
加拿大难民程序/171 - 诉讼程序


IRPA 第 171 条

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171 In the case of a proceeding of the Refugee Appeal Division,
(a) the Division must give notice of any hearing to the Minister and to the person who is the subject of the appeal;
(a.1) subject to subsection 110(4), if a hearing is held, the Division must give the person who is the subject of the appeal and the Minister the opportunity to present evidence, question witnesses and make submissions;
(a.2) the Division is not bound by any legal or technical rules of evidence;
(a.3) the Division may receive and base a decision on evidence that is adduced in the proceedings and considered credible or trustworthy in the circumstances;
(a.4) the Minister may, at any time before the Division makes a decision, after giving notice to the Division and to the person who is the subject of the appeal, intervene in the appeal;
(a.5) the Minister may, at any time before the Division makes a decision, submit documentary evidence and make written submissions in support of the Minister’s appeal or intervention in the appeal;
(b) the Division may take notice of any facts that may be judicially noticed and of any other generally recognized facts and any information or opinion that is within its specialized knowledge; and
(c) a decision of a panel of three members of the Refugee Appeal Division has, for the Refugee Protection Division and for a panel of one member of the Refugee Appeal Division, the same precedential value as a decision of an appeal court has for a trial court.

IRPA 第 171 条可以与第 170 条进行对比,第 170 条规定了 RPD 的权力

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第 171 条规定了 RAD 在诉讼程序中的权力。第 170 条规定了 RPD 的权力。这两者可以进行对比。虽然 IRPA 第 170 条规定 RPD “可以调查任何它认为与确定一项主张是否成立有关的事项”,但 RAD 没有类似的权力由第 171 条规定。有关第 170 条的更多详细信息,请参见:加拿大难民程序/IRPA 第 170 条 - 诉讼程序

IRPA 第 171(a.2) 条

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171 In the case of a proceeding of the Refugee Appeal Division,
(a.2) the Division is not bound by any legal or technical rules of evidence;

参见 RPD 的等效条款,IRPA 第 170(g) 条

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加拿大难民程序/IRPA 第 170 条 - 诉讼程序#IRPA 第 170(g) 条 - 不受任何法律或技术证据规则的约束

IRPA 第 171(a.3) 条

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171 In the case of a proceeding of the Refugee Appeal Division, ...
(a.3) the Division may receive and base a decision on evidence that is adduced in the proceedings and considered credible or trustworthy in the circumstances;

参见 RPD 的等效条款,IRPA 第 170(h) 条

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加拿大难民程序/IRPA 第 170 条 - 诉讼程序#IRPA 第 170(h) 条 - 可以接收和基于认为可信或可靠的证据做出决定

IRPA 第 171(b) 条

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171 In the case of a proceeding of the Refugee Appeal Division, ...
(b) the Division may take notice of any facts that may be judicially noticed and of any other generally recognized facts and any information or opinion that is within its specialized knowledge;

参见对相关 RPD 规则的评论

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参见:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 22 - 专业知识

IRPA 第 171(c) 条

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171 In the case of a proceeding of the Refugee Appeal Division, ...
(c) a decision of a panel of three members of the Refugee Appeal Division has, for the Refugee Protection Division and for a panel of one member of the Refugee Appeal Division, the same precedential value as a decision of an appeal court has for a trial court.


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根据 IRPA 第 171(c) 条,由 RAD 三名成员组成的小组做出的决定,对于 RPD 和由 RAD 一名成员组成的小组来说,具有与上诉法院对初审法院做出的决定相同的先例价值。根据相关的 RAD 政策,如果满足以下一个或多个标准,可以指定三名成员小组:(i)上诉提出异常复杂或新出现的法律问题;(ii)上诉提出在 RAD 或 RPD 决策中存在重大分歧或不一致的问题;(iii)上诉提出具有重大普遍重要性的问题;(iv)上诉提出可能对 RAD 或 RPD 的实践和程序产生重大影响的问题;或 (v) 存在任何其他相关情况,使得指定三名成员小组是适当的。[1]


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  1. 加拿大移民和难民委员会,指定三名成员小组 - 难民上诉部门,2013 年 4 月 12 日,<https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/policies/pages/PolRadSar3MemCom.aspx> (访问时间:2022 年 4 月 28 日)。