德文郡手稿/The hart & servys to yow profferd
←Yff I had sufferd thys to yow vnware | At most myscheffe→ |
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f. [11v]
1 {p3} {{s}8} The hart & servys to yow profferd
2 with{w+t+} ryght good wyll full honestly
3 Refuce yt not syns yt ys offerd
4 but take yt to yow Ientylly
5 & tho yt be a small pre{p'}sent
6 yet good consyder gracyowsly
7 the thowght the mynd & the{{th}+e+} entent
8 of hym that{{th}+t+} lovys you faythfully
9 yt were a thyng of small effecte
10 to worke my wo not p [] yowsly thus cruelly
11 ffor w my good wyll to be abiecte
12 therfor accepte yt lovyngly
13 payn or travell to rune & or ryde
14 I vndertake yt plesawntly
15 byd ye me go & strayte I glyde
16 at yor commawndement humbly
17 payn or plesure now may yow plant
18 evyn whyche it plese yow stydfastly
19 do whyche yow lyst I shall not want
20 to be yorser{{s}8}vant secrettly
21 and syns so muche I do desyre
22 to be yor owne Assuryddly
23 ffor all my servys & my hyer
24 reward yorser{{s}8}vante lyberally
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 由 H2 录入。这首诗是典型的中世纪晚期和都铎王朝宫廷爱情诗,描绘了一位向一位女士表达自己忠诚的恋人。