德文郡手稿/O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge
←Take hede be tyme leste ye be spyede | My harte I gave the not to do it paine→ |
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f. [2v]
1 O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge
2 by great desire vnconstanntlye to rain range
3 ys thes yowr way for proife of stedfastenes
4 perde I knowe the thying was not so strange
5 by former profe to moche my fayth fullnes
6 what nedethe then suche colouredd doublenes
7 I haue wailed thus weping in nyghtly pain
8 in sobbis and sighes alas and all in vain
9 in inward plaintte ande harts wofull tormentte
10 and yet alas loo crueltye and disdain
11 haue sett at nowght a faithfull true ententte
12 and price hathe priuelege troughe to presentt
13 But thoughe I serve and to my dethe still morn
14 and pece meale in peaces {es} thowghe I be terne
15 and thoughe I dye yelding my weried goost
16 shall neuer thing againe make me reeterne
17 I quite thenterprice the enterprise of that that I have lost
18 To whome soever liste for to proffer moost
这段摘录出自托马斯·怀亚特爵士的诗“Alas the greffe and dedly wofull smert”,由H1 录入。[1] 这首颂歌提到了中世纪宫廷爱情的道德准则;虽然这段摘录省略了前两节,这两节提到了乔叟的《骑士的故事》,但后三节(这里复制的)讲述了情人因失去一位女士的爱而产生的痛苦。类似于乔叟的帕拉蒙和阿西特,他们在为艾米丽女士苦苦思念中消瘦下去,诗人吟唱着自己因女士变心而产生的痛苦,因此决定“放弃一切”(17)以重新找回自己。
托马斯·霍华德插入“that I have lost”作为对诗歌的修正。[2]
0.5 ] Alas the greeffe , and dedly wofull smart: LEge01
1 cruell] crewell DBla14 causer] causere DBla14 vndeserrved] vndeseruyd DBla14 vndeserued LEge01 chaynge] chaunce DBla14 chaunge: LEge01
2 by] By DBla14 desire] desyer DBla14 vnconstanntlye] inconstantlye DBla14 vnconstantly LEge01 rainrange] raygne DBla14 raunge: LEge01
3 ys] is LEge01 thes] this DBla14 LEge01 yowr] your DBla14 LEge01 way] waye, LEge01 for] ffor DBla14 proife] proffe DBla14 proofe LEge01 stedfastenes] stedffastnes DBla14
4 perde I knowe] (perdye you knowe: LEge01 I] ye DBla14 thying] thynge DBla14 thing LEge01 strange] straung DBla14 straunge LEge01
5 former] fformer DBla14 profe] proff DBla14 prouff) LEge01 moche] myche DBla14 muche LEge01 fayth fullnes] ffaythffuln DBla14 faithfulnes LEge01
6 nedethe] nedythe DBla14 nedeth, LEge01 then suche] then, suche LEge01 colouredd] coloured LEge01 colouredd doublenes] colleryd dobbylnes DBla14 doublenes] dowblenes. LEge01
7 haue] have LEge01 wailed] waylid DBla14 wailed, LEge01 thus] thus, LEge01 weping] wepping DBla14 pain] payne DBla14 payn: LEge01
8 sobbis and sighes alas and] sobbis, & sighes : Alas : & LEge01 sighes] syghis DBla14 vain] vayne DBla14 vayn: LEge01
9 plaintte] playnt DBla14 plaint : LEge01 ande] and DBla14 ande harts] & hertes LEge01 harts] hartes DBla14 wofull] woffull DBla14 tormentte] torment DBla14 torment. LEge01
10 and] & DBla14 yet] yet, LEge01 alas] Alas, LEge01 loo] lo DBla14 loo crueltye and] lo, crueltie, & LEge01 crueltye] creweltye DBla14 disdain] disdayne DBla14 disdayn LEge01
11 haue] have, LEge01 sett] set DBla14 LEge01 nowght] nought DBla14 noght LEge01 faithfull] ffaythfull DBla14 true ententte] trewe intent DBla14 ententte] intent: LEge01
12 price] pryce DBla14 hathe] hath LEge01 priuelege] priuilege LEge01 priuelege troughe] pryvylege truthe DBla14 troughe] thouth LEge01 presentt] present DBla14 prevent. LEge01
13 But] But, LEge01 thoughe] though LEge01 serve] serue DBla14 sterve : LEge01 and] & DBla14 & LEge01 dethe] deth LEge01 still] styll DBla14 morn] morne DBla14 morne: LEge01
14 pece meale in peaces thowghe] pen me in pecys though DBla14 meale] mele LEge01 peaces] peces LEge01 thowghe] though LEge01 terne] torne DBla14 torn: LEge01
15 and] & DBla14 thoughe] though DBla14 LEge01 dye] dye, LEge01 yelding] yeldyng DBla14 weried] weryed DBla14 goost] gost DBla14 gooste: LEge01
16 neuer] never LEge01 thing] thyng DBla14 againe] agayne DBla14 again LEge01 make] mak DBla14 reeterne] to torne DBla14 retorn LEge01
17 quite] qwite LEge01 quite thenterprice] quyt the interpryse DBla14 thenterprice] thenterprise LEge01 that] that, LEge01 have] haue DBla14
18 To] to DBla14 too LEge01 whome] whom DBla14 soever] so euer DBla14 so ever LEge01 liste] lyst DBla14 lust LEge01 for] ffor DBla14 to] too LEge01 proffer] proffere DBla14 moost] most DBla14 moost. LEge01