德文郡手稿/Take hede be tyme leste ye be spyede
←前言 | O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge→ |
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f. [2r]
1 Take hede be tyme leste ye be spyede s1
2 yor lovyng Iyes cane {n'} not hide
3 at last the trwthe will sure be tryde
therefore take hede
4 for Som ther be of crafite Kynde
5 thowe yow shew no parte of yor mynde
6 sewrlye there Ies ye can te not nott blynde
therefore take hede
for in lyke case there sselv of dyveris skools
7 ffor in lyke case ther selves ha hathe bene
8 & thoʒtthought ryght sure none had theym sene
9 but it was not as thye did wene2
therefore take hede
10 all thowgth theye be of dyvers skoolles {es}
11{es} use & will can yose all craftye toolles
12 at leynthe thye prove them selfs bott fooll
therefor take
13 yff theye myght take yow in that trape
14 theye wolde sone leve yet in yor lape
15 to love vnspyed ys but a happe
therefore th take hed
TTh W3
1. “s” 的形状表明它是由玛格丽特·道格拉斯制作的。
2. “Wene” 表示思考、推测或考虑。
3. Th W:这可能是一个匿名手写体对作者的指代。
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 该诗是由H1抄录的,并且仅在该手稿中出现。这首诗的改编版本出现在后来的伊丽莎白时代手稿中,即大英图书馆哈莱手稿 7578 (fol. 116v),题为“Tak hede by tym whiles youth doth Rayn”。约翰·米尔森认为,这种改编是对怀亚特诗歌的道德化解读。 [2]