加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则 1 - 解释和定义
< 加拿大难民程序
Interpretation Definitions 1 The following definitions apply in these Rules. Act means the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. (Loi) appellant means a person who is the subject of an appeal, or the Minister, who makes an appeal to the Division from a decision of the Refugee Protection Division. (appelant) contact information means, with respect to a person, (a) the person’s name, postal address and telephone number, and their fax number and email address, if any; and (b) in the case of counsel for a person who is the subject of an appeal, if the counsel is a person referred to in any of paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (c) of the Act, in addition to the information referred to in paragraph (a), the name of the body of which the counsel is a member and the membership identification number issued to the counsel. (coordonnées) Division means the Refugee Appeal Division. (Section)
interested person means a person whose application to participate in an appeal under rule 46 has been granted. (personne intéressée)
参见规则 46:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则第 3 部分 - 适用于所有上诉的规则#RAD 规则 46:个人申请参与三人小组,但也参见规则 44,该规则指出规则 46 应根据情况进行修改:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则第 3 部分 - 适用于所有上诉的规则#RAD 规则 44:这些规则适用于难民署和利害关系人。
“利害关系人”的定义仅与三人小组有关,这似乎与《移民和难民保护法》第 110(3) 条有关,该条规定,在三人小组审理的案件中,难民上诉司可以接受来自“委员会规则中描述的任何其他人”的书面陈述。参见:加拿大难民程序/110-111 - 向难民上诉司上诉#《移民和难民保护法》第 110(3) 条:程序。
party means, (a) in the case of an appeal by a person who is the subject of an appeal, the person and, if the Minister intervenes in the appeal, the Minister; and (b) in the case of an appeal by the Minister, the person who is the subject of the appeal and the Minister. (partie)
尽管有此当事人定义,但部长有权获得尚未成为当事人的上诉中重大变化的通知。[1] 参见:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 1 - 定义#“当事人”定义的评论。
proceeding includes a conference, an application, or an appeal that is decided with or without a hearing. (procédure) registry office means a business office of the Division. (greffe) Regulations means the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. (Règlement) respondent means a person who is the subject of an appeal in the case of an appeal by the Minister. (intimé) UNHCR means the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and includes its representative or agent. (HCR) vulnerable person means a person who has been identified as vulnerable under the Guideline on Procedures with Respect to Vulnerable Persons Appearing Before the IRB issued under paragraph 159(1)(h) of the Act. (personne vulnérable) working day does not include Saturdays, Sundays or other days on which the Board offices are closed. (jour ouvrable)
有关评论,请参见相应的 RPD 规则:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 1 - 定义。
- ↑ 加拿大(公民身份和移民)诉米勒, 2022 FC 1131。