3125, 45]
# Number of pixels to display per inch in the final transformed image. This
# was selected somewhat arbitrarily (I chose 17 because it fit on my screen):
dpi = 17
# Calculate the perspective transform matrix
transform = get_transform_matrix(dev, board_size, dpi)
# Size (in pixels) of the transformed image
transform_size = (int(board_size[0]*dpi), int(board_size[1]*dpi))
while True:
img_orig = get_frame(dev)
if img_orig is not None: # if we did get an image
# Show the original (untransformed) image
cv2.imshow("video", img_orig)
# Apply the transformation matrix to skew the image and display it
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img_orig, transform, dsize=transform_size)
cv2.imshow("warped", img)
else: # if we failed to capture (camera disconnected?), then quit
if (cv2.waitKey(2) >= 0):
将以上所有内容放在一起,我们可以从视频流中找到冰球及其中心。完整的源代码可以从 http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/engr/spring2013/engr421-001/code/opencv/puck_detector.py 下载。
从左到右:原始图像 透视变换后的图像 二进制图像(阈值化) 图像的轮廓(红色)和质心(蓝色)
# Available Devices $ uvcdynctrl --list Listing available devices: video1 Camera Media controller device /dev/media1 doesn't exist ERROR: Unable to list device entities: Invalid device or device cannot be opened. (Code: 5) video0 Integrated Camera Media controller device /dev/media0 doesn't exist ERROR: Unable to list device entities: Invalid device or device cannot be opened. (Code: 5) # Available Controls $ uvcdynctrl -d video1 --clist Listing available controls for device video1: Hue Exposure Gain # Get a value $ uvcdynctrl -d video1 -g 'Exposure' 60 # Set a Value $ uvcdynctrl -d video1 -s 'Exposure' -- 30 $ uvcdynctrl -d video1 -g 'Exposure' 30