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词性 冠词名词动词动名词和分词代词形容词副词介词、连词和感叹词
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A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z.

字母的名称,目前在美国英语中常用的发音和书写方式为:Ay, Bee, Cee, Dee, Ee, Ef, Gee, Aitch, Eye, Jay, Kay, El, Em, En, Oh, Pee, Kew, Ar, Es, Tee, You, Vee, Double-You, Ecks, Why, Zee(或在英式英语中为 Zed)。

元音是指单独发音时能形成完整声音的字母。元音是 aeiou,部分 w 和有时 y。所有其他字母都是辅音。

辅音是指必须与元音结合才能发出完整声音的字母。例如 BcdWy 在音节开头且与同一音节中的元音相连时为辅音,例如 wine, twine, whine, year, yetyouth;在其他情况下,这些字母为元音,例如 Yssel, Ystadt, yttria, newly, dewyeyebrow

半元音是指无需元音也能发出不完整声音的辅音,因此在音节结尾时其发音可以拉长;例如 al, anaz 中的 lnz。半元音是:fhjlmnrsvwxyz,以及软音 cg;但音节结尾的 wy 为元音,cfghjsx 的发音只能拉长为气音或强烈的呼气。


哑音是指必须与元音结合才能发出声音的辅音,并且在音节结尾时会突然停止呼气;例如 ak, apat 中的 kpt。哑音共有八个:bdkpqt,以及硬音 cg;其中三个——kq 和硬音 c——的发音完全相同,bd 和硬音 g 停止声音的速度比其他哑音慢。


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字母的音值是指其图形用来代表的基本音。任何语言的简单基本音很少,通常不超过 36 个。不同的元音音通过不同的开合嘴型和舌位产生;但即使声音的响度、音高或时长发生变化,元音音仍然保持不变。

元音音是指在以下单词开头听到的声音:ate, at, ah, all, eel, ell, isle, ill, old, on, ooze, use, us,以及 ubull 中的发音。让我们尽可能清晰地标注它们:eigh, ~a, ah, awe, ~eh, ~e, eye, ~i, oh, ~o, oo, yew, ~uu~a 是通常赋予单词 a 的发音:如

  • "一天两次。"

在音节的形成中,这 14 个基本音中的部分可以结合在一起,例如在 ay, oil, out, owl 中。这些基本音可以通过 f 变成一系列单词:例如,fate, fat, far, fall, feel, fell, file, fill, fold, fond, fool, fuse, fuss, full。同样,也可以用 p 变成一系列单词:例如,pate, pat, par, pall, peel, pell, pile, pill, pole, pond, pool, pule, purl, pull。八个长音,eigh, ah, awe, eh, eye, oh, ooh, yew,可以是单词;但短元音,如 at, et, it, ot, ut, put 中的元音,通常只在与辅音结合时才出现。

简单辅音音共有 22 个:b, d, f, g 硬音, h, k, l, m, n, ng, p, r, s, sh, t, th 尖音, th 平音, v, w, y, zzhZh 只是为了表示其他字母的发音:例如 pleasure 中的 sazure 中的 z

所有这些声音都在以下单词中出现:buy, die, fie, guy, high, kie, lie, my, nigh, eying, pie, rye, sigh, shy, tie, thigh, thy, vie, we, ye, zebra, seizure。大多数声音可以在同一个单词或音节中重复:例如,bibber, diddle, fifty, giggle, high-hung, cackle, lily, mimic, ninny, singing, pippin, mirror, hissest, flesh-brush, tittle, thither, vivid, witwal, union, dizzies, vision

辅音 jx 代表复杂的音;因此它们从不加倍。J 等于 dzh;而 x 则等于 ksgz。前者没有出现在英语单词的末尾,后者没有出现在英语单词的开头。对于外来词开头的 z,我们总是使用 z 的简单音:例如 Xerxes, xebec

辅音 cq 没有自己独特的音。Q 总是具有 k 的音值。Ca, ou 之前是硬音,像 k 一样;在 e, iy 之前是软音,像 s 一样。因此,音节 ca, ce, ci, co, cu, cy 的发音为 ka, se, si, ko, ku, sySc 之前保留其原始发音,但与 c 合并。因此,音节 sca, sce, sci, sco, scu, scy 的发音为 ska, se, si, sko, sku, syCeci 有时发 sh 的音:例如,ocean, socialCh 通常代表 tsh 的复合音:例如 church

Gc 一样,在不同元音之前有不同的发音。Ga, ou 之前总是发硬音或喉音;在 e, iy 之前通常发软音,像 j 一样。因此,音节 ga, ge, gi, go, gu, gy 的发音为 ga, je, ji, go, gu, jy


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  • "我发现一座祭坛,上面刻着这样的铭文,献给那不知名的神。"——使徒行传,xvii,23。
  • "他们在他的头上立了一块牌子,上面写着他的罪状,这是犹太人的王,耶稣。"——马太福音,xxvii,37。


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  • "Pope's Essay on Man",
  • "The Book of Common Prayer",
  • "The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments".


  • "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things: hold fast that which is good."—1 Thess., v, 16—21.
  • "14. He has given his assent to their acts of pretended legislation: 15. For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: 16. For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for murders: 17. For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: 18. For imposing taxes on us without our consent."—Declaration of American Independence.

所有神灵的名称,有时也包括其强调性的替代词,都应大写:例如,God, Jehovah, the Almighty, the Supreme Being, Divine Providence, the Messiah, the Comforter, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Sabaoth

  • "The hope of my spirit turns trembling to You."—Moore.

所有类型的专有名词都应大写:例如,Saul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, Judas Iscariot, England, London, the Strand, the Thames, the Pyrenees, the Vatican, the Greeks, the Argo and the Argonauts

职称或荣誉称号,以及用于人名的区别性修饰词,通常应大写:例如,His Majesty William the Fourth, Chief Justice Marshall, Sir Matthew Hale, Dr. Johnson, the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, Lewis the Bold, Charles the Second, James the Less, St. Bartholomew, Pliny the Younger, Noah Webster, Jun., Esq

那些按类推倾向于将各个部分合并成一体且没有连字符的复合专有名词,应这样书写,并且只有一个首字母大写:例如,Eastport, Eastville, Westborough, Westfield, Westtown, Whitehall, Whitechurch, Whitehaven, Whiteplains, Mountmellick, Mountpleasant, Germantown, Germanflats, Blackrock, Redhook, Kinderhook, Newfoundland, Statenland, Newcastle, Northcastle, Southbridge, Fairhaven, Dekalb, Deruyter, Lafayette, Macpherson


  • "The chief mountains of Ross-shire are Ben Chat, Benchasker, Ben Golich, Ben Nore, Ben Foskarg, and Ben Wyvis."—Glasgow Geog., Vol. ii, p. 311.

应写成Ben Chasker

East, West, NorthSouth作为名称的一部分表示相对位置,或者当New通过对比来区分一个地方时,我们通常会使用单独的词语,并用两个首字母大写:例如,East Greenwich, West Greenwich, North Bridgewater, South Bridgewater, New Jersey, New Hampshire

当任何形容词或普通名词成为复合专有名词的独立部分时,它应该大写:例如,the United States, the Argentine Republic, the Peak of Teneriffe, the Blue Ridge, the Little Pedee, Long Island, Jersey City, Lower Canada, Green Bay, Gretna Green, Land's End, the Gold Coast

当一个普通名词和一个专有名词仅仅为了相互解释而联系在一起时,通常只需专有名词首字母大写,而普通名词则小写即可:例如,the prophet Elisha, Matthew the publican, the brook Cherith, the river Euphrates, the Ohio river, Warren county, Flatbush village, New York city


  • "On this, Fancy began again to bestir herself."—Addison.
  • "Come, gentle Spring, ethereal mildness, come."—Thomson.

从专有名词派生的词语,并且直接与特定的人、地点、教派或民族有关,应大写:例如,Kurdish, Platonic, Newtonian, Greek, Roman, Italic, or Italian, German, or Germanic, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese, Genoese, French, Dutch, Scotch, Welsh:因此,也许也可以用PlatonizeGrecizeRomanizeItalicizeLatinizeFrenchify


  • "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion."—Psalm cxlvii.
  • "O wretched man that I am!"
  • "For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I."—Rom., vii, 24 and 15.


  • "Our sons their fathers' failing language see, And such as Chaucer is, shall Dryden be."—Pope.


  • "Happy the man whose tender care relieves the poor distressed! When troubles compass him around, the Lord shall give him rest."—Psalms with Com. Prayer, N. Y., 1819, Ps. xli.


  • "Remember this maxim: 'Know yourself.'"
  • "Virgil says, 'Labour conquers all things.'"
  • "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods?"—John, x, 34.
  • "You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour your father and your mother."—Luke, xviii, 20.


  • "In its application to the Executive, with reference to the Legislative branch of the Government, the same rule of action should make the President ever anxious to avoid the exercise of any discretionary authority which can be regulated by Congress."—Andrew Jackson, 1835.


  • "Many a Noble Genius is lost for want of Education. Which would then be Much More Liberal. As it was when the Church Enjoyed her Possessions. And Learning was, in the Dark Ages, Preserved almost only among the Clergy."—Charles Leslie, 1700; Divine Right of Tythes, p. 228.


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那些定期或类推地联合在一起,并且通常被认为构成一个复合词的词语,不应被无谓地分开。因此,steamboat, railroad, red-hot, well-being, new-coined优于steam boat, rail road, red hot, well being, new coined


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当简单词语可以构成一个规范的短语时,应避免将它们中的任何一个进行复合。例如,in lieu of, in place of, in room of

那些可能被误解的词语,必须连接在一起或分开书写,具体取决于意义和结构。因此,glass house是指用玻璃制成的房子,而glasshouse则是指制造玻璃的房子。


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当一个句子中连接两个或多个复合词时,不应将它们中的任何一个拆开以形成一个半词的省略号。因此,six or seventeen不应该说成sixteen or seventeen;也不应该说calf, goat, and sheepskins,而应该说calfskins, goatskins, and sheepskins。然而,在后一种情况下,分开所有词语可能是正确的:例如,

  • "Soup, coffee, and tea houses."—Liberator, x, 40.


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当复合词的各个部分没有完全融合,或者每个部分都保留其原始重音时,例如first-born, hanger-on, laughter-loving, garlic-eater, butterfly-shell,应该在它们之间插入连字符。


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当一个复合词只有一个重音音节时,例如watchword, statesman, gentleman,并且各个部分可以完全融合时,它们之间不应插入连字符:例如,

  • "The practical instruction of the countinghouse imparts a more thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, than all the fictitious transactions of a mere schoolbook, however carefully constructed to suit particular purposes."—New Gram., p. vii.

词尾的 f、l 或 s

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f, ls结尾的单音节词,如果前面只有一个元音,则双写最后一个辅音:例如,staff, mill, pass, muff, knell, gloss, off, hiss, puss

词语clef, ifof用单f书写;例如,gas, has, was, yes, his, is, this, us, pusthus用单s书写;bul, nul, solsal用单l书写。


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以任何辅音结尾的单词,除了f, ls,不重复最后一个字母:如,mob, nod, dog, sum, sun, cup, cur, cut, fix, whiz, ab, ad, jag, rag, in, bur, but

我们在abb, ebb, add, odd, egg, jagg, ragg, inn, err, burr, purr, butt, buzz, fuzz, yarr以及一些专有名词中重复辅音。


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单音节词和重音在最后一个音节上的词,当它们以单个辅音后面跟着单个元音结尾时,或者在qu后的元音后,在以元音开头的附加音节之前重复其最后一个辅音:如,rob, robbed, robber; fop, foppish, foppery; squat, squatter, squatting; thin, thinner, thinnest; swim, swimmer, swimming; commit, committing, committed, committer, committees; acquit, acquittal, acquittance, acquitted, acquitting

X结尾相当于ks,从不重复:因此,从mix,我们得到mixed, mixingmixer

当派生词保留的不是词根的重音时,最后一个辅音并不总是重复:如,prefer', pref'erence, pref'erable; refer', ref'erence, ref'erable, 或 refer'rible; infer', in'ference, in'ferable, 或 infer'rible; transfer', a trans'fer, trans'ferable, 或 transfer'rible。

但拉丁语中重复的字母,通常在英语中重复,不考虑重音,也不考虑任何其他原则:如,Britain, Britan'nic, Britannia; appeal, appel'lant; argil, argil'laus, argilla'ceous; cavil, cav'illous, cavilla'tion; excel', ex'cellent, ex'cellence; inflame', inflam'mable, inflamma'tion。


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一个最终的辅音,当它前面没有单个元音时,或者当重音不在最后一个音节上时,在附加音节之前应该保持单一:如,toil, toiling; oil, oily; visit, visited; differ, differing; peril, perilous; viol, violist; real, realize, realist; dial, dialing, dialist; equal, equalize, equality; vitriol, vitriolic, vitriolate

el结尾的词的最后一个l,在另一个元音之前必须重复,以免e的音节被误解,一个音节丢失:如,travel, traveller; duel, duellist; revel, revelling; gravel, gravelly; marvel, marvellous。然而,单词parallel,已经包含三个l,在形成其派生词时符合该规则:如,paralleling, paralleled,和unparalleled

与前面的规则相反,少数以al, ilol结尾的不重读动词的过去式、过去分词和派生名词——即,equal, rival, vial, marshal, victual, cavil, pencil, carol, gambolpistol——通常允许重复l,尽管有些人不同意这种做法:如,equalled, equalling; rivalled, rivalling; cavilled, cavilling, caviller; carolled, carolling, caroller

ly跟随l时,我们当然有两个l,但实际上没有重复:如,real, really; oral, orally; cruel, cruelly; civil, civilly; cool, coolly; wool, woolly

复合词,尽管它们经常从重复点移走主重音,但总是保留双字母:如,wit'snapper, kid'napper, grass'hopper, duck'-legged, spur'galled, hot'spurred, broad'-brimmed, hare'-lipped, half-witted. 因此,compromittedmanumitted;但benefited则不同。


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单音节词和英语动词不以c结尾,而是用ck代替双c:如,rack, wreck, rock, attack:但总的来说,来自学术语言的词不需要k,并且常用用法将其丢弃:如,Italic, maniac, music, public

单词arc, orc, lac, sacsoc,只以c结尾。Zinc可能最好拼写为zinkmarc, markdisc, disk;以及talc, talck


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以任何双字母结尾的单词,在任何不以相同字母开头的附加词缀之前,保留其双字母:如以下派生词:wooer, seeing, blissful, oddly, gruffly, equally, shelly, hilly, stiffness, illness, stillness, shrillness, fellness, smallness, drollness, freeness, grassless, passless, carelessness, recklessness, embarrassment, enfeoffment, agreement, agreeable

某些以ee, llss结尾的动词的非规则派生词,如fled来自fleesold来自selltold来自telldwelt来自dwellspelt来自spellspilt来自spillblest来自blesspast来自pass,是上述规则的例外。

如果单词pontiff正确拼写为两个f,其八个派生词也是这条规则的例外;因为它们分别拼写为一个:如,pontific, pontifical, pontificate等等。

单词skillful, skillfully, willful, willfully, chillness, tallness, dullnessfullness,通常允许省略第二个l,尽管它们都可能很好地符合通用规则,符合韦伯斯特的拼写规则。

以任何双字母结尾的词,在所有用前缀形成的派生词中保留双字母:如,see, foresee; feoff, enfeoff; pass, repass; press, depress; miss, amiss; call, recall; stall, forestall; thrall, inthrall; spell, misspell; tell, foretell; sell, undersell; add, superadd; snuff, besnuff; swell, overswell


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最后的ll是单音节词及其复合词所特有的,以及用前缀从这些词根形成的少量派生词;因此,所有以l结尾的其他词,都必须以单个l结尾:如,cabal, logical, appal, excel, rebel, refel, dispel, extol, control, mogul, jackal, rascal, damsel, handsel, tinsel, tendril, tranquil, gambol, consul


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一个原始词的最后一个e,当这个字母是静音或模糊时,通常在以元音开头的附加词缀之前省略:如,remove, removal; rate, ratable; force, forcible; true, truism; rave, raving; sue, suing; eye, eying; idle, idling; centre, centring

cege结尾的词,在ableous之前保留e,以保持cg的软音:如,trace, traceable; change, changeable; outrage, outrageous

因此,从shoe,我们写shoeing,以保持词根的音节;从hoe, hoeing,通过明显的类比;以及,从singe, singeing;从swinge, swingeing;从tinge, tingeing;以免与singing, swinging和tinging混淆。

对于复合词和前缀,如firearms, forearm, anteact, viceagent,该规则不适用;最后的ee保持双重,如disagreeable, disagreeing

一个原始词的最后一个e,通常在以辅音开头的附加词缀之前保留:如,pale, paleness; edge, edgeless; judge, judgeship; lodge, lodgement; change, changeful; infringe, infringement

e前面是元音时,有时会省略:如duly, truly, awful, argument;但更常见的是保留:如dueness, trueness, blueness, bluely, rueful, dueful, shoeless, eyeless


有些人认为judgment, abridgmentacknowledgment是不可挽回的例外;但根据Lowth、Beattie、Ainsworth、Walker、Cobb、Chalmers等人的权威,他们保留了e


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一个原始词的最后一个y,当它前面是辅音时,通常在附加词缀之前变为i:如,merry, merrier, merriest, merrily, merriment; pity, pitied, pities, pitiest, pitiless, pitiful, pitiable; contrary, contrariness, contrarily

这条规则适用于派生词,但不适用于复合词:因此,我们写的是mercifulmercy-seat; pennilesspennyworth; scurvinessscurvy-grass;等等。但是ladyshipgoodyship,与secretarishipsuretiship不同;handicrafthandiwork,与handygripehandystroke不同;babyshipbabyhood,与stateliness和likelihood不同;我们看到,派生词和复合词之间的区别过于细微,以至于没有得到一直准确的遵循。

ingish之前,保留y以防止i的重复:例如,pity, pitying; baby, babyish

ie结尾的词,去掉e,将i改为y,原因相同:例如,die, dying; vie, vying; lie, lying


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当原始词的末尾y在元音之前时,在添加任何词尾之前,不应将其改为i:例如,day, days; key, keys; guy, guys; valley, valleys; coy, coyly; cloy, cloys, cloyed; boy, boyish, boyhood; annoy, annoyer, annoyance; joy, joyless, joyful

lay, pay, saystay,形成laid, paid, saidstaid; 但有时也会使用规则形式的词,layed, payed, stayed

Raiment,由arrayment缩略而来,从不写成带y的词。Daily比规则形式dayly更常见;但gayly, gayetygayness,正逐步取代gailygaiety


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izeise结尾的词,如wisesize,通常在所有通过词尾形成的词中使用z; 而在单音节词和所有通过前缀形成的词中使用sgormandize, apologize, brutalize, canonize, pilgrimize, philosophize, cauterize, anathematize, sympathize, disorganize,用z; rise, arise, disguise, advise, devise, supervise, circumcise, despise, surmise, surprise, comprise, compromise, enterprise, presurmise,用s。在英联邦英语拼写中,以ize结尾的词也可以写成ise,例如organise, realiserecognise

Advertise, catechise, chastise, criticise, exercise, exorcisemerchandise最常写成带s的词,而size, assize, capsize, analyze, overprize, detonizerecognize,则写成带z的词。



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复合词通常保留构成它们的简单词的拼写:例如,wherein, horseman, uphill, shellfish, knee-deep, kneedgrass, kneading-trough, innkeeper, skylight, plumtree, mandrill

在永久性复合词中,或在它们不是词根的任何派生词中,fullall会去掉一个l:例如,handful, careful, fulfil, always, although, withal; 在临时性复合词中,它们会保留两个l:例如,full-eyed, chock-full, all-wise, save-all

因此,前缀mis(如果来自miss,意为错误),会去掉一个s; 但去掉两个s则是错误的,就像在约翰逊的mispellmispend中,应该写成misspellmisspend

在星期名称中,mass也会去掉一个s:例如,Christmas, Candlemas, Lammas

所有格通常会去掉撇号:例如herdsman, kitesfoot

如果三个相同的字母连在一起,则会去掉一个字母:例如,Rosshire, chaffinch; 或者使用连字符:例如,Ross-shire, ill-looking, still-life

Chilblain, welcomewelfare会去掉一个l


Shepherd, whereverwhosever会去掉一个e; 而whereforetherefore会添加一个e


  • "The brewer grinds his malt before he brues his beer."—Red Book, p. 38.


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  • "Maister, says he, have you any wery good weal in you vallet?"—Columbian Orator, p. 292.
  • "Ay, he was porn at Monmouth, captain Gower."—Shak.
  • "I will description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it."—Id.
  • "Perdigious! I can hardly stand."—Lloyd: Brit. Poets, Vol. viii, p. 184.


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  • "Newe grene chese of smalle clammynes comfortethe a hotte stomake."—T. Paynel: Tooke's Diversions, ii, 132.
  • "He hath holpen his servant Israel."—Luke, i, 54.
  • "With him was reverend contemplation pight, bow-bent with eld, his beard of snowy hue."—Beattie.


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省头是指省略词语的某些首字母:例如,'gainst,代替against; 'gan,代替began; 'neath,代替beneath; 'thout,代替without。

补头是指在词语开头添加一个填充音节:例如,adown,代替down; appaid,代替paid; bestrown,代替strown; evanished,代替vanished; yclad,代替clad

省音是指省略词语的某些中间字母:例如,med'cine,代替medicine; e'en,代替even; o'er,代替over; conq'ring,代替conquering; se'nnight,代替sevennight。

省尾是指省略词语的某些末尾字母:例如,tho',代替though; th',代替the; t'other,代替the other; thro',代替through。

补尾是指在词语末尾添加一个填充音节:例如,Johnny,代替John; deary,代替dear; withouten,代替without


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分音符是指将两个可能形成双元音的元音分开:例如,coöperate 而不是 cooperateaëronaut 而不是 aeronautorthoëpy 而不是 orthoepy。这在英语中曾经很常见,但现在很少见了。


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音节合并是指将两个音节合并成一个:例如,seest,表示 seest;tacked,表示 tack-ed;drowned,表示 drown-ed;'tis,表示 it is;I'll,表示 I will。


  • "On which side soever."—Rolla.
  • "To us ward."
  • "To God ward."—Bible.
  • "The assembling of ourselves together."—Id.
  • "With what charms soever she will."—Cowper.
  • "So new a fashioned robe."—Shak.
  • "Lament the live day long."—Burns.


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