



为一个拓扑空间,令 为一个有向集。 是一个族 .


为一个拓扑空间,令 为一个网(当然, 是一个有向集),令 。序列 被称为收敛 当且仅当对于每个邻域 存在 使得对于所有 我们有 。为此我们写 .



为一个拓扑空间。则集合 是闭集当且仅当对于所有网 使得 且收敛到一点 ,我们有


Proof: Suppose first that is closed, and that is a convergent net in to a limit . Suppose . Then for all , we find so that at least , which implies that , and since , . Since a set is closed if and only if it contains its boundary, we conclude that , a contradiction. Suppose then that contains the limit of all its convergent nets. Then let , and note that is a directed set, ordered by inclusion. For each , choose by definition of , and observe that forms a net convergent to . Thus, , and since was arbitrary, and is closed.


为拓扑空间, 为函数。则 是连续的当且仅当对于所有在 中收敛到某一点 的网 ,网 收敛到


证明: 首先假设 是连续的,并假设 收敛于 。然后令 的任何开邻域,并设 ,由于 的连续性,它是开的。然后选取 使得对于所有 我们有 ;对于这样的 我们将有 ,根据原像的定义。

假设现在 具有这样的性质:如果 网收敛于,那么 网收敛于。然后假设 是闭集。如果我们证明 是闭集,我们就证明了该定理。 我们只需要 证明 包含其所有网的极限。所以假设 中的一个网,它收敛于某个。那么,因此,所以 确实是闭集。


为一个拓扑空间, 为其中的一个网。 的一个 **子网** 是一个网 ,以及一个 最终的 顺序同态 使得 .


为一个拓扑空间,令 为一个子集。 是紧致的当且仅当对于 中的所有网 ,都存在 的一个子网 使得 .


Proof: Suppose first that is compact, and let be a net in . Suppose that does not have a convergent subnet. Then for each , we find an open neighbourhood of and a such that for all , we have ; for otherwise, if is a point so that for all open neighbourhoods and there exists so that , then we note that the set of all (that is, the sets of all open neighbourhoods of ) forms a directed set when ordered inversely by inclusion (which shall henceforth be denoted by ). Note that we may take the product order on , and then we may define an order morphism by sending . Consider the subset so that . We define a subnet of as thus: Define by , and the order morphism induced by , which is final since for any , we find so that , when is arbitrary. Now converges to , a contradiction. But then we apply compactness to the , so that we gain points so that covers . Then we choose an upper bound of by successively choosing an upper bound of , then an upper bound of that upper bound and and so on. Then for , is not contained in any of the , so that in particular , a contradiction. Conversely, if every net contains a convergent subnet, let be an open cover of . Suppose that it doesn't admit any finite subcover, and consider the set of all finite subfamilies of ordered by inclusion, which is a directed set. Then define a net indexed over that set by choosing, for each finite index set , the element . By assumption, upon defining to be the set of all finite subfamilies of , we find that has a convergent subnet . Let be the point to which this subnet converges, and since is a cover, pick so that . Note that is a finite subfamily of , so that by finality of the order homomorphism we find so that contains . On the other hand, since converges to , we find so that for we have . Finally, since is directed, let be an upper bound for and , then contains , but then is not contained in , a contradiction.


为一个拓扑空间。一个 **序列** 是一个以自然数的定向集为指标的网。

为了表示序列 收敛到点 ,我们将使用有用的记号 .


为一个拓扑空间。子集 被称为 **序列闭** 当且仅当对于所有序列 中收敛于 ,其极限都包含在 中。


为一个可数可列拓扑空间。则子集 是闭集当且仅当它是序列闭的。


证明: 首先假设 是闭集。那么, 中任何收敛序列的极限都一定包含在 中,因为序列是一种网,而且 网的极限对应命题在没有选择公理的情况下也是成立的。现在假设 是序闭集。令 我们要证明 。 为邻域滤子 选择一个可数基 。 根据可数选择公理,对每个 选择 。 那么序列 收敛到 ,因此


拓扑空间之间的函数 被称为序连续,当且仅当对于 中的所有序列 ,如果它们收敛于某个 ,我们有


为第一可数空间, 为拓扑空间, 为函数。则 连续当且仅当它在序列上连续。


证明: 连续,那么当然 只要 ,因为 的邻域 会导致 的邻域 将会落在其中,当 足够大时,然后由原像的定义

如果 是逐点连续的,设 是闭集,并设 我们要证明 是闭集。设 中的一个序列。根据第一可数空间中序列闭包的刻画,只需证明 是序列闭合的。因此,设 中的一个序列,它收敛于某个 。那么 ,因此 ,因此
