德文郡手稿/Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise
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f. [77v]
1 Gyve place all ye that{{th}+t+} dothe reioise
2 and loves panges{es} hathe clene forget
3 let them{_e} drawe nere & here my voyse
4 Whom love dothe force in paynes to frett
5 for all of playnte my song is sett
6 {_a}{{s}8} wiche long hathe seruid & nought can1gett
7 A faithefull herte so trulye men{_e}te
8 rewardid is full slenderelye
9 {_e}{w+t+} a stedfaste faithe fwith good entente
10 ys recom{_o}pensid craftelye
11 Such hap dothe hap full craftelyevnhappelye2
12 {{th}+t+}{_e} to themthat mene but honestelye /
13 with{w+t+} humble sute I have assayde
14 to torne her cruell herted minde
15 but for rewarde I am delaide
16 and to mye welthe here eris be blinde
17 lo thus bye chaunse I am{_a} assignide
18 {{th}+e+}{{s}8} {w+t+} with stedfaste love to serue thee vnkinde
19 What vaylithe trothe or stedfastenesse
20 {w+t+}{{s}8} or still to serue without repreffe
21 what vaylith faithe or gen{_e}tilnesse/
22 where crueltie dothe raine as chefe /
23 alas there is no greter greeff
24 then{_e} for to love and lake releffe/
25 Care dothe con{_o} straine me to com{_o} plaine
26 of love & her vncertaintye
27 wich gra{gA}untith nought but grete disdayne
28 for losse of all my libretye
29 alas this is extremytye
30 for love to finde suche crueltye /
31 for hertye love to finde such crueltie 3
32 alas it is a carefull lott
33 and for to voide so fowle a mote
34 there is no waye but slip the{{th}+e+} knott
35 the gayne so colde the paine so hott
36 prayse yt who list I like yt not /
1. 参见 Petti.[1] 这是一个变体,装饰性的长音符风格。
2. 在“hap”这个词的两次出现上都有一条线,原因不明。
3. 这里的“crueltie”这个词很有意思。埃格顿手稿在这部分有“hate”,与第 33 行的“mate/mote”押韵。这个词可能是从上一行继承下来的,因此是一个拼写错误;但这个词的拼写不同,并且这两行在不同的节中,这可能会降低这种错误发生的可能性。
这首诗被归于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[2] 它是由H8输入的。说话者哀叹诚实和坚定得到很少的回报。
第 31 行的“crueltie”这个词在这次抄录中很有意思。埃格顿手稿中这首诗的版本是“hate”,它与第 33 行的“mote/mate”押韵。在“Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise”中,这个词可能来自上一行,因此构成一个拼写错误;但这个词的拼写不同,并且这两行在不同的节中,这可能会降低这种错误发生的可能性。