德文郡手稿/howe shulde I
←what shulde I saye | Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise→ |
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f. [77r]
1 howe shulde I
2 be so plesunte
3 in mye semblaunt
4 as my fellowes bee
5 not long agoo
6 it chaunsed soo
7 as I ded walke alone
8 I harde aman
9 that nowe and than{_a}n
10 himsilf ded thus bemone
11 Alas he saide
12 I am betraide
13 and vttrelye ondone
14 whoom{_o} I dede trust
15 and think so iuste
16 {_a}{_o} another mann hath wonne
17 mye ser{{s}8}vise due
18 and herte so true
19 on her I ded bestowe
20 I never ment
21 for to repente
22 yn welthe nor yet in woo.
23 The westorne winde
24 hathe turnid his minde
25 and blowen it clene awaye
26 therebye my helthe my mirthe / welthe
27 my h mirthe & helthe
28 are dryvon to grete dekaye
29 ffortune ded smyle
30 a right shorte while
31 and never saide me naye
32 with{w+t+} plesaunte plais
33 and Ioyfull dayes
34 my tyme to passe awaye /
35 Alas ahlas
36 the tyme so was
37 so never shall it be
38 sins she is gone
39 and I alone []
40 armeles as ye maye see/
f. [77v]
41 Where is the othe
42 where is the trothe
43 that she to me ded gyve
44 such fayned wordes{es}
45 with silie boordes{es}
46 lett no t wise man{_a}n beleve
47 ffor even as I
48 thus wofullye
49 vnto my silf 1com{_o}plaine
50 yf ye then truste
51 nedes{es} lerne ye muste
52 to sing my song in vayne /
53 how shulde I &c /
1. "silf" 这个词表明抄写员在书写 e 和 i 时非常相似。
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 由 H8 录入。诗歌讲述了诗人遇到一个哀叹的情人的经历。最后,情人希望诗人能够更加谨慎地信任他人,否则他也会唱同样的歌。雷博尔兹指出,这首诗属于中世纪法国戏剧歌曲(chanson à personnages)类型,诗人倾听一个年轻女人的抱怨。[2]