输入:真分数 的形式
- 十进制比率(如果 r 不是无理数)
- 十进制数字序列和基数
- 二进制数字序列和基数
倍增映射 d 对分数 x 的二进制表示的影响是简单地移位 x 的位到左侧,丢弃移位到一位的位 = 左移。[3]
- 周期性(输入是有奇数分母的有理数 )
- 前周期性(输入是有偶数分母的有理数)
- 非周期性(当输入是无理数时)
注意,这里连接单位圆上 2 个点 z1 和 z2 的弦意味着 。它并不意味着这些点是同一条射线的着陆点。
周期为 2 的轨道(角度在倍增映射下)
周期为 3 的轨道(角度在倍增映射下)
周期为 4 的轨道(角度在倍增映射下)
周期为 5 的轨道(角度在倍增映射下)
周期为 6 的轨道(角度在倍增映射下)
周期 9
11/63 在倍增映射下的周期为 6 的轨道
74/511 在倍增映射下的周期为 9 的轨道
角度 的周期轨道,其中分母 d 为奇数
- n 是分数的分子 = 从 0 到 (d-1) 的整数
- d 是分数的分母 = 正整数
- p 是周期 = 正整数
周期为 1(1 个轨道)的角度 =
{0/1 = 1/1 }
周期 2 (1 轨道) 对应角度 =
{1/3, 2/3}
周期 3 (2 轨道) 对应角度 =
{1/7, 2/7, 4/7 } {3/7, 6/7, 5/7 }
周期 4 (3 轨道) 对应角度 =
{1/15, 2/15, 4/15, 8/15 } {3/15, 6/15, 12/15, 9/15 } {7/15, 14/15, 13/15, 11/15 }
周期 5 (6 轨道) 对应角度 =
{ 1/31, 2/31, 4/31, 8/31, 16/31} { 3/31, 6/31, 12/31, 24/31, 17/31} { 5/31, 10/31, 20/31, 9/31, 18/31} { 7/31, 14/31, 28/31, 25/31, 19/31} {11/31, 22/31, 13/31, 26/31, 21/31} {15/31, 30/31, 29/31, 27/31, 23/31}
周期 6 (9 轨道) 对应角度 = , 仅分子
{ 1, 2, 4, 8,16,32} { 3, 6,12,24,48,33} { 5,10,20,40,17,34} { 7,14,28,56,49,35} [11,22,44,25,50,37} [13,26,52,41,19,38} [15,30,60,57,51,39} [23,46,29,58,53,43] [31,62,61,59,55,47]
周期 = 7 对应角度 =
周期 = 8 对应角度 =
周期 = 9 对应角度 =
- 参数平面上的根点(键点)的外部射线
- 动态平面
- 落在抛物固定点上的外部射线。 (第一个角度是尾流的角度)
这里分数 r 的分母 d
并且 q 是奇数。
- t 是前周期
前周期 1 和周期 1 对应角度
{1/2 , (0/2)}
- Misiurewicz 点 在参数平面上
- 动态平面上的树枝状朱利亚集
- 整数
- 2 个整数(分子和分母)
- 有理数
- GMP 库中的 mpq 类型
- 浮点数
- double
- 使用 32 位有符号整数将最大前周期限制在约 30
- 使用 double 表示分数将最大精确位数限制在约 53 位
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
#include <limits.h> // INT_MAX
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
gcc d.c -Wall -Wextra -lm
example input fractions
wikibooks Fractals/Mathematics/binary
int nMax;
The GCD function uses Euclid's Algorithm.
It computes A mod B, then swaps A and B with an XOR swap.
int gcd(int a, int b)
int temp;
while (b != 0)
temp = a % b;
a = b;
b = temp;
return a;
n/d -> n_new/d_new
int give_reduced_fraction(const int n, const int d, int * n_new, int *d_new){
int divisor = gcd(n,d);
if (divisor != 1) {
*n_new = n / divisor;
*d_new = d / divisor;}
else {
*n_new = n;
*d_new = d;
return 0;
Binary expansion can be :
* finite - decimal ratio number with even denominator which is a power of 2. Note that it has also equal infinite preperiodic representation
* infinite
** periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
** preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
** aperiodic : preperiod = 0, period = 0 ( or infinity), irrational number
input is a rational number t = n/d so
here are only 2 types of result:
* 0 = preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
* 1 = periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
int give_dynamic_type(const int n, const int d){
// boolean flag
int is_odd = 0;
int is_POT = 0;
if (d % 2)
{ // d % 2 > 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is odd\n", d); // parzysty
is_odd = 1;
else { // d % 2 = 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is even\n", d); // nieparzysty
is_odd = 0;
if (d>0 && ((d & (d-1)) == 0))
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is power of 2 ( POT) = 2^%d\n", d, (int) log2(d));
is_POT = 1;}
else {
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is not the power of 2\n", d);
is_POT = 0;}
// wikibooks Fractals/Mathematics/binary#preperiod_and_period
if ( is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 1)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is finite and has equal infinite preperiodic representation\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and POT\n");
return 0;
// preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
if (is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is preperiodic\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and not POT\n");
return 0;
// periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
if (is_odd == 1 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is periodic\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is not even (odd) and not POT\n");
return 1;
return 0;
int give_period(const int n0, const int d0){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = 20; // period_max
int period = 0;
// printf(" i\t numerator/denominator \n"); // header
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
// printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \n", i, n, d);
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf(" signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d;
if (n == n0) {
period = i+1;
// printf(" preperiod = 0 and period of fraction under doubling map is %d\n", period);
return period;}
return 0; // period not found, maybe period > iMax
int give_periodic_orbit(const int period, int n, int d, int orbit[]){
int i;
int iMax = period; //
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
orbit[i] = n;
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf(" signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d;
return 0;
int give_preperiod(const int period, const int n0, const int d0, int orbit[]){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = period; //
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
if (orbit[i] == n) return i;
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
return 0;
input : reduced proper rational fraction in t = n0/d0
* perperiod as a result
* period as a pointer
int give_preperiod_and_period(const int n0, const int d0, int *period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
*period = 0;
int preperiod = 0;
int preperiod_max = 1000;
if ( preperiod_max > INT_MAX - *period ){printf("give_preperiod_and_period error: preperiod_max > INT_MAX - period, signed integer overflow will happen = ; use extended precision \n"); return -1;}
int i;
int iMax = preperiod_max; // preperiod_max
// go thru preperiodic part to periodic part
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
//printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \n", i, n, d);
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf("give_preperiod_and_period error: signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
// now it should be periodic part
*period = give_period (n,d);
// periodic orbit
int *orbit; // only numerators
orbit = (int *) malloc( *period * sizeof(* orbit));
give_periodic_orbit(*period, n, d, orbit);
preperiod = give_preperiod( *period, n0, d0, orbit);
return preperiod;
void give_orbit(const int n0, const int d0, const int preperiod, const int period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = preperiod+period; // preperiod_max
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
if ( i < preperiod)
{ printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \t preperiodic part \n", i, n, d);}
else {printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \t periodic part \n", i, n, d);}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
Multiply the input decimal fraction by two
from above result
take integer part as the binary digit
take the fractional part as the starting point for the next step
repeat until you either get to 0 or a periodic number
read the number starting from the top - the first binary digit is the first digit after the comma
void print_binary_expansion(const int n0, const int d0, const int preperiod, const int period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i_max = preperiod+period;
int i;
double t = (double) n/d;
double t_fractional;
double t_integer;
int binary_digit;
printf("formated infinite binary expansion of %d/%d is 0.", n0,d0);
for (i = 0; i < i_max; ++i){
// doubling map
t *= 2.0;
// split
t_fractional = modf(t, &t_integer);
binary_digit = (int) t_integer;
if (i== preperiod) {printf("(");}
printf("%d", binary_digit);
// take the fractional part as the starting point for the next step
t = t_fractional;
int describe_fraction(const int n0, const int d0){
// proper decimal fraction
// t = n/d
//int n0 = 1; //
//int d0 = 66; //
// tr = n0r/d0r = t after reduction
int n0r ; //
int d0r ; //
int n;
int d;
int period = 0;
int preperiod = 0;
assert(n0 > 0);
assert(d0 > 1);
assert(n0 < d0); // proper fraction
// ------------ Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms -------------------------------
// ----------- wikipedia Irreducible_fraction ----------------------------
give_reduced_fraction(n0, d0, &n0r, &d0r);
if (n0 == n0r && d0 ==d0r )
{printf(" fraction = %d/%d\t is irreducible = in lowest terms \n", n0, d0 ); }
else {printf(" fraction = %d/%d\t after reduction is %d/%d \n", n0, d0, n0r,d0r); }
n = n0r;
d = d0r;
assert(n > 0);
assert(d > 1);
assert(n < d);
int type = give_dynamic_type(n,d);
// ------------------compute preperiod and period under doubling map -------------------------
printf("fraction %d/%d under doubling map has: \n", n0r, d0r);
if (type ==0 ){
preperiod = give_preperiod_and_period( n0r, d0r, &period);
if (preperiod > 0) {
printf("\t preperiod = %d and period = %d\n", preperiod, period);
if (period == 0 )
{printf("period = 0 means period NOT FOUND !!!\n\t maybe period > iMax in give_period \n\tor maybe preperiod_max in give_preperiod_and_period is to big \n");}}}
// --------------
else {
period = give_period(n,d);
if (period > 0)
{printf(" preperiod = 0 and period = %d\n", period); }
else {printf(" preperiod = 0 and period of fraction under doubling map > 0 but period NOT FOUND !!! maybe period > iMax in give_period \n");}}
// -------------------------------------------------
give_orbit( n0, d0, preperiod, period);
// ----------formated infinite binary expansion ---------------------
print_binary_expansion( n0r, d0r, preperiod, period);
return 0;
int main(void) {
nMax = INT_MAX / 2; // signed integer
return 0;
- 使用双精度数可以得到 精度 为 53 位二进制数扩展(双精度浮点数的精度位数)。
t *= 2.0; // t = 2*t
if (t > 1.0) t--; // t = t modulo 1
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <math.h> // fabs
#define iMax 8 //
int main(){
double t0 ;
double t ;
double ti; // final t after iMax iterations
double tr; //
double dt;
int itinerary[iMax]= {0};
int i;
t0 = (double) 1/7;
t = t0;
// check the input : it should be 0.0 <= t < 1.0
if (t>1.0) {printf("t is > 1.0\n"); return 1;}
if (t<0.0) {printf("t is < 0.0\n"); return 1;}
printf("forward iteration of doubling map\n");
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++){
printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
t = t*2.0; // doubling
if (t>1.0) {
itinerary[i]= 1;
t = t - 1.0;
printf(" wrap\n");} // modulo 1
else printf("\n");
printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);
ti = t;
printf("\nbackward iteration of doubling map = halving map \n");
for(i=iMax; i>0; i--){ // reverse counting
printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
if (itinerary[i-1]==1) { // i-1 !!!
t = t + 1.0;
printf(" unwrap\n");} // modulo 1
else printf("\n");
t = t/2.0; // halving
printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);
tr = t;
printf("\n\nresults \n");
printf("t0 = %f\n", t0);
printf("t%d = %f\n", iMax, ti);
dt = fabs(t0- tr);
printf("tr = %f\n", tr);
printf("dt = fabs(t0- tr) = %f\n", dt );
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("itinerary[%d] = %d \n", i, itinerary[i]);
printf("\ndecimal %f has binary expansion = 0.", t0);
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("%d", itinerary[i]);
if (dt < 0.0000000001) printf("program works good !\n");
else printf("program fails !\n");
return 0;}
C 函数(使用 GMP 库)[4]
// rop = (2*op ) mod 1
void mpq_doubling(mpq_t rop, const mpq_t op)
mpz_t n; // numerator
mpz_t d; // denominator
mpz_inits(n, d, NULL);
mpq_get_num (n, op); //
mpq_get_den (d, op);
// n = (n * 2 ) % d
mpz_mul_ui(n, n, 2);
mpz_mod( n, n, d);
// output
mpq_set_num(rop, n);
mpq_set_den(rop, d);
mpz_clears(n, d, NULL);
C programme using gmp
gcc r.c -lgmp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
// input = num/den
unsigned int num = 1;
unsigned int den = 6;
int main ()
mpq_t q; // rational number;
int b =2 ; // base of numeral system
mpz_t n ;
mpz_t d ;
mpf_t f ;
char *sr;
char *sf;
mp_exp_t exponent ; // holds the exponent for the result string
// init and set variables
mpq_init (q); // Initialize r and set it to 0/1.
mpf_init (f);
mpq_canonicalize (q); // It is the responsibility of the user to canonicalize the assigned variable before any arithmetic operations are performed on that variable.
// convertions
sr = mpq_get_str (NULL, b, q); // rational number = fraction : from decimal to binary
// If str is NULL, the result string is allocated using the current allocation function
sf = mpf_get_str (NULL, &exponent, b, 0, f); // floating point number : from decimal to binary
// If n_digits is 0 then that accurate maximum number of digits are generated.
// print
gmp_printf ("a rational number %Zd / %Zd is in a canonical form ( decimal fraction) : %Qd\n",n,d, q); //
gmp_printf(" numerator of rational number = %Zd \n", mpq_numref(q)); //
gmp_printf(" denominator of rational number = %Zd \n", mpq_denref(q)); //
gmp_printf (" binary rational ( string ) : %s \n", sr); //
gmp_printf (" decimal floating point number : %.Ff \n", f); //
// The output of the GMP programme is in the form mantissa,'e',exponent where the value is
// 0.mantissa * 2^exponent
// GMP represents the floating point numbers (for base 2) as a pair of exponent and mantissa (and sign).
//The generated string is a fraction, with an implicit radix point immediately to the left of the first digit.
// Trailing zeros are not returned.
// For example, the number 3.1416 would be returned as string "31416" and exponent 1 so :
// 3.1416 = 0.31416*10^1
// another example : 1/6 as a exponential form of binary number will be :
// mantissa = 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011
// exponet = -2
// so 1/6 = 0.101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011 * 2 ^(-2) = 0.0(01)
gmp_printf (" mantissa of binary floating ( string ) : %s \n", sf); //
gmp_printf (" exponent : %ld \n", exponent); //
printf ("binary floating number in exponential form =0.%s*%d^%ld\n", sf,b, exponent);
// clear memory
mpq_clear (q);
mpz_clear (n);
mpz_clear (d);
mpf_clear (f);
return 0;
gcc r.c -lgmp
a rational number 1 / 6 is in a canonical form ( decimal fraction) : 1/6 numerator of rational number = 1 denominator of rational number = 6 binary rational ( string ) : 1/110 decimal floating point number : 0.166666666666666666667 mantissa of binary floating ( string ) : 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011 exponent : -2 binary floatin in exponential form =0.101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011*2^-2
- 使用分子和分母作为输入的 Maxima CAS 函数
doubling_map(n,d):=mod(2*n,d)/d $
DoublingMap(r):= block([d,n], n:ratnumer(r), d:ratdenom(r), mod(2*n,d)/d)$
(defun doubling-map (ratio-angle)
" period doubling map = The dyadic transformation (also known as the dyadic map,
bit shift map, 2x mod 1 map, Bernoulli map, doubling map or sawtooth map "
(let* ((n (numerator ratio-angle))
(d (denominator ratio-angle)))
(setq n (mod (* n 2) d)) ; (2 * n) modulo d
(/ n d))) ; result = n/d
Haskell 函数[5]
-- by Claude Heiland-Allen
-- type Q = Rational
double :: Q -> Q
double p
| q >= 1 = q - 1
| otherwise = q
where q = 2 * p
// mndcombi.cpp by Wolf Jung (C) 2010.
// http://mndynamics.com/indexp.html
// n is a numerator
// d is a denominator
// f = n/d is a rational fraction (angle in turns)
// twice is doubling map = (2*f) mod 1
// n and d are changed (arguments passed to function by reference)
void twice(unsigned long long int &n, unsigned long long int &d)
{ if (n >= d) return;
if (!(d & 1)) { d >>= 1; if (n >= d) n -= d; return; }
unsigned long long int large = 1LL;
large <<= 63; //avoid overflow:
if (n < large) { n <<= 1; if (n >= d) n -= d; return; }
n -= large;
n <<= 1;
large -= (d - large);
n += large;
每个角度 α ∈ R/Z(以转数表示)都具有
在 Maxima CAS 中
InvDoublingMap(r):= [r/2, (r+1)/2];
是半圈 = 180 度 = Pi 弧度。
- 查找扩展类型
- 查找前周期和周期
- 转换 十进制小数为二进制展开式
- 格式化展开式
gcc i.c -Wall -Wextra -lm
(n>0 && ((n & (n-1)) == 0))
if (x % 2) { } // x is odd
An integer is even if it is a multiple of two, power of 2, true if num is perfectly divisible by 2 : mod(24,2) = 0
and odd if it is not.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main(void)
int n = 1;
int d = 4; //
// boolean flag
int is_odd = 0;
int is_POT = 0;
//int type;
assert( n > 0);
assert( d > 0);
assert( n < d); // proper fraction
if (d % 2)
{ // d % 2 > 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is odd\n", d); // parzysty
is_odd = 1;
else { // d % 2 = 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is even\n", d); // nieparzysty
is_odd = 0;
if (d>0 && ((d & (d-1)) == 0))
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is power of 2 ( POT) = 2^%d\n", d, (int) log2(d));
is_POT = 1;}
else {
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is not the power of 2\n", d);
is_POT = 0;}
// https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/Fractals/Mathematics/binary#preperiod_and_period
if ( is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 1)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is finite and has equal infinite representation\n", n,d);
fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and POT\n");
// preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
if (is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is preperiodic\n", n,d);
fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and not POT\n");
// periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
if (is_odd == 1 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is periodic\n", n,d);
fprintf(stdout, "denominator is not even (odd) and not POT\n");
return 0;
- 视觉
- 数值
约化有理分数 m/n 的二进制展开式的周期等于2 模n 的乘法阶
角度 5/31 在倍增映射下的轨道
doubling map
2*t mod 1
how to invert doubling map
Inverse of doubling map is multivalued function: 2 preimages
t/2 and (t+1)/2
to choose proper preimage one needs extra information from forward iteration = itinerary
itinerary : list of symbols
for coding the orbits of a given dynamical system
by partitioning the space X and forming an itinerary
see also how to convert proper decimal fraction to binary fraction
commons :Binary_decomposition_of_dynamic_plane_for_f0(z)_%3D_z%5E2.png
---------- git --------------------
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:adammajewski/doubling_map.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <math.h> // fabs
#define iMax 8 //
int main(){
double t0 ;
double t ;
double ti; // final t after iMax iterations
double tr; //
double dt;
int itinerary[iMax]= {0};
int i;
t0 = (double) 1/7;
t = t0;
// check the input : it should be 0.0 <= t < 1.0
if (t>1.0) {printf("t is > 1.0\n"); return 1;}
if (t<0.0) {printf("t is < 0.0\n"); return 1;}
printf("forward iteration of doubling map\n");
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++){
printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
// wikipedia Dyadic_transformation
t = t*2.0; // doubling
if (t>1.0) {
itinerary[i]= 1;
t = t - 1.0;
printf(" wrap\n");} // modulo 1
else printf("\n");
printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);
ti = t;
printf("\nbackward iteration of doubling map = halving map \n");
for(i=iMax; i>0; i--){ // reverse counting
printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
if (itinerary[i-1]==1) { // i-1 !!!
t = t + 1.0;
printf(" unwrap\n");} // modulo 1
else printf("\n");
t = t/2.0; // halving
printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);
tr = t;
printf("\n\nresults \n");
printf("t0 = %f\n", t0);
printf("t%d = %f\n", iMax, ti);
dt = fabs(t0- tr);
printf("tr = %f\n", tr);
printf("dt = fabs(t0- tr) = %f\n", dt );
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("itinerary[%d] = %d \n", i, itinerary[i]);
printf("\ndecimal %f has binary expansion = 0.", t0);
for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("%d", itinerary[i]);
if (dt < 0.0000000001) printf("program works good !\n");
else printf("program fails !\n");
return 0;}
// gcc d.c -lgmp -Wall
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
// a multiple precision integer, as defined by the GMP library. The C data type for such integers is mpz_t
int print_z(mpz_t z, int base, char *s){
printf("%s= ", s);
mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, z);
printf (" for base = %d\n", base);
return 0;
// rop = (2*op) mod 1
// wikipedia : dyadic_transformation or doubling map
void mpq_doubling(mpq_t rop, const mpq_t op)
mpz_t n; // numerator
mpz_t d; // denominator
mpz_inits(n, d, NULL);
mpq_get_num (n, op); //
mpq_get_den (d, op);
// n = (n * 2 ) % d
mpz_mul_ui(n, n, 2);
mpz_mod( n, n, d);
// output
mpq_set_num(rop, n);
mpq_set_den(rop, d);
mpz_clears(n, d, NULL);
int main ()
int i;
unsigned long int e = 89; // exponent is also a period of doubling map
unsigned long int b = 2;
// arbitrary precision variables from GMP library
mpz_t n ; // numerator of q
mpz_t d ; // denominator of q
mpq_t q; // rational number q = n/d
// init and set variables
mpz_init_set_ui(n, 1);
// d = (2^e) -1
// http://fraktal.republika.pl/mset_external_ray.html
mpz_ui_pow_ui(d, b, e) ; // d = b^e
mpz_sub_ui(d, d, 1); // d = d-1
// q = n/d
mpq_init (q); //
mpq_canonicalize (q); // It is the responsibility of the user to canonicalize the assigned variable before any arithmetic operations are performed on that variable.
// print
//print_z(d, 10, "d ");
//print_z(n, 10, "n ");
gmp_printf ("q = %Qd\n",q); //
for (i=0; i<(1+2*e) ; i++){
mpq_doubling(q, q);
gmp_printf ("q = %Qd\n",q); //
// clear memory
mpq_clear (q);
mpz_clears(n, d, NULL);
return 0;
based on :
mndcombi.cpp by Wolf Jung (C) 2010.
which is the part of Mandel 5.5
multiplatform C++ GUI program using QT
on the same licence as above
"The function is computing the preperiod and period (of n/d under doubling map)
and setting the denominator to 2^preperiod*(2^period - 1) if possible.
So 1/5 becomes 3/15 and 2/10 becomes 3/15 as well.
The period is returned as the value of the function,
n and d are changed ( Arguments passed to function by reference)
and the preperiod is returned in k." (Wolf Jung)
Question : if result is >=0 why do not use unsigneg char or unsigned int for type of result ???
int normalize(unsigned long long int &n, unsigned long long int &d, int &k)
{ if (!d) return 0; // d==0 error
n %= d;
while (!(n & 1) && !(d & 1)) { n >>= 1; d >>= 1; }
int p;
unsigned long long int n0, n1 = n, d1 = d, np;
k = 0;
while (!(d1 & 1)) { k++; d1 >>= 1; if (n1 >= d1) n1 -= d1; }
n0 = n1;
for (p = 1; p <= 65 - k; p++)
{ twice(n1, d1);
if (n1 == n0) break; }
if (k + p > 64) return 0; // more then max unsigned long long int
np = 1LL;
np <<= (p - 1);
np--; np <<= 1;
np++; //2^p - 1 for p <= 64
n0 = np;
d >>= k; n1 = d;
if (n1 > n0) { n1 = n0; n0 = d; }
while (1) { d1 = n0 % n1; if (!d1) break;
n0 = n1; n1 = d1; } //gcd n1
n /= d/n1;
n *= np/n1;
d = np << k;
return p;
(defun give-period (ratio-angle)
"gives period of angle in turns (ratio) under doubling map"
(let* ((n (numerator ratio-angle))
(d (denominator ratio-angle))
(temp n)) ; temporary numerator
(loop for p from 1 to 100 do
(setq temp (mod (* temp 2) d)) ; (2 x n) modulo d = doubling)
when ( or (= temp n) (= temp 0)) return p )))
DoublingMap(r):= block([d,n], n:ratnumer(r), d:ratdenom(r), mod(2*n,d)/d)$ /* Tests : GivePeriod (1/7) 3 GivePeriod (1/14) 0 GivePeriod (1/32767) 15 GivePeriod (65533/65535) 16 Gives 0 if : * not periodic ( preperiodic ) * period >pMax */ GivePeriod (r):= block([rNew, rOld, period, pMax, p], pMax:100, period:0, p:1, rNew:DoublingMap(r), while ((p<pMax) and notequal(rNew,r)) do (rOld:rNew, rNew:DoublingMap(rOld), p:p+1 ), if equal(rNew,r) then period:p, period );
Haskell 版本[8]
从整数类型(Int 或 Integer)到任何其他类型的转换通过“fromIntegral”完成。目标类型会自动推断
-- by Claude Heiland-Allen
-- import Data.List (findIndex, groupBy)
-- type N = Integer
-- type Q = Rational
period :: Q -> N
period p =
let Just i = (p ==) `findIndex` drop 1 (iterate double p)
in fromIntegral i + 1
并非所有小数都能精确地转换为二进制。只有 分母为 2 的幂 (有限) 的那些小数才具有精确的十进制表示。“在其他所有情况下,表示中都会存在误差。误差的大小取决于用于表示它的位数。” [9]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
#include <limits.h> // INT_MAX
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
gcc d.c -Wall -Wextra -lm
example input fractions in wikibooks
int nMax;
The GCD function uses Euclid's Algorithm.
It computes A mod B, then swaps A and B with an XOR swap.
int gcd(int a, int b)
int temp;
while (b != 0)
temp = a % b;
a = b;
b = temp;
return a;
n/d -> n_new/d_new
int give_reduced_fraction(const int n, const int d, int * n_new, int *d_new){
int divisor = gcd(n,d);
if (divisor != 1) {
*n_new = n / divisor;
*d_new = d / divisor;}
else {
*n_new = n;
*d_new = d;
return 0;
Binary expansion can be :
* finite - decimal ratio number with even denominator which is a power of 2. Note that it has also equal infinite preperiodic representation
* infinite
** periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
** preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
** aperiodic : preperiod = 0, period = 0 ( or infinity), irrational number
input is a rational number t = n/d so
here are only 2 types of result:
* 0 = preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
* 1 = periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
int give_dynamic_type(const int n, const int d){
// boolean flag
int is_odd = 0;
int is_POT = 0;
if (d % 2)
{ // d % 2 > 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is odd\n", d); // parzysty
is_odd = 1;
else { // d % 2 = 0
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is even\n", d); // nieparzysty
is_odd = 0;
if (d>0 && ((d & (d-1)) == 0))
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is power of 2 ( POT) = 2^%d\n", d, (int) log2(d));
is_POT = 1;}
else {
fprintf(stdout, "denominator %d is not the power of 2\n", d);
is_POT = 0;}
// wikibooks: Fractals/Mathematics/binary#preperiod_and_period
if ( is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 1)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is finite and has equal infinite preperiodic representation\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and POT\n");
return 0;
// preperiodic ( = eventually periodic) : preperiod > 0, period > 0, rational number with even denominator
if (is_odd == 0 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is preperiodic\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is even and not POT\n");
return 0;
// periodic : preperiod = 0, period > 0, rational number with odd denominator which is not a power of 2
if (is_odd == 1 && is_POT == 0)
fprintf(stdout, "Binary expansion of %d/%d is periodic\n", n,d);
//fprintf(stdout, "denominator is not even (odd) and not POT\n");
return 1;
return 0;
int give_period(const int n0, const int d0){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = 20; // period_max
int period = 0;
// printf(" i\t numerator/denominator \n"); // header
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
// printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \n", i, n, d);
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf(" signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d;
if (n == n0) {
period = i+1;
// printf(" preperiod = 0 and period of fraction under doubling map is %d\n", period);
return period;}
return 0; // period not found, maybe period > iMax
int give_periodic_orbit(const int period, int n, int d, int orbit[]){
int i;
int iMax = period; //
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
orbit[i] = n;
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf(" signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d;
return 0;
int give_preperiod(const int period, const int n0, const int d0, int orbit[]){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = period; //
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
if (orbit[i] == n) return i;
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
return 0;
input : reduced proper rational fraction in t = n0/d0
* perperiod as a result
* period as a pointer
int give_preperiod_and_period(const int n0, const int d0, int *period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
*period = 0;
int preperiod = 0;
int preperiod_max = 1000;
if ( preperiod_max > INT_MAX - *period ){printf("give_preperiod_and_period error: preperiod_max > INT_MAX - period, signed integer overflow will happen = ; use extended precision \n"); return -1;}
int i;
int iMax = preperiod_max; // preperiod_max
// go thru preperiodic part to periodic part
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
//printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \n", i, n, d);
// check signed integer overflow before it will happen
if ( n > nMax )
{printf("give_preperiod_and_period error: signed integer overflow will happen = wrap; use extended precision \n"); return 1;}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
// now it should be periodic part
*period = give_period (n,d);
// periodic orbit
int *orbit; // only numerators
orbit = (int *) malloc( *period * sizeof(* orbit));
give_periodic_orbit(*period, n, d, orbit);
preperiod = give_preperiod( *period, n0, d0, orbit);
return preperiod;
void give_orbit(const int n0, const int d0, const int preperiod, const int period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i;
int iMax = preperiod+period; // preperiod_max
for ( i=0 ; i< iMax; i++){
if ( i < preperiod)
{ printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \t preperiodic part \n", i, n, d);}
else {printf("%3d:\t %3d / %3d \t periodic part \n", i, n, d);}
// angle doubling map modulo 1
n = 2*n;
n = n % d; }
Multiply the input decimal fraction by two
from above result
take integer part as the binary digit
take the fractional part as the starting point for the next step
repeat until you either get to 0 or a periodic number
read the number starting from the top - the first binary digit is the first digit after the comma
void print_binary_expansion(const int n0, const int d0, const int preperiod, const int period){
int n = n0;
int d = d0;
int i_max = preperiod+period;
int i;
double t = (double) n/d;
double t_fractional;
double t_integer;
int binary_digit;
printf("formated infinite binary expansion of %d/%d is 0.", n0,d0);
for (i = 0; i < i_max; ++i){
// doubling map
t *= 2.0;
// split
t_fractional = modf(t, &t_integer);
binary_digit = (int) t_integer;
if (i== preperiod) {printf("(");}
printf("%d", binary_digit);
// take the fractional part as the starting point for the next step
t = t_fractional;
int describe_fraction(const int n0, const int d0){
// proper decimal fraction
// t = n/d
//int n0 = 1; //
//int d0 = 66; //
// tr = n0r/d0r = t after reduction
int n0r ; //
int d0r ; //
int n;
int d;
int period = 0;
int preperiod = 0;
assert(n0 > 0);
assert(d0 > 1);
assert(n0 < d0); // proper fraction
// ------------ Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms -------------------------------
// ----------- wikipedia Irreducible_fraction ----------------------------
give_reduced_fraction(n0, d0, &n0r, &d0r);
if (n0 == n0r && d0 ==d0r )
{printf(" fraction = %d/%d\t is irreducible = in lowest terms \n", n0, d0 ); }
else {printf(" fraction = %d/%d\t after reduction is %d/%d \n", n0, d0, n0r,d0r); }
n = n0r;
d = d0r;
assert(n > 0);
assert(d > 1);
assert(n < d);
int type = give_dynamic_type(n,d);
// ------------------compute preperiod and period under doubling map -------------------------
printf("fraction %d/%d under doubling map has: \n", n0r, d0r);
if (type ==0 ){
preperiod = give_preperiod_and_period( n0r, d0r, &period);
if (preperiod > 0) {
printf("\t preperiod = %d and period = %d\n", preperiod, period);
if (period == 0 )
{printf("period = 0 means period NOT FOUND !!!\n\t maybe period > iMax in give_period \n\tor maybe preperiod_max in give_preperiod_and_period is to big \n");}}}
// --------------
else {
period = give_period(n,d);
if (period > 0)
{printf(" preperiod = 0 and period = %d\n", period); }
else {printf(" preperiod = 0 and period of fraction under doubling map > 0 but period NOT FOUND !!! maybe period > iMax in give_period \n");}}
// -------------------------------------------------
give_orbit( n0, d0, preperiod, period);
// ----------formated infinite binary expansion ---------------------
print_binary_expansion( n0r, d0r, preperiod, period);
return 0;
int main(void) {
nMax = INT_MAX / 2; // signed integer
return 0;
- “倍增映射每次迭代都会损失一位精度。”[10]
- 将角度存储为精确的有理数 (例如,使用 libgmp 的 mpq_t) 使其能够精确到超过 53 次迭代 (双精度浮点数的精度位数)。仅在需要使用 sin 和 cos 来寻找目标点时才转换为 double。double 对目标点来说已经足够精确。Claude Heiland-Allen[11]
- ↑ 关于映射 x↦kx (mod Z) 周期轨道的组合类型。第一部分:实现 作者:Carsten L. Petersen,Saeed Zakeri
- ↑ Mark McClure 的 chaos_and_doubling 映射
- ↑ Mark McClure 的倍增映射
- ↑ 波兰维基教科书中的 UNIX 系统编程:GMP
- ↑ Claude Heiland-Allen 使用 Haskell 和 SVG 输出的 lavaurs 算法
- ↑ math stackexchange 问题:有限二进制序列的周期
- ↑ Claude Heiland-Allen 使用 Haskell 和 SVG 输出的 lavaurs 算法
- ↑ Davide Borchia 的二进制小数计算器
- ↑ Mark McClure 的混沌与分形。2.11 关于计算的一些说明
- ↑ fractalforums.org : 使用牛顿法求解参数外部射线