
亨利八世歌词/Whoso that wyll for grace sew,亨利八世


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Taunder Naken En vray Amoure

[ff. 84v-85r]

国王。H. viij

早期现代英语                                   现代英语
Whoso that wyll for grace sew. Who so that will for grace sue,
hys entent must nedys be trew. His intent must needs be true,
and loue her in hart and dede And love her in heart and deed,
els it war pyte that he shuld spede Else it were pity that he should speed.
Many oone sayth that loue ys yll Many one says that love is ill,
but those be that which can no skyll. But those be they which know no skill.
Or els because thay may not opteyne. Or else, because they may not obtain,
They wold that other shuld yt dysdayne. They would that others should it disdain.
But loue ys a thyng geuyn by god. But love is a thing given by God
In that ther for can be nonn odde. In that, therefore, can be none odd,
But perfite indede and betwene two. But perfect in deed, and between two.
wherfor then shuld we yt excho. Where fore, then, should we it eschew?


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与亨利其他歌词一样,“Whoso that wyll for grace sew” 是骑士精神的表达。歌词宣扬了爱情中真诚意图的品质,以及爱情本身作为上帝赐予之物的价值。“Whoso that wyll for grace sew” 同时提出了一种辩护论据,反对那些“can no skyll” (l. 6) 因此“yt dysdayne” (l. 8) 的人。

1 grace sew 诉求;法律(宫廷隐喻);另见亨利“If love now reynyd as it hath bene” (H 38.12) 的注释。
4 spede 成功,获得好运,实现目标或愿望 (OED “speed” v I.1.a)。
6 can 了解或已经学会,拥有关于某事物的实际知识 (OED v.1 B.I.1.b)。
8 dysdayne cf. 亨利“Whoso that wyll all feattes optayne” (H 28.2,4,8,11,14) 和其他地方;参见上述歌词第 2 行的注释。
11 perfite 完美,处于完全卓越的状态,没有任何质量缺陷或瑕疵,无懈可击 (OED a B.I.4.a);同时,也指具有道德上的完美 (OED a B.I.4.c)。
12 excho 避开,谨慎地避免,躲避,回避 (OED v.1 1.c)。

“Whoso that wyll for grace sew” 采用节式结构。这首作品在 H 的目录中被列为第 96 部作品。

“Whose that wyll for grace sew” 在 Robbins Index & Suppl. 4143.5、BoffeyRingler MS TM1977 中有索引。它被转载在 Flügel Anglia 248、Stevens M&P 414、Stevens MCH8 60 和 Trefusis 32–3 中。


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H1,2,3 (ff. 84v–85r, ll. 1–6 H2,3).

6 those] thes H2