< 英语运用
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- "But more of this hereafter."—Harris's Hermes, p. 77.
- 这句话的意思是,“但我将在以后详细说明”。
- "Prythee, peace."—Shak.
- 这句话的意思是,“我求求你,保持安静”。
- "A man and [a] woman."
- "The day, [the] month, and [the] year."
- "She gave me an apple and [a] pear, for a fig and [an] orange."—Jaudon's Gram., p. 170.
- "The common [law] and the statute law."
- "The twelve [apostles]."
- "The same [man] is he."
- "One [book] of my books."
- "A dozen [bottles] of wine."
- "Conscience, I say; not your own [conscience], but [the conscience] of the other."—1 Cor., x, 29.
- "Every moment subtracts from [our lives] what it adds to our lives."—Dillwyn's Ref., p. 8.
- "Bad actions mostly lead to worse" [actions].—Ib., p. 5.
- "There are subjects proper for the one, and not [proper] for the other."—Kames.
- "A just weight and [a just] balance are the Lord's."—Prov., xvi, 11.
- "Leave [you] there your gift before the altar, and go [you] your way; first be [you] reconciled to your brother, and then come [you] and offer [you] your gift,"—Matt., v, 24.
- "Love [you] your enemies, bless [you] them that curse you, do [you] good to them that hate you."—Ib., v. 44.
- "Chastisement does not always immediately follow error, but [it] sometimes comes when [it is] least expected."— Dillwyn, Ref., p. 31.
- "Men generally put a greater value upon the favours [which] they bestow, than upon those [which] they receive."—Art of Thinking, p. 48.
- "Wisdom and worth were all [that] he had."—Allen's Gram., p. 294.
- "The world is crucified to me, and I [am crucified] to the world."—Gal., vi, 14.
- "Hearts should not [differ], though heads may, differ."—Dillwyn, p. 11.
- "Are you not much better than they" [are]?—Matt., vi, 26.
- "Tribulation works patience; and patience [works] experience; and experience [works] hope."—Romans, v, 4.
- "Wrongs are engraved on marble; benefits [are engraved] on sand."—Art of Thinking, p. 41.
- "To whom thus Eve, yet sinless" [spoke].—Milton.
- "That [being] over, they part."
- "Animals of various natures, some adapted to the wood, and some [adapted] to the wave."—Melmoth, on Scripture, p. 13.
- "His knowledge [being] measured to his state and place, His time [being] a moment, and a point [being] his space."—Pope.
- "He can do this independently of me, if not [independently] of you."
- "She shows a body rather than a life; a statue, [rather] than a breather."—Shak., Ant. and Cleo., iii, 3.
- "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, [and] joy, [and] peace, [and] long suffering, [and] gentleness, [and] goodness, [and] faith, [and] meekness, [and] temperance."—Gal., v, 22.
- "It shall be done [on] this very day."
- "We shall set off [at] some time [in] next month."
- "He departed [from] this life."
- "He gave [to] me a book."
- "We walked [through] a mile."
- "He was banished [from] the kingdom."—W. Allen.
- "他像[一个]王子一样生活。"—威尔斯。
- "哦!人类的脆弱,[哦!]人类的邪恶。"
- "哀哉墨西哥!哀哉[哀哉]她的许多侵略者!"
- "勤奋的人通常做得比他们应做的事更多;懒惰的人[通常做]得更少" [比他们应做的事少]。
- "年轻人,生气时,说的话不如他们想得多;老年人,[生气时,说的话]比他们想得多" [比他们想得多]。
- "正义的责任是不要伤害人;[正义的责任]是不要冒犯他们。"—W. 艾伦。
- "但善恶知识树的果子,你不可吃。"—创世纪,ii,17。
- "有耳可听的,就当听。"—圣经。
- "你们世上的居民,和地上的居民,都当听。"—同上。
- "石头一块也不留在石头上,不被拆毁的。"—同上。
- "我知道你是谁。"—同上。
- "道成肉身,住在我们中间,我们也看见了他的荣耀。"—约翰福音,i,14。
- "于是腓力下到撒玛利亚城,向他们传讲基督。"—使徒行传,viii,5。
- "伦敦城表达了他们自由而坚定的意见。"—Junius,第159页。
- "我说[对背道的以色列说,]在她做了这一切之后,你们要转向我;但她没有回头:她那背叛的姐妹犹大看见了。"—耶利米书,iii,7。
- "他给他们起了外号,叫他们波阿内革,意思就是雷子。"—马可福音,iii,17。
- "当傍晚拉下她那红色的窗帘时。"—汤姆森,第63页。
- "雷声发出他那巨大的声音。"—同上,第113页。
- "你知道你是布鲁图斯,说出这句话的人。"—莎士比亚。
- "他们[依次]落下,又[依次]升起。"—波普。
- "比他[谁]更凶恶的恶魔,世间无处可寻。"—汤姆森。
- "肯定发生了一些灾难" [发生]。—盖伊。
- "那一次攻击的冲击如此猛烈,毁灭的大门立刻打开了" [打开]。—霍格。
- "他在世界上漫游。"—考珀。
- "用虚假的喧嚣环绕世界。"—同上。
- "所以,你们不知道而敬拜的,我如今向你们宣布。"—使徒行传,xvii,23。
- "蒙田说,'一个国家的编年史如果令人厌倦,那么这个国家就是幸福的。'"—科温,在国会,1847年。
- 本文的一部分内容来自公有领域英语语法"英语语法的语法",由古尔德·布朗于1851年撰写。