加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 49-52 - 申请
规则 49 的文本如下
Applications General General provision 49 Unless these Rules provide otherwise, (a) a party who wants the Division to make a decision on any matter in a proceeding, including the procedure to be followed, must make an application to the Division in accordance with rule 50; (b) a party who wants to respond to the application must respond in accordance with rule 51; and (c) a party who wants to reply to a response must reply in accordance with rule 52.
规则 50(4)、51(2) 和 52(2) 允许一方将证据附在申请、回应或回应回复上,但这并不构成是否接受此类证据的法律框架。它仅仅提供了提供此类证据的过程和程序。相反,决定是否接受此类证据的规则是规则 35(如果证据至少在听证日期前 10 天提供)、规则 36(如果证据在听证日期前 10 天内提供)或规则 43(如果证据在听证后提供)。
正如 Lorne Waldman 在他的文章中所述,“在所有文件都由各方收到后,难民保护司可以下令对申请进行听证,或者在认为不会造成不公正的情况下,可以在没有听证的情况下处理此事。”[1] 规则中关于举行此类听证的框架是规则 24 关于案件会议的规定:加拿大难民程序/会议#规则 24 - 会议.
How to Make an Application Written application and time limit 50 (1) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, an application must be made in writing, without delay, and must be received by the Division no later than 10 days before the date fixed for the next proceeding. Oral application (2) The Division must not allow a party to make an application orally at a proceeding unless the party, with reasonable effort, could not have made a written application before the proceeding. Content of application (3) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, in a written application, the party must (a) state the decision the party wants the Division to make; (b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision; and (c) if there is another party and the views of that party are known, state whether the other party agrees to the application. Affidavit or statutory declaration (4) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with a written application must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the application. Providing application to other party and Division (5) A party who makes a written application must provide (a) to the other party, if any, a copy of the application and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and (b) to the Division, the original application and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with a written statement indicating how and when the party provided a copy to the other party, if any.
4.2 RPD 放弃(删除)了在申请、回应和回复中提供宣誓书或法定声明的要求 除非 RPD 指示,否则 RPD 放弃了 RPD 规则 50(提出申请)、规则 51(回应申请)和规则 52(回应回复)中关于任何证据必须以宣誓书或法定声明形式提供的要求。但是,如果当事人愿意,他们仍然可以提交宣誓书或法定声明。[2]
How to Respond to a Written Application Responding to written application 51 (1) A response to a written application must be in writing and (a) state the decision the party wants the Division to make; and (b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision. Evidence in written response (2) Any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with the written response must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the response. Unless the Division requires it, an affidavit or statutory declaration is not required if the party who made the application was not required to give evidence in an affidavit or statutory declaration, together with the application. Providing response (3) A party who responds to a written application must provide (a) to the other party, a copy of the response and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and (b) to the Division, the original response and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with a written statement indicating how and when the party provided a copy to the other party. Time limit (4) Documents provided under subrule (3) must be received by their recipients no later than five days after the date on which the party receives the copy of the application.
4.2 RPD 放弃(删除)了在申请、回应和回复中提供宣誓书或法定声明的要求 除非 RPD 指示,否则 RPD 放弃了 RPD 规则 50(提出申请)、规则 51(回应申请)和规则 52(回应回复)中关于任何证据必须以宣誓书或法定声明形式提供的要求。但是,如果当事人愿意,他们仍然可以提交宣誓书或法定声明。[2]
How to Reply to a Written Response Replying to written response 52 (1) A reply to a written response must be in writing. Evidence in reply (2) Any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with the written reply must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the reply. Unless the Division requires it, an affidavit or statutory declaration is not required if the party was not required to give evidence in an affidavit or statutory declaration, together with the application. Providing reply (3) A party who replies to a written response must provide (a) to the other party, a copy of the reply and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and (b) to the Division, the original reply and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with a written statement indicating how and when the party provided a copy to the other party. Time limit (4) Documents provided under subrule (3) must be received by their recipients no later than three days after the date on which the party receives the copy of the response.
4.2 RPD 放弃(删除)了在申请、回应和回复中提供宣誓书或法定声明的要求 除非 RPD 指示,否则 RPD 放弃了 RPD 规则 50(提出申请)、规则 51(回应申请)和规则 52(回应回复)中关于任何证据必须以宣誓书或法定声明形式提供的要求。但是,如果当事人愿意,他们仍然可以提交宣誓书或法定声明。[2]
- ↑ Waldman, Lorne, 《加拿大移民和难民法实践》,Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2018, ISBN 9780433478928, ISSN 1912-0311, <https://search.library.utoronto.ca/details?5022478> (2020 年 4 月 1 日访问) PDF 第 1746 页。
- ↑ a b c 加拿大移民和难民委员会,《难民保护司:程序问题实践通知》,修改日期:2024-09-09,<https://irb.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/procedures/Pages/rpd-pn-procedural-issues.aspx>,第 4.2 节。