
加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则第 3 部分 - 适用于所有上诉的规则


RAD 规则第 3 部分的文本如下

RAD 规则 - 第 3 部分

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Rules Applicable to All Appeals

RAD 规则 14 - 与部门沟通

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Communicating with the Division

Communicating with Division
14 All communication with the Division must be directed to the registry office specified by the Division.

关于 RAD 规则 14,请参阅 RPD 规则 2 的评注: 加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 2 - 与部门沟通.

RAD 规则 15 - 联系方式变更

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Change to contact information
15 If the contact information of a person who is the subject of an appeal changes, the person must without delay provide the changes in writing to the Division and to the Minister.

关于 RAD 规则 15,请参阅 RPD 规则 4 的评注: 加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 3-13 - 应提供的信息和文件#RPD 规则 4 - 申请人联系方式.

RAD 规则 16 - 律师

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Retaining counsel after providing notice
16 (1) If a person who is the subject of an appeal retains counsel after providing a notice of appeal or a notice of intent to respond, as the case may be, the person must without delay provide the counsel’s contact information in writing to the Division and to the Minister.

Change to counsel’s contact information — person
(2) If the contact information of counsel for a person who is the subject of an appeal changes, the person must without delay provide the changes in writing to the Division and to the Minister.

Change to counsel’s contact information — Minister
(3) If the contact information of counsel for the Minister changes, the Minister must without delay provide the changes in writing to the Division and to the person who is the subject of the appeal.

规则 16(2): 未将律师变更副本抄送部长可能构成程序不公

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RAD 规则 16(2) 规定,如果上诉人更换律师,则该人必须立即以书面形式通知部长。 这样做会导致潜在的程序不公,并可能为撤销裁决提供理由,正如联邦法院在加拿大诉米勒案中所做的那样。 [1]

RAD 规则 17 - 声明 - 律师未代表或建议以供考虑

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Declaration — counsel not representing or advising for consideration
17 If a person who is the subject of an appeal retains counsel who is not a person referred to in any of paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (c) of the Act, both the person who is the subject of the appeal and their counsel must without delay provide the information and declarations set out in the schedule to the Division in writing.

RAD 规则 18 - 成为记录律师

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Becoming counsel of record
18 (1) Subject to subrule (2), as soon as counsel for a person who is the subject of an appeal provides on behalf of the person a notice of appeal or a notice of intent to respond, as the case may be, or as soon as a person becomes counsel after the person provided a notice, the counsel becomes counsel of record for the person.

Limitation on counsel’s retainer
(2) If a person who is the subject of an appeal has notified the Division of a limitation on their counsel’s retainer, counsel is counsel of record only to the extent of the services to be provided within the limited retainer. Counsel ceases to be counsel of record as soon as those services are completed.

RAD 规则 19 - 声明 - 要求撤销记录律师

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Request to be removed as counsel of record
19 (1) To be removed as counsel of record, counsel for a person who is the subject of an appeal must first provide to the person and to the Minister a copy of a written request to be removed and then provide the written request to the Division.

Proof request was provided
(2) The request provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that copies were provided to the person represented and to the Minister.

Request — if date for proceeding fixed
(3) If a date for a proceeding has been fixed and three working days or less remain before that date, counsel must make the request orally at the proceeding.

Division’s permission required
(4) Counsel remains counsel of record unless the request to be removed is granted.

RAD 规则 20 - 撤销记录律师

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Removing counsel of record
20 (1) To remove counsel as counsel of record, a person who is the subject of an appeal must first provide to counsel and to the Minister a copy of a written notice that counsel is no longer counsel for the person and then provide the written notice to the Division.

Proof notice was provided
(2) The notice provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that copies were provided to counsel and to the Minister.

Ceasing to be counsel of record
(3) Counsel ceases to be counsel of record when the Division receives the notice.

RAD 规则 21 - 难民保护司记录

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Refugee Protection Division Record

Providing notice of appeal
21 (1) The Division must without delay provide a copy of the notice of appeal to the Refugee Protection Division after the appeal is perfected under rule 3 or 9, as the case may be.

Preparing and providing record
(2) The Refugee Protection Division must prepare a record and provide it to the Division no later than 10 days after the day on which the Refugee Protection Division receives the notice of appeal.

Content of record
(3) The Refugee Protection Division record must contain
(a) the notice of decision and written reasons for the decision that is being appealed;
(b) the Basis of Claim Form as defined in the Refugee Protection Division Rules and any changes or additions to it;
(c) all documentary evidence that the Refugee Protection Division accepted as evidence, during or after the hearing;
(d) any written representations made during or after the hearing but before the decision being appealed was made; and
(e) any audio or other electronic recording of the hearing.

Providing record to absent Minister
(4) If the Minister did not take part in the proceedings relating to the decision being appealed, the Division must provide a copy of the Refugee Protection Division record to the Minister as soon as the Division receives it.


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参见: 加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则 第一部分 - 适用于由上诉人提出的上诉的规则#规则 3(3)(c):如果上诉人希望在上诉中依赖这些文件,则上诉人记录必须包含难民保护司在听证期间或之后拒绝接受的任何文件。

RAD 规则 22 - 上诉语言

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Language of the Appeal

Choice of language
22 (1) A person who is the subject of an appeal must choose English or French as the language of the appeal. The person must indicate that choice in the notice of appeal if they are the appellant or in the notice of intent to respond if they are the respondent.

Language — Minister’s appeals
(2) If the appellant is the Minister, the language of the appeal is the language chosen by the person who is the subject of the appeal in the proceedings relating to the decision being appealed.

Changing language
(3) A person who is the subject of an appeal may change the language of the appeal that they chose under subrule (1) by notifying the Division and the Minister in writing without delay and, if a date for a proceeding has been fixed, the notice must be received by their recipients no later than 20 days before that date.

参见等效 RPD 规则的评论: 加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 17-18 - 诉讼语言

RAD 规则 23 - 指定代表

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Designated Representatives

Continuation of designation
23 (1) If the Refugee Protection Division designated a representative for the person who is the subject of the appeal in the proceedings relating to the decision being appealed, the representative is deemed to have been designated by the Division, unless the Division orders otherwise.

Duty of counsel to notify
(2) If the Refugee Protection Division did not designate a representative for the person who is the subject of the appeal and counsel for a party believes that the Division should designate a representative for the person because the person is under 18 years of age or is unable to appreciate the nature of the proceedings, counsel must without delay notify the Division in writing.

(3) Subrule (2) does not apply in the case of a person under 18 years of age whose appeal is joined with the appeal of their parent or legal guardian if the parent or legal guardian is 18 years of age or older.

Content of notice
(4) The notice must include the following information:
(a) whether counsel is aware of a person in Canada who meets the requirements to be designated as a representative and, if so, the person’s contact information;
(b) a copy of any available supporting documents; and
(c) the reasons why counsel believes that a representative should be designated.

Requirements for being designated
(5) To be designated as a representative, a person must
(a) be 18 years of age or older;
(b) understand the nature of the proceedings;
(c) be willing and able to act in the best interests of the person who is the subject of the appeal; and
(d) not have interests that conflict with those of the person who is the subject of the appeal.

(6) When determining whether a person who is the subject of an appeal is unable to appreciate the nature of the proceedings, the Division must consider any relevant factors, including
(a) whether the person can understand the reason for the proceeding and can instruct counsel;
(b) the person’s statements and behaviour at the proceeding;
(c) expert evidence, if any, on the person’s intellectual or physical faculties, age or mental condition; and
(d) whether the person has had a representative designated for a proceeding in a division other than the Refugee Protection Division.

Designation applies to all proceedings
(7) The designation of a representative for a person who is under 18 years of age or who is unable to appreciate the nature of the proceedings applies to all subsequent proceedings in the Division with respect to that person unless the Division orders otherwise.

规则 23(7):指定适用于难民上诉司的所有程序

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规则 23(7) 规定,对未满 18 岁的个人指定代表适用于该个人在难民上诉司的所有后续程序,除非该司另有命令。 RAD 指定的代表通常不会在其他部门建立这样的关系,例如,如果 RAD 将案件送回 RPD 并在送回之前指定了 DR。 相反,一个人在委员会其他部门的诉讼中被指定为代表,这只是 RPD 在此类情况下确定是否应指定代表时需要考虑的一个因素: 加拿大难民程序/指定代表#RPD 规则 20(5) - 确定索赔人或受保护人是否无法理解诉讼性质的因素

End of designation — person reaches 18 years of age
(8) The designation of a representative for a person who is under 18 years of age ends when the person reaches 18 years of age unless that representative has also been designated because the person is unable to appreciate the nature of the proceedings.

Termination of designation
(9) The Division may terminate a designation if the Division is of the opinion that the representative is no longer required or suitable and may designate a new representative if required.

Designation criteria
(10) Before designating a person as a representative, the Division must
(a) assess the person’s ability to fulfil the responsibilities of a designated representative; and
(b) ensure that the person has been informed of the responsibilities of a designated representative.

Responsibilities of representative
(11) The responsibilities of a designated representative include
(a) deciding whether to retain counsel and, if counsel is retained, instructing counsel or assisting the represented person in instructing counsel;
(b) making decisions regarding the appeal or assisting the represented person in making those decisions;
(c) informing the represented person about the various stages and procedures in the processing of their case;
(d) assisting in gathering evidence to support the represented person’s case and in providing evidence and, if necessary, being a witness at the hearing;
(e) protecting the interests of the represented person and putting forward the best possible case to the Division; and
(f) informing and consulting the represented person to the extent possible when making decisions about the case.

参见等效 RPD 规则的评论: 加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 20 - 指定代表

RAD 规则 24 - 专业知识

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Specialized Knowledge

Notice to parties
24 (1) Before using any information or opinion that is within its specialized knowledge, the Division must notify the parties and give them an opportunity to,
(a) if a date for a hearing has not been fixed, make written representations on the reliability and use of the information or opinion and provide written evidence in support of their representations; and
(b) if a date for a hearing has been fixed, make oral or written representations on the reliability and use of the information or opinion and provide evidence in support of their representations.

Providing written representations and evidence
(2) A party must provide its written representations and evidence first to any other party and then to the Division.

Proof written representations and evidence were provided
(3) The written representations and evidence provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that they were provided to any other party.

参见等效 RPD 规则的评论: 加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 22 - 专业知识

RAD 规则 25 - 宪法问题通知

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Notice of constitutional question
25 (1) A party who wants to challenge the constitutional validity, applicability or operability of a legislative provision must complete a notice of constitutional question.

Form and content of notice
(2) The party must complete the notice as set out in Form 69 of the Federal Courts Rules or any other form that includes
(a) the party’s name;
(b) the Division file number;
(c) the specific legislative provision that is being challenged;
(d) the material facts relied on to support the constitutional challenge; and
(e) a summary of the legal argument to be made in support of the constitutional challenge.

Providing notice
(3) The party must provide
(a) a copy of the notice to the Attorney General of Canada and to the attorney general of each province of Canada, in accordance with section 57 of the Federal Courts Act;
(b) a copy of the notice to the Minister even if the Minister has not yet intervened in the appeal;
(c) a copy of the notice to the UNHCR, if the UNHCR has provided notice of its intention to provide written submissions, and to any interested person; and
(d) the original notice to the Division, together with proof that copies were provided under paragraphs (a) to (c).

Time limit
(4) Documents provided under this rule must be received by their recipients at the same time as the Division receives the appellant’s record, respondent’s record or the reply record, as the case may be.

Deciding of constitutional question
(5) The Division must not make a decision on the constitutional question until at least 10 days after the day on which it receives the notice of constitutional question.

规则 25(3)(c):一个“利害关系人”是一个通常只适用于 RAD 三人小组的概念

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RAD 规则 25(3)(c) 规定,当事方必须向任何利害关系人提供任何宪法问题通知的副本。 “利害关系人”的概念在 RAD 规则 1 中定义为“根据规则 46 提交参与上诉申请已被批准的人”。 RAD 规则 46 是专门管理三成员小组的规则:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则第 3 部分 - 适用于所有上诉的规则#RAD 规则 46:个人申请参与三成员小组


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有关评论,请参阅:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 66 - 宪法问题通知

RAD 规则 26 - 会议

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Requirement to participate at conference
26 (1) The Division may require the parties to participate at a conference to discuss issues, relevant facts and any other matter in order to make the appeal fairer and more efficient.

Information or documents
(2) The Division may require the parties to give any information or provide any document, at or before the conference.

Written record
(3) The Division must make a written record of any decisions and agreements made at the conference.


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有关评论,请参阅等效的 RPD 规则:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 24 - 会议

RAD 规则 27 - 文件

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Form and Language of Documents

Documents prepared by party
27 (1) A document prepared for use by a party in a proceeding must be typewritten, in a type not smaller than 12 point, on one or both sides of 216 mm by 279 mm (8 ½ inches x 11 inches) paper.

(2) Any photocopy provided by a party must be a clear copy of the document photocopied and be on one or both sides of 216 mm by 279 mm (8 ½ inches x 11 inches) paper.

List of documents
(3) If more than one document is provided, the party must provide a list identifying each of the documents.

Consecutively numbered pages
(4) A party must consecutively number each page of all the documents provided as if they were one document.


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有关评论,请参阅等效的 RPD 规则:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 31-43 - 文件#RPD 规则 31 - 如何提供文件

RAD 规则 28 - 文件语言

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Language of documents — person
28 (1) All documents used by a person who is the subject of an appeal in an appeal must be in English or French or, if in another language, be provided together with an English or French translation and a declaration signed by the translator.

Language of Minister’s documents
(2) All documents used by the Minister in an appeal must be in the language of the appeal or be provided together with a translation in the language of the appeal and a declaration signed by the translator.

Translator’s declaration
(3) A translator’s declaration must include the translator’s name, the language and dialect, if any, translated and a statement that the translation is accurate.


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有关评论,请参阅等效的 RPD 规则:加拿大难民程序/文件#RPD 规则 32 - 文件语言

RAD 规则 29 - 以前未提供的文件或书面意见

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Documents or Written Submissions not Previously Provided

Documents or written submissions not previously provided — person
29 (1) A person who is the subject of an appeal who does not provide a document or written submissions with the appellant’s record, respondent’s record or reply record must not use the document or provide the written submissions in the appeal unless allowed to do so by the Division.

(2) If a person who is the subject of an appeal wants to use a document or provide written submissions that were not previously provided, the person must make an application to the Division in accordance with rule 37.

Documents — new evidence
(3) The person who is the subject of the appeal must include in an application to use a document that was not previously provided an explanation of how the document meets the requirements of subsection 110(4) of the Act and how that evidence relates to the person, unless the document is being presented in response to evidence presented by the Minister.

(4) In deciding whether to allow an application, the Division must consider any relevant factors, including
(a) the document’s relevance and probative value;
(b) any new evidence the document brings to the appeal; and
(c) whether the person who is the subject of the appeal, with reasonable effort, could have provided the document or written submissions with the appellant’s record, respondent’s record or reply record.

Documents or written submissions not previously provided — Minister
(5) If, at any time before the Division makes a decision, the Minister, in accordance with paragraph 171(a.5) of the Act, submits documentary evidence or written submissions in support of the Minister’s appeal or intervention that were not previously provided, the Minister must provide the documentary evidence or written submissions first to the person who is the subject of the appeal and then to the Division.

Proof documents or written submissions provided
(6) The additional documents or written submissions provided to the Division under subrule (5) must be accompanied by proof that they were provided to the person who is the subject of the appeal.

Reply to Minister’s documents or written submissions
(7) The person who is the subject of the appeal may reply to the additional documents or written submissions in accordance with rule 5 with any modifications that the circumstances require.

在决定是否允许申请时,部门必须考虑任何相关因素,包括规则 29(4) 中列出的因素。

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在决定是否允许根据 RAD 规则 29 提交申请时,部门必须考虑任何相关因素,包括但不限于 RAD 规则 29(4) 中列出的三个因素。 RAD 必须根据 RAD 规则第 29(4) 条考虑所有三个标准,不能仅仅将其分析限制在其中一个相关因素上,即证据是否可以在上诉人完善的记录中提供。[2]虽然规则 37(3) 中列出的因素并非详尽无遗,但在因素列表之前使用“包括”一词而不是“例如”一词表明了其意图,即应考虑子规则中包含的每个因素。 这样做失败会导致程序公正的违反。[3]

即使在 RAD 征求有关某一问题的意见的情况下,RAD 规则 29 也可能适用。

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RAD 规则 29(2) 规定,想要使用以前未提供过的文件或提供书面意见的人员必须提出申请。 即使在 RAD 征求意见的情况下也是如此。 在 _Gomez Guzman v. Canada_ 中,RAD 在因 COVID-19 大流行关闭后重新开放办公室后,向申请人律师写信,给出了 30 天的时间来提交支持上诉的文件,这些文件“[将] 在没有申请的情况下被接受”。 RAD 信件进一步说明,“规则 29 和 110(4) 的其他要求继续适用”。[4]小组没有接受该证据,认为该证据不符合 RAD 规则 29 的要求。 法院维持了这一决定,认为该小组在适用规则 29 时是正确的,尽管该意见是由部门提出的。[5]

RAD 规则 29 是否以及如何适用于法院下令的重新确定

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RAD 规则 29(1) 规定,未在上诉人记录、答辩人记录或答辩记录中提供文件或书面意见的上诉对象,不得在未经部门允许的情况下使用该文件或提供该书面意见。 因此,该规则的意图是,在上诉对象最初提供其上诉人记录、答辩人记录或答辩记录时,无需满足 RAD 规则 29 的要求,但在之后提供文件或书面意见时,必须满足该要求。

在法院下令对文件重新确定(例如,案件被联邦法院退回重新审议时)的情况下,如何解释该规则可能会出现问题。 RAD 的做法是发送关于此类案件的标准格式信函,该信函明确表明上诉对象可以提交新的证据(受相关法定标准约束),并隐含地表明只要证据在信函中指定的截止日期之前收到,RAD 规则 29 就不适用。

请注意,任何对文件内容的异议应以书面形式提出,任何额外证据应符合新的证据的可采纳性要求(《移民与难民保护法》第 110(4) 条和 _MCI v. Singh_,2016 FCA 96 中规定的标准),以及最迟在 <日期> **之前** 提供给所有当事方和 RAD。 在有 RAD 听证会的情况下,除非联邦法院下令举行新的听证会,否则新的小组可能会或可能不会决定举行新的听证会。


RAD 规则 30 - 提供文件

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Providing a Document

General provision
30 Rules 31 to 35 apply to any document, including a notice or request in writing.

RAD 规则 31 - 向 RAD、RPD、部长和其他非部长人员提供文件

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Providing documents to Division
31 (1) A document to be provided to the Division must be provided to the Division’s registry office that is located in the same region as the Refugee Protection Division’s registry office through which the notice of decision under appeal was provided.

Providing documents to Refugee Protection Division
(2) A document to be provided to the Refugee Protection Division must be provided to the Refugee Protection Division’s registry office through which the notice of decision under appeal was provided.

Providing documents to Minister
(3) A document to be provided to the Minister must be provided to the Minister’s counsel.

Providing documents to person other than Minister
(4) A document to be provided to a person other than the Minister must be provided to the person’s counsel if the person has counsel of record. If the person does not have counsel of record, the document must be provided to the person.

RAD 规则 32 - 如何提供文件

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How to provide document
32 A document may be provided in any of the following ways:
(a) by hand;
(b) by regular mail or registered mail;
(c) by courier;
(d) by fax if the recipient has a fax number and the document is no more than 20 pages long, unless the recipient consents to receiving more than 20 pages; and
(e) by email or other electronic means if the Division allows.


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RAD 规则 32(e) 规定,如果部门允许,文件可以通过电子邮件或其他电子方式提供。部门有一个关于“通过加拿大邮政 epost Connect 到难民上诉部门交换文件”的实践通知,允许这样做。[6]《难民上诉部门(RAD)恢复时限的实践通知》还规定,部门接受发送到列出电子邮件地址的电子邮件文件。[7]

RAD 规则 33 - 无法提供文件时的申请

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Application if unable to provide document
33 (1) If a party is unable to provide a document in a way required by rule 32, the party may make an application to the Division to be allowed to provide the document in another way or to be excused from providing the document.

Form of application
(2) The application must be made in accordance with rule 37.

Allowing application
(3) The Division must not allow the application unless the party has made reasonable efforts to provide the document to the person to whom the document must be provided.

RAD 规则 34 - 文件提供证明

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Proof document was provided
34 (1) Proof that a document was provided must be established by
(a) an acknowledgment of receipt signed by the recipient or a statement of service, if the document was provided by hand;
(b) a confirmation of receipt if the document was provided by registered mail, courier, fax or email or other electronic means; or
(c) a statement of service if the document was provided by regular mail.

Statement of service
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a) or (c), a statement of service consists of a written statement, signed by the person who provided the document, that includes the person’s name and a statement of how and when the document was provided.

Statement – unable to provide proof
(3) If a party is unable to provide proof that a document was provided in a way required by paragraph (1)(a) to (c), the party must provide a written statement, signed by the party, that includes an explanation of why they are unable to provide proof.

有关评论,请参阅相应的 RPD 规则 34:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 31-43 - 文件#RPD 规则 34 - 当事人披露其想在听证中使用的文件的义务、程序和时间表.

RAD 规则 35 - 文件何时视为收到

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When document received by division
35 (1) A document provided to the Division or to the Refugee Protection Division is considered to be received on the day on which the document is date-stamped by that division.

When document received by recipient other than division
(2) A document provided by regular mail other than to the Division or to the Refugee Protection Division is considered to be received seven days after the day on which it was mailed. If the seventh day is not a working day, the document is considered to be received on the next working day.

Extension of time limit — next working day
(3) When the time limit for providing a document ends on a day that is not a working day, the time limit is extended to the next working day.

有关评论,请参阅相应的 RPD 规则 41:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 31-43 - 文件#RPD 规则 41 - 文件何时视为收到.

RAD 规则 36 - 申请

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General provision
36 Unless these Rules provide otherwise,
(a) a party who wants the Division to make a decision on any matter in a proceeding, including the procedure to be followed, must make an application to the Division in accordance with rule 37;
(b) a party who wants to respond to the application must respond in accordance with rule 38; and
(c) a party who wants to reply to a response must reply in accordance with rule 39.

RAD 规则 37 - 如何提出申请

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How to Make an Application

Form of application and time limit
37 (1) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, an application must be made in writing and without delay.

Oral application
(2) If a date for a hearing has been fixed, the Division must not allow a party to make an application orally at the hearing unless the party, with reasonable effort, could not have made a written application before that date.

Content of application
(3) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, in a written application, the party must
(a) state the decision the party wants the Division to make;
(b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision; and
(c) if there is another party and the views of that party are known, state whether the other party agrees to the application.

Affidavit or statutory declaration
(4) Unless these Rules provide otherwise, any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with a written application must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the application.

Providing application to other party and Division
(5) A party who makes a written application must provide
(a) to any other party, a copy of the application and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and
(b) to the Division, the original application and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with proof that a copy was provided to any other party.

RAD 规则 37(4):根据 RAD 规则 37(4) 提交宣誓书或法定声明的要求已免除

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《实践通知:通过加拿大邮政 epost Connect™ 向难民上诉部门交换文件》指出,如果根据规则 37 提交的申请是电子提交的,RAD 将不会要求提供签署的宣誓书或法定声明。[6]此外,《难民上诉部门:关于 COVID-19 大流行期间提交文件规则临时豁免的实践通知》规定,RAD 不会要求上诉人记录签署,也不会要求提供签署的宣誓书或法定声明作为支持规则 37 申请的文件。这样做是为了“考虑到 COVID-19 的持续存在,RAD 将继续鼓励与部门的电子沟通,并通过取消规则中关于提交支持上诉的文件的签名要求来促进保持身体距离”。[8]

RAD 规则 38 - 如何回复书面申请

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How to Respond to a Written Application

Responding to written application
38 (1) A response to a written application must be in writing and
(a) state the decision the party wants the Division to make; and
(b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision.

Evidence in written response
(2) Any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with the written response must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the response. Unless the Division requires it, an affidavit or statutory declaration is not required if the party who made the application was not required to give evidence in an affidavit or statutory declaration, together with the application.

Providing response
(3) A party who responds to a written application must provide
(a) to the other party, a copy of the response and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and
(b) to the Division, the original response and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with proof that a copy was provided to the other party.

Time limit
(4) Documents provided under subrule (3) must be received by their recipients no later than seven days after the day on which the party receives the copy of the application.

根据 RAD 规则 38(2) 提交宣誓书或法定声明的要求已免除

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《实践通知:通过加拿大邮政 epost Connect™ 向难民上诉部门交换文件》指出,如果根据规则 37 提交的申请是电子提交的,RAD 将不会要求提供签署的宣誓书或法定声明。[6]考虑到 RAD 规则 38(2) 规定,如果提出申请的当事人不需要以这种形式提供证据,则不需要宣誓书或法定声明,并且考虑到此要求已对所有申请免除,因此可以说 RAD 规则 38(2) 中的要求也不适用。

RAD 规则 39 - 如何回复书面答复

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How to Reply to a Written Response

Replying to written response
39 (1) A reply to a written response must be in writing.

Evidence in reply
(2) Any evidence that the party wants the Division to consider with the written reply must be given in an affidavit or statutory declaration that accompanies the reply. Unless the Division requires it, an affidavit or statutory declaration is not required if the party was not required to give evidence in an affidavit or statutory declaration, together with the application.

Providing reply
(3) A party who replies to a written response must provide
(a) to the other party, a copy of the reply and a copy of any affidavit or statutory declaration; and
(b) to the Division, the original reply and the original of any affidavit or statutory declaration, together with proof that a copy was provided to the other party.

Time limit
(4) Documents provided under subrule (3) must be received by their recipients no later than five days after the day on which the party receives the copy of the response.

RAD 规则 40-41 - 加入或分离上诉

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Joining or Separating Appeals

Appeals automatically joined
40 The Division must join any appeals of decisions on claims that were joined at the time that the Refugee Protection Division decided the claims.

Application to join
41 (1) A party may make an application to the Division to join appeals.

Application to separate
(2) A party may make an application to the Division to separate appeals that are joined.

Form of application and providing application
(3) A party who makes an application to join or separate appeals must do so in accordance with rule 37, but the party is not required to give evidence in an affidavit or statutory declaration. The party must also
(a) provide a copy of the application to any person who will be affected by the Division’s decision on the application; and
(b) provide to the Division proof that the party provided the copy of the application to any affected person.

Time limit
(4) Documents provided under this rule must be received by their recipients,
(a) if the person who is the subject of the appeal is the applicant, at the same time as the Division receives the person’s notice of appeal, notice of intent to respond or reply record; or
(b) if the Minister is the applicant, at the same time as the Division receives the Minister’s notice of appeal, notice of intervention or reply.

(5) In deciding the application, the Division must consider any relevant factors, including whether
(a) the appeals involve similar questions of fact or law;
(b) allowing the application would promote the efficient administration of the Division’s work; and
(c) allowing the application would likely cause an injustice.

RAD 规则 42 - 公开进行的程序

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Proceedings Conducted in Public

Minister considered party
42 (1) For the purpose of this rule, the Minister is considered to be a party even if the Minister has not yet intervened in the appeal.

(2) A person who makes an application to the Division to have a proceeding conducted in public must do so in writing and in accordance with this rule rather than rule 37.

Oral application
(3) If a date for a hearing has been fixed, the Division must not allow a person to make an application orally at the hearing unless the person, with reasonable effort, could not have made a written application before that date.

Content of application
(4) In the application, the person must
(a) state the decision they want the Division to make;
(b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision;
(c) state whether they want the Division to consider the application in public or in the absence of the public;
(d) give reasons why the Division should consider the application in public or in the absence of the public; and
(e) include any evidence that they want the Division to consider in deciding the application.

Providing application
(5) The person must provide the original application and two copies to the Division. The Division must provide a copy of the application to the parties.

Response to application
(6) A party may respond to a written application. The response must
(a) state the decision they want the Division to make;
(b) give reasons why the Division should make that decision;
(c) state whether they want the Division to consider the application in public or in the absence of the public;
(d) give reasons why the Division should consider the application in public or in the absence of the public; and
(e) include any evidence that they want the Division to consider in deciding the application.

Minister’s notice
(7) If the Minister responds to a written application, the response must be accompanied by a notice of intervention in accordance with subrule 4(2), if one was not previously provided.

Providing response
(8) The party must provide a copy of the response to the other party and provide the original response and a copy to the Division, together with proof that the copy was provided to the other party.

Providing response to applicant
(9) The Division must provide to the applicant either a copy of the response or a summary of the response referred to in paragraph (13)(a).

Reply to response
(10) An applicant or a party may reply in writing to a written response or a summary of a response.

Providing reply
(11) An applicant or a party who replies to a written response or a summary of a response must provide the original reply and two copies to the Division. The Division must provide a copy of the reply to the parties.

Time limit
(12) An application made under this rule must be received by the Division without delay. The Division must specify the time limit within which a response or reply, if any, is to be provided.

(13) The Division may take any measures it considers necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the proceeding in respect of the application, including
(a) providing a summary of the response to the applicant instead of a copy; and
(b) if the Division holds a hearing in respect of the appeal and the application,
(i) excluding the applicant or the applicant and their counsel from the hearing while the party responding to the application provides evidence and makes representations, or
(ii) allowing the presence of the applicant’s counsel at the hearing while the party responding to the application provides evidence and makes representations, on receipt of a written undertaking by counsel not to disclose any evidence or information adduced until a decision is made to hold the hearing in public.

Summary of response
(14) If the Division provides a summary of the response under paragraph (13)(a), or excludes the applicant and their counsel from a hearing in respect of the application under subparagraph (13)(b)(i), the Division must provide a summary of the representations and evidence, if any, that is sufficient to enable the applicant to reply, while ensuring the confidentiality of the proceeding having regard to the factors set out in paragraph 166(b) of the Act.

Notification of decision on application
(15) The Division must notify the applicant and the parties of its decision on the application and provide reasons for the decision.

RAD 规则 43 - 三人小组的指派

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Assignment of Three-member Panel

Notice of order
43 (1) If the Chairperson of the Board orders a proceeding to be conducted by three Division members, the Division must without delay notify the parties — including the Minister even if the Minister has not yet intervened in the appeal — and the UNHCR in writing of the order.

Providing documents to UNHCR
(2) The Division must provide the UNHCR with a copy of the following documents at the same time that it provides notice of the order:
(a) the Refugee Protection Division record; and
(b) the notice of appeal, appellant’s record, notice of intent to respond, respondent’s record, reply record, Minister’s notice of intervention, Minister’s intervention record, if any, Minister’s reply, and Minister’s reply record, if any.

UNHCR’s notice to Division
(3) If the UNHCR receives notice of an order, the UNHCR may provide notice to the Division in accordance with subrule 45(1) of its intention to provide written submissions.

Time limit
(4) The Division may, without further notice to the parties and to the UNHCR, decide the appeal on the basis of the materials provided if a period of 15 days has passed since the day on which the Minister and the UNHCR receive notice of the order.

RAD 规则 44 - 这些规则适用于联合国难民署和利害关系人

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UNHCR and Interested Persons

Rules applicable to UNHCR and interested persons
44 These Rules, with the exception of rules 25 (notice of constitutional question) and 47 to 49 (withdrawal, reinstatement, reopening), apply to the UNHCR and interested persons with any modifications that the circumstances require.

利害关系人是在 RAD 规则 1 中定义的术语

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参见:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则 1 - 解释和定义#利害关系人.

RAD 规则 45 - 联合国难民署在三人小组进行的申诉中提供书面意见

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Notice to Division
45 (1) The UNHCR must notify the Division in writing of its intention to provide written submissions in an appeal conducted by a three-member panel, and include its contact information and that of its counsel, if any.

Notice to person and Minister
(2) The Division must without delay provide a copy of the UNHCR’s notice to the person who is the subject of the appeal and to the Minister.

Providing written submissions to Division
(3) The UNHCR’s written submissions must be received by the Division no later than 10 days after the day on which the UNHCR provided the notice.

Limitation — written submissions
(4) The UNHCR’s written submissions must not raise new issues.

Length of written submissions
(5) The UNHCR’s written submissions must not be more than 30 pages long if typewritten on one side or 15 pages if typewritten on both sides.

Providing written submissions
(6) The Division must without delay provide a copy of the UNHCR’s written submissions to the person who is the subject of the appeal and to the Minister.

(7) The person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister may respond to the UNHCR’s submissions in writing.

Limitation — response
(8) A response must not raise new issues.

Length of response
(9) A response must not be more than 30 pages long if typewritten on one side or 15 pages if typewritten on both sides.

Providing response
(10) The response must first be provided to the person who is the subject of the appeal or to the Minister, as the case may be, and then to the Division.

Proof response provided
(11) The response provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that it was provided to the person who is the subject of the appeal or to the Minister, as the case may be.

Time limit
(12) Documents provided under subrules (10) and (11) must be received by their recipients no later than seven days after the day on which the person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister, as the case may be, receives the UNHCR’s submissions.


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以上 RAD 规则 45 的规定与《移民和难民保护法》第 110(3) 条有关:加拿大难民程序/110-111 - 对难民申诉部门的申诉#在三人小组审理案件的情况下,难民申诉部门可以接受联合国难民署提供的文件证据和书面意见.

RAD 规则 46 - 个人申请参加三人小组

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Application by person to participate
46 (1) Any person, other than the UNHCR, may make an application to the Division to be allowed to participate in an appeal conducted by a three-member panel. The person must make the application without delay and in accordance with this rule.

Form and content of application
(2) The application must be in writing and include
(a) the applicant’s name;
(b) an explanation of why the applicant wants to participate;
(c) the submissions the applicant wants to put forward and an explanation of how they are relevant to the appeal;
(d) an explanation of the differences between the applicant’s submissions and those of the person who is the subject of the appeal and the Minister;
(e) an explanation of how the applicant’s submissions may help the Division decide the appeal; and
(f) the contact information of the applicant and their counsel, if any.

Providing application
(3) The Division must provide a copy of the application to the person who is the subject of the appeal and to the Minister.

(4) The person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister may respond to the application in writing.

Limitation — response
(5) A response must not raise new issues.

Length of response
(6) A response must not be more than 30 pages long if typewritten on one side or 15 pages if typewritten on both sides.

Time limit
(7) A response must be received by the Division no later than 10 days after the day on which the person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister, as the case may be, receives the application.

Notification of decision on application
(8) The Division must without delay notify the applicant, the person who is the subject of the appeal and the Minister in writing of its decision on the application.

Providing documents
(9) If the Division allows the application, it must without delay provide the interested person with a copy of the following documents as soon as they are available:
(a) the Refugee Protection Division record;
(b) the notice of appeal, appellant’s record, notice of intent to respond, respondent’s record, reply record, Minister’s notice of intervention, Minister’s intervention record, if any, Minister’s reply, and Minister’s reply record, if any; and
(c) the written submissions of any other interested person and the UNHCR.

Limitation — written submissions
(10) The interested person’s written submissions must not raise new issues.

Length of written submissions
(11) The interested person’s written submissions must not be more than 30 pages long if typewritten on one side or 15 pages if typewritten on both sides.

Providing written submissions
(12) The interested person’s written submissions must first be provided to the person who is the subject of the appeal and to the Minister and then to the Division.

Proof written submissions provided
(13) The written submissions provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that they were provided to the person who is the subject of the appeal and to the Minister.

(14) The person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister may respond to the written submissions in writing.

Limitation — response
(15) A response must not raise new issues.

Length of response
(16) A response must not be more than 30 pages long if typewritten on one side or 15 pages if typewritten on both sides.

Providing response
(17) The response must first be provided to the interested person, then to the person who is the subject of the appeal or to the Minister, as the case may be, and then to the Division.

Proof response provided
(18) The response provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that it was provided to the interested person, and to the person who is the subject of the appeal or to the Minister, as the case may be.

Time limit
(19) Documents provided under subrules (17) and (18) must be received by their recipients no later than seven days after the day on which the person who is the subject of the appeal or the Minister, as the case may be, receives the interested person’s written submissions.

RAD 规则 47 - 撤回

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Abuse of process
47 (1) For the purpose of subsection 168(2) of the Act, withdrawal of an appeal is an abuse of process if withdrawal would likely have a negative effect on the Division’s integrity. If the requirements set out in rule 7 or 13, as the case may be, for deciding an appeal on the basis of the materials provided have not been met, withdrawal is not an abuse of process.

Withdrawal on notice
(2) If the requirements set out in rule 7 or 13, as the case may be, for deciding an appeal have not been met, an appellant may withdraw an appeal by notifying the Division in writing.

Application to withdraw
(3) If the requirements set out in rule 7 or 13, as the case may be, for deciding an appeal have been met, an appellant who wants to withdraw an appeal must make an application to the Division in accordance with rule 37.

如果规则 7 或 13 中规定的要求尚未满足,则撤回不构成滥用程序

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如果规则 7 或 13 中规定的要求(视情况而定)尚未满足,则撤回不构成滥用程序。规则 7 中规定的要求是在部长收到上诉人记录之日起 15 天后,以及《条例》中规定的完善申诉的期限已过。[9] 参见 RAD 规则 7:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则 第一部分 - 适用于由申诉对象个人提出的申诉的规则#RAD 规则 7:不经进一步通知做出决定 和/或 RAD 规则 13:加拿大难民程序/RAD 规则 第二部分 - 适用于由部长提出的申诉的规则#RAD 规则 13:申诉的处置.


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《法案》第 168(2) 条规定,如果认为撤回将构成其规则下的滥用程序,则部门可以拒绝允许申请人从程序中撤回。有关更多背景信息,请参见关于撤回的难民保护部门规则的评论:加拿大难民程序/难民保护部门规则 59 - 撤回.

RAD 规则 48 - 恢复撤回的申诉

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Application to reinstate withdrawn appeal
48 (1) An appellant may apply to the Division to reinstate an appeal that was made by the appellant and was withdrawn.

Form and content of application
(2) The appellant must make the application in accordance with rule 37. If a person who is the subject of an appeal makes the application, they must provide to the Division the original and a copy of the application and include in the application their contact information and, if represented by counsel, their counsel’s contact information and any limitations on counsel’s retainer.

Documents provided to Minister
(3) The Division must provide to the Minister, without delay, a copy of an application made by a person who is the subject of an appeal.

(4) The Division must not allow the application unless it is established that there was a failure to observe a principle of natural justice or it is otherwise in the interests of justice to allow the application.

(5) In deciding the application, the Division must consider any relevant factors, including whether the application was made in a timely manner and the justification for any delay.

Subsequent application
(6) If the appellant made a previous application to reinstate an appeal that was denied, the Division must consider the reasons for the denial and must not allow the subsequent application unless there are exceptional circumstances supported by new evidence.

RAD 规则 49 - 重新开放申诉

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Reopening an Appeal

Application to reopen appeal
49 (1) At any time before the Federal Court has made a final determination in respect of an appeal that has been decided or declared abandoned, the appellant may make an application to the Division to reopen the appeal.

Form and content of application
(2) The application must be made in accordance with rule 37. If a person who is the subject of an appeal makes the application, they must provide to the Division the original and a copy of the application and include in the application their contact information and, if represented by counsel, their counsel’s contact information and any limitations on counsel’s retainer.

Documents provided to Minister
(3) The Division must provide to the Minister, without delay, a copy of an application made by a person who is the subject of an appeal.

Allegations against counsel
(4) If it is alleged in the application that the person who is the subject of the appeal’s counsel in the proceedings that are the subject of the application provided inadequate representation,
(a) the person must first provide a copy of the application to the counsel and then provide the original and a copy of the application to the Division, and
(b) the application provided to the Division must be accompanied by proof that a copy was provided to the counsel.

Copy of pending application
(5) The application must be accompanied by a copy of any pending application for leave to apply for judicial review or any pending application for judicial review.

(6) The Division must not allow the application unless it is established that there was a failure to observe a principle of natural justice.

(7) In deciding the application, the Division must consider any relevant factors, including
(a) whether the application was made in a timely manner and the justification for any delay; and
(b) if the appellant did not make an application for leave to apply for judicial review or an application for judicial review, the reasons why an application was not made.

Subsequent application
(8) If the appellant made a previous application to reopen an appeal that was denied, the Division must consider the reasons for the denial and must not allow the subsequent application unless there are exceptional circumstances supported by new evidence.

Other remedies
(9) If there is a pending application for leave to apply for judicial review or a pending application for judicial review on the same or similar grounds, the Division must, as soon as is practicable, allow the application to reopen if it is necessary for the timely and efficient processing of appeals, or dismiss the application.

有关评论,请参见相应的难民保护部门规则:加拿大难民程序/难民保护部门规则 62-63 - 重新开放索赔或申请。另请参见《法案》第 168 条:加拿大难民程序/《移民和难民保护法》第 168 条:放弃程序.

规则 49(6):除非已经确定存在违反自然正义原则的行为,否则部门不得批准该申请

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对该规则的解释与相应的难民保护部门规则相似:加拿大难民程序/难民保护部门规则 62-63 - 重新开放索赔或申请。一个区别在于,在很大程度上基于纸质的难民申诉部门程序中,难民申诉部门认为,完善申诉不能为了收集和翻译新的证据而推迟,因为《难民申诉部门规则》第 29 条允许申请人在申诉完善后提交新的证据。[10]

RAD 规则 50-51:决定

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Notice of decision
50 (1) When the Division makes a decision, other than an interlocutory decision, it must provide in writing a notice of decision to the person who is the subject of the appeal, to the Minister and to the Refugee Protection Division. The Division must also provide in writing a notice of decision to the UNHCR and to any interested person, if they provided written submissions in the appeal.

Written reasons
(2) The Division must provide written reasons for the decision, together with the notice of decision, if a hearing
(a) was not held under subsection 110(6) of the Act; or
(b) was held under subsection 110(6) of the Act and the decision and reasons were not given orally at the hearing.

Request for written reasons
(3) A request under paragraph 169(1)(e) of the Act for written reasons for a decision must be made in writing.

When decision of single member takes effect
51 (1) A decision, other than an interlocutory decision, made by a single Division member takes effect
(a) if made in writing, when the member signs and dates the reasons for the decision; and
(b) if given orally at a hearing, when the member states the decision and gives the reasons.

When decision of three-member panel takes effect
(2) A decision, other than an interlocutory decision, made by a panel of three Division members takes effect
(a) if made in writing, when all the members sign and date their reasons for the decision; and
(b) if given orally at a hearing, when all the members state their decision and give their reasons.


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难民申诉部门可以发布修正决定;这通常是为了纠正笔误。请参见以下难民保护部门规则:加拿大难民程序/难民保护部门规则 62-63 - 重新开放索赔或申请#委员会对重新开放已作出的决定有什么管辖权?.

规则 50(2)(b) 规定,决定和理由可以口头给出,但法律不允许对非中间决定这样做

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规则 50(2)(b) 规定,如果难民上诉司举行听证会,它可以在听证会上口头宣布决定及其理由,并且这样做无需提供书面理由。然而,该法案第 169(c) 条规定,难民上诉司的所有决定必须以书面形式作出:加拿大难民程序/决定和理由。在规则的这一规定与该法案之间存在不一致的程度上,该法案第 169 条具有约束力。因此,非中间裁决的难民上诉司决定不得口头宣布。该规则中的这一规定似乎反映了该法案的早期版本,该版本允许口头提供理由,并且在该法案修订以排除这种情况时没有更新。然而,它也可以被理解为仅适用于在难民上诉司听证会上作出的中间裁决。

难民上诉司规则 52-53:一般规定

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General Provisions

No applicable rule
52 In the absence of a provision in these Rules dealing with a matter raised during the proceedings, the Division may do whatever is necessary to deal with the matter.

Powers of Division
53 The Division may, after giving the parties notice and an opportunity to object,
(a) act on its own initiative, without a party having to make an application or request to the Division;
(b) change a requirement of a rule;
(c) excuse a person from a requirement of a rule; and
(d) extend a time limit, before or after the time limit has expired, or shorten it if the time limit has not expired.

Failure to follow rules
54 Unless proceedings are declared invalid by the Division, a failure to follow any requirement of these Rules does not make the proceedings invalid.


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  1. 加拿大(公民和移民)诉米勒, 2022 FC 1131 (CanLII),第 72 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/jr5nh#par72>,于 2022 年 8 月 3 日检索。
  2. 阿里塞科拉诉加拿大(公民和移民), 2019 FC 275 (CanLII),第 10 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/hxxcj#par10>,于 2022 年 9 月 8 日检索。
  3. 阿里塞科拉诉加拿大(公民和移民), 2019 FC 275 (CanLII),第 11 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/hxxcj#par11>,于 2022 年 9 月 8 日检索。
  4. 戈麦斯·古斯曼诉加拿大(公民和移民), 2022 FC 152 (CanLII),第 15 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/jm88g#par15>,于 2022 年 9 月 8 日检索。
  5. 戈麦斯·古斯曼诉加拿大(公民和移民), 2022 FC 152 (CanLII),第 19 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/jm88g#par19>,于 2022 年 9 月 8 日检索。
  6. a b c 加拿大移民和难民委员会,实践通知:通过加拿大邮政 epost Connect 向难民上诉司交换文件, ​​​​​2020 年 6 月 15 日,<https://irb.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/procedures/Pages/notice-documents-epost-connect.aspx> (于 2022 年 9 月 16 日访问)。
  7. 加拿大移民和难民委员会,关于难民上诉司(RAD)时间限制恢复的实践通知, 2020 年 6 月 12 日,<https://irb.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/procedures/Pages/rad-business-resumption.aspx> (于 2022 年 9 月 16 日访问)。
  8. 加拿大移民和难民委员会,难民上诉司:关于在 COVID-19 大流行期间暂时放弃提交文件规则的实践通知, 修改日期:2024 年 5 月 27 日,<https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/procedures/Pages/rad-pn-temporary-waiving-submitting-documents.aspx>。
  9. X(重审), 2020 CanLII 93771 (CA IRB),第 32 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/jbvh7#par32>,于 2024 年 10 月 18 日检索。
  10. 马苏德诉加拿大(公民和移民), 2019 FC 103 (CanLII),第 8 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/hxlwh#par8>,于 2024 年 3 月 17 日检索。