< 那不勒斯语
那不勒斯语入门 |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
io, i' | I |
tu | you |
éssa | she |
ìsso | he |
nuje | we |
vuje | you (plural), you (singular formal) |
ìsse/llòro | they |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
me/m' | me |
te/t' | you |
'a (la) | her/it (fem.) |
'o, 'u (lo, lu) | him/it (masc.) |
ce/c' | us |
ve/v' | you (plural) |
'i, 'e (li, le) | them (masc.) |
'e (le) | them (fem.) |
ve/v' | you (singular formal) |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
me/m' | (to) me |
te/t' | (to) you |
le, 'e | (to) her/it (fem.) |
li, le, 'i, 'e | (to) him/it (masc.) |
ce/c' | (to) us |
ve/v' | (to) you (plural) |
llòro | (to) them (masc.) |
llòro | (to) them (fem.) |
ve/v' | (to) you (singular formal) |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
me, méne | me |
te, téne | you |
éssa | her |
ìsso | him |
nuje | us |
vuje | you (plural) |
llòro | them (masc.) |
llòro | them (fem.) |
vuje | you (singular formal) |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
mìo | mine |
tùjo | yours |
sùjo | hers |
sùjo | his |
nuósto | ours |
vuósto | yours (plural), yours (singular formal) |
llòro | theirs |
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
chisto/chist | this (masc.) |
chesta/chest' | this (fem.) |
cheste/chest' | these |
chillo/chill' | that (masc.) |
chella/chell' | that (fem.) |
chelle/chell' | those |
nisciuno/a | none |
注意:chisto/chesta/cheste/chist'/chest' 可以缩写为 'sto/'sta/'ste/'st'。
那不勒斯语 | 英语 |
me | myself |
te | yourself |
se | himself/herself/itself |
ce | ourselves |
ve | yourselves (plural) |
se | themselves |