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亨利八世歌词/ENglond be glad pluk vp thy lusty hart(未署名)

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Belle sur tautes Pray we to god that all may gyde

[ff. 100v-102r]

ENglond be glad pluk vp thy lusty hart.
help now thi kyng and tak his part
Ageynst the frenchmen in the feld to fyght
In the quarell of the church and in the ryght
with spers and sheldes on goodly horsys lyght.                                       5
bowys and arows to put them all to flyght

helpe now thi kyng


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这首歌词简短乐观地描述了战斗(第 5-6 行),并概括了亨利在 1513 年对法国的战争的原因(第 4 行),它敦促人们支持国王参与那场战役,当时他与皇家教堂一同出征。这首歌词之后是“Pray we to god that all may gyde”(H 65),与它描述的是同一事件。

1 . . . pluk vp thy lusty hart 参见“Comfort at hand! Pluck up thy heart”(在 DBla 中),归于怀亚特。
4 quarrell 引起敌意或行动的抱怨的原因、理由或时机(OED“quarrel” n.3 2)。

未署名的“ENglond be glad pluk vp thy lusty hart”是用三部合唱来演唱的。

这首作品索引在 Robbins Index & Suppl. 134.5 和 Ringler MS TM76 中。它被转载在 Chappell Account 383、Flügel Anglia 250、Flügel Neuengl 161、Stevens M&P 417–18 和 Stevens MCH8 74 中。


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H1,2,3 (ff. 100v–102r).

1 lusty hart.] hart^ H2
2 and tak his part] and tak his part and take hys part. H1,3, and take his and take his part. H2
4 in the ryght.] in thi ryght. H2, thi ryght. H3
6 to put them all to flyght] to put them all to flyght to put them all to flyght. H1, to put them all to flyght to put them all to flyght. H2, to put them all to flyght. H3
7 helpe now] now helpe H3