加拿大难民程序/IRPR 第159.8条 - 提供文件时限
< 加拿大难民程序
Documents and Information Time limit — provision of documents and information to officer 159.8 (1) For the purpose of subsection 99(3.1) of the Act, a person who makes a claim for refugee protection inside Canada other than at a port of entry must provide an officer with the documents and information referred to in that subsection not later than the day on which the officer determines the eligibility of their claim under subsection 100(1) of the Act. Time limit — provision of documents and information to Refugee Protection Division (2) Subject to subsection (3), for the purpose of subsection 100(4) of the Act, a person who makes a claim for refugee protection inside Canada at a port of entry must provide the Refugee Protection Division with the documents and information referred to in subsection 100(4) not later than 15 days after the day on which the claim is referred to that Division. Extension (3) If the documents and information cannot be provided within the time limit set out in subsection (2), the Refugee Protection Division may, for reasons of fairness and natural justice, extend that time limit by the number of days that is necessary in the circumstances.
有关个人提供索赔依据表格的截止日期的讨论,无论他们是提出入境点索赔、境内索赔还是被拘留,请参阅RPD规则7的评论:加拿大难民程序/须提供的资料和文件#申请人必须何时提供其索赔依据表格。RPD规则8的评论讨论了本条例的解释以及延期条款(第159.8(3)条)应如何解释:加拿大难民程序/须提供的资料和文件#规则8 - 延长提供索赔依据表格时间的申请。
如果申请人未能在上述规定的时间内提交其索赔依据表格,则将触发规则65中规定的索赔依据放弃程序:加拿大难民程序/RPD规则65 - 放弃#RPD规则65(2) - 必须何时安排索赔依据放弃听证会