由Rob Norris 2007年12月1日和3日创建,为Aros提供一些线程可能性,以帮助他移植名为Traveller的webkit。 pthreads在Aros中不受支持。线程被引入以提供比进程(任务)更低的系统开销。
作者:Robert Norris <> 最后更新:2007-11-30
- 线程
- 互斥锁
- 条件变量
此库刻意设计为不使用 POSIX 线程。我希望它可以用来实现它们,但它永远不会成为那样。 POSIX 线程语义比我想要在这个级别上处理的要复杂。
类似地,当您的应用程序或库关闭 thread.library(在应用程序中,这通常会在 main() 退出时发生)时,它将等待所有仍在运行的线程完成。当发生这种情况时,您将在内核日志中收到一些警告。当线程仍在运行时,不允许主进程退出,因为主线程通常持有线程需要的资源,这些资源将在线程退出时被释放,例如程序代码本身。只要线程在与主进程相同的地址空间中运行,就几乎无能为力。
- 一种优雅地要求线程退出的方法(让线程有机会清理)
- 一种等待所有线程完成的方法(包括分离线程,因此这可以有效地用于在 main() 中退出之前等待线程)。
- 一种真正分离正在运行的线程的方法,以便它们可以在主进程退出后继续存在。
- 当线程仍在运行时,退出主进程是否可以更好地处理?
- 读/写(“可提升”)互斥锁,您可以在已将它作为共享锁持有时请求排它地获取锁。这可以在某些情况下避免竞争。
POSIX pthreads 提供线程管理、互斥锁变量(同步)和条件变量(更多同步,但依赖于互斥锁锁定)。
必须包含,声明 struct Library *ThreadBase,并使用 OpenLibrary()/CloseLibrary() 打开/关闭库。你需要 proto/thread.h,它会为你包含 clib/thread_protos.h。
thread.library 的当前版本号是多少(OpenLibrary() 调用)? 当前版本是什么,我只使用 0。
如果您使用任何套接字,请不要忘记打开 bsdsocket.library。
uint32_t id = CreateThread(entry, data); if (id < 0) printf("thread creation failed\n"); else printf("thread %d created\n", id);
void *ret; WaitThread(id, &ret);
#include <libraries/thread.h> #include <proto/thread.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> void *thread_main(void *data) { ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); int i; printf("[%d] starting\n", id); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("[%d] count: %d\n", id, i); Delay(25); } printf("[%d] exiting\n", id); return NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { ThreadIdentifier t1, t2; t1 = CreateThread(thread_main, NULL); printf("created thread %d\n", t1); Delay(100); t2 = CreateThread(thread_main, NULL); printf("created thread %d\n", t2); printf("waiting for thread %d\n", t2); WaitThread(t2, NULL); printf("thread %d completed\n", t2); printf("waiting for thread %d\n", t1); WaitThread(t1, NULL); printf("thread %d completed\n", t1); return 0; }
#include <libraries/thread.h> #include <proto/thread.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <stdio.h> void *thread_main(void *data) { ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); printf("[%d] starting\n", id); Delay(50); printf("[%d] exiting\n", id); return (void *) id; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; ThreadIdentifier id[10], ret; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { id[i] = CreateThread(thread_main, NULL); printf("created thread %d\n", id[i]); Delay(25); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("waiting for thread %d\n", id[i]); WaitThread(id[i], (void **) &ret); printf("thread %d return %d\n", id[i], ret); } return 0; }
Mutex mutex = CreateMutex();
LockMutex(mutex); WaitCondition(cond, mutex); UnlockMutex(mutex);
#include <libraries/thread.h> #include <proto/thread.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> void *locker_thread(void *data) { Mutex mutex = (Mutex) data; ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); printf("[%d] starting, locking the mutex\n", id); LockMutex(mutex); printf("[%d] got it, pausing for 5s\n", id); Delay(250); printf("[%d] unlocking the mutex\n", id); UnlockMutex(mutex); printf("[%d] all done, exiting\n", id); return NULL; } void *waiter_thread(void *data) { Mutex mutex = (Mutex) data; ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); printf("[%d] starting, locking the mutex\n", id); LockMutex(mutex); printf("[%d] got it, unlocking\n", id); UnlockMutex(mutex); printf("[%d] all done, exiting\n", id); return NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { Mutex mutex; ThreadIdentifier tl, tw; printf("creating mutex\n"); mutex = CreateMutex(); printf("starting locker thread\n"); tl = CreateThread(locker_thread, (void *) mutex); printf("sleeping for 2s\n"); Delay(100); printf("starting waiter thread\n"); tw = CreateThread(waiter_thread, (void *) mutex); printf("waiting for locker thread to exit\n"); WaitThread(tl, NULL); printf("waiting for waiter thread to exit\n"); WaitThread(tw, NULL); printf("destroying the mutex\n"); DestroyMutex(mutex); printf("all done\n"); return 0; }
BroadcastCondition() CreateCondition() DestroyCondition() WaitCondition() SignalCondition()
[编辑 | 编辑源代码]#include <exec/memory.h> #include <libraries/thread.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/thread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> struct thread_data { Mutex mutex; Condition cond; }; void *waiter_thread(void *data) { struct thread_data *td = (struct thread_data *) data; ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); printf("[%d] starting, locking the mutex\n", id); LockMutex(td->mutex); printf("[%d] waiting on the condition\n", id); WaitCondition(td->cond, td->mutex); printf("[%d] condition signalled, unlocking the mutex\n", id); UnlockMutex(td->mutex); printf("[%d] all done, exiting\n", id); return NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct thread_data *td; int i; td = AllocMem(sizeof(struct thread_data), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR); printf("creating mutex\n"); td->mutex = CreateMutex(); printf("creating condition\n"); td->cond = CreateCondition(); printf("starting waiter threads\n"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) CreateThread(waiter_thread, (void *) td); printf("sleeping for 2s\n"); Delay(100); printf("signalling condition\n"); SignalCondition(td->cond); printf("sleeping for 2s\n"); Delay(100); printf("broadcasting condition\n"); BroadcastCondition(td->cond); printf("waiting for threads to exit\n"); WaitAllThreads(); printf("destroying the condition\n"); DestroyCondition(td->cond); printf("destroying the mutex\n"); DestroyMutex(td->mutex); FreeMem(td, sizeof(struct thread_data)); printf("all done\n"); return 0; }
#include <exec/memory.h> #include <libraries/thread.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/thread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> struct thread_data { Mutex mutex; Condition cond; }; void *waiter_thread(void *data) { struct thread_data *td = (struct thread_data *) data; ThreadIdentifier id = CurrentThread(); printf("[%d] starting, locking the mutex\n", id); LockMutex(td->mutex); printf("[%d] waiting on the condition\n", id); WaitCondition(td->cond, td->mutex); printf("[%d] condition signalled, unlocking the mutex\n", id); UnlockMutex(td->mutex); printf("[%d] all done, exiting\n", id); return NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct thread_data *td; ThreadIdentifier tw; td = AllocMem(sizeof(struct thread_data), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR); printf("creating mutex\n"); td->mutex = CreateMutex(); printf("creating condition\n"); td->cond = CreateCondition(); printf("starting waiter thread\n"); tw = CreateThread(waiter_thread, (void *) td); printf("sleeping for 2s\n"); Delay(100); printf("signalling condition\n"); SignalCondition(td->cond); printf("waiting for waiter thread\n"); WaitThread(tw, NULL); printf("destroying the condition\n"); DestroyCondition(td->cond); printf("destroying the mutex\n"); DestroyMutex(td->mutex); FreeMem(td, sizeof(struct thread_data)); printf("all done\n"); return 0; }
/* sys_thrad.h */ struct SysThread; struct SysMutex; enum SysThreadPriority { SYSTHREAD_PRIORITY_LOW, SYSTHREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, SYSTHREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH, }; struct SysThread *Sys_Thread_CreateThread(void (*entrypoint)(void *), void *argument); void Sys_Thread_DeleteThread(struct SysThread *thread); int Sys_Thread_SetThreadPriority(struct SysThread *thread, enum SysThreadPriority priority); struct SysMutex *Sys_Thread_CreateMutex(void); void Sys_Thread_DeleteMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex); void Sys_Thread_LockMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex); void Sys_Thread_UnlockMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex);
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Mark Olsen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <exec/semaphores.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/dostags.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include "sys_thread.h"
struct SysThread
struct MsgPort *msgport;
struct Message msg;
struct Process *process;
void (*entrypoint)(void *);
void *argument;
struct SysMutex
struct SignalSemaphore sem;
static void Sys_Thread_Trampoline()
struct SysThread *thread;
thread = FindTask(0)->tc_UserData;
struct SysThread *Sys_Thread_CreateThread(void (*entrypoint)(void *), void *argument)
struct SysThread *thread;
thread = AllocVec(sizeof(*thread), MEMF_ANY);
if (thread)
thread->msgport = CreateMsgPort();
if (thread->msgport)
thread->msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
thread->msg.mn_ReplyPort = thread->msgport;
thread->msg.mn_Length = sizeof(thread->msg);
thread->entrypoint = entrypoint;
thread->argument = argument;
thread->process = CreateNewProcTags(NP_Entry, Sys_Thread_Trampoline,
NP_UserData, thread,
NP_Name, "Fodquake Thread",
NP_StackSize, 32768,
if (thread->process)
return thread;
return 0;
void Sys_Thread_DeleteThread(struct SysThread *thread)
SetTaskPri(&thread->process->pr_Task, 0);
int Sys_Thread_SetThreadPriority(struct SysThread *thread, enum SysThreadPriority priority)
int pri;
pri = -1;
pri = 4;
pri = 0;
SetTaskPri(&thread->process->pr_Task, pri);
return 0;
struct SysMutex *Sys_Thread_CreateMutex(void)
struct SysMutex *mutex;
mutex = AllocVec(sizeof(*mutex), MEMF_ANY);
if (mutex)
return mutex;
return 0;
void Sys_Thread_DeleteMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex)
void Sys_Thread_LockMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex)
void Sys_Thread_UnlockMutex(struct SysMutex *mutex)
uint32_t CreateThread(ThreadEntryFunction entry, void *data) BOOL WaitThread(uint32_t thread_id, void **result) void WaitAllThreads() BOOL DetachThread(uint32_t thread_id) uint32_t CurrentThread() void *CreateMutex() BOOL DestroyMutex(void *mutex) void LockMutex(void *mutex) BOOL TryLockMutex(void *mutex) void UnlockMutex(void *mutex) void *CreateCondition() BOOL DestroyCondition(void *cond) BOOL WaitCondition(void *cond, void *mutex) void SignalCondition(void *cond) void BroadcastCondition(void *cond) void ExitThread(void *result)