亨利八世歌词/Svmwhat musyng (Fayrfax / Woodville)
[ff. 120v-122r]
Svmwhat musyng
and more mornyng
in remembryng
the unstedfastnes
this world beyng 5
of such walyng
me contraryng
what my I gesse
I fere doutles
remedyles 10
is now to cese
my wofull chance
for vnkyndnes
withowtyn les
and no redresse 15
me doth avance
with dysplesance
to my greuance
and no surance
of remedy 20
lo in this trance
now in substance
such is my chance
willyng to dye.
Me thynk trewly 25
bowndon am I
and that gretly
to be content
seyng playnly
fortune doth wry 30
all contrary
from myn entent
my lyf was lent
to an entent
it is nye spent 35
welcum fortune
yet I ne went
thus to be shent
but she is ment
such ys her went 40
“Svmwhat musyng” 仍然是 H 中为数不多的几首道德化或沉思性的作品之一,与 LFay 中歌词的总体基调更为一致。这首歌词被认为是安东尼·伍德维尔,里弗斯勋爵所作,他在 1483 年被斩首前被囚禁在庞特弗拉克特,[1]这首歌词恰如其分地沉思了命运的反复无常和世界的动荡。The Gude and Godlie Ballatis 中存在一个道德化的版本,尽管它被谴责并从 1586 年版中删除(参见詹姆斯 [米切尔,编辑]);另见 BL Additional MS 18,752 [f. 28r])。一首具有类似基调的歌词是未署名的“My thought oppressed my mynd in trouble”(H 72)。
- 6 walyng 哀号。
- 11 cese 停止。
- 12 my wofull chance 参见未署名的“My thought oppressed my mynd in trouble”(H 72.22)。
- 14 withowtyn les 没有释放。
- 21 trance 极度恐惧或害怕的状态,但也指一种震惊或迷茫的状态(OED n.1 1, 3.a)。
- 22 in substance 事实上,本质上。
- 30 wry 偏离,转向(OED v.2 2)。
- 36 welcum fortune 参见上面列出的这首歌词的道德化版本的标题。
- 37 went 想法,认为(OED “wend” v.2)。
- 38 shent 毁灭,被摧毁;也指被羞辱(OED v.1 1, 3)。
- 39 she is ment 她一直有这个想法(Stevens M&P 94)。
- 40 went 道路,途径,行动方针或计划(OED 1,3)。
“Svmwhat musyng” 是用三个声部贯穿始终的。虽然 H 中没有署名,但 LFay 和 Wells 都将其归功于费尔法克斯。这首歌词的文本被认为是安东尼·伍德维尔,里弗斯勋爵所作(参见上面的注释)。在 H 和 LFay 中,它显得完整,为三个声部而写,文本为八行诗节,只有在所有声部都考虑进来时才算完整。Wells、CFitz 和 NYDrex 的片段构成了另一个资料的很大一部分;法洛斯(“Drexel Fragments”,5-6,15-16)指出了这组资料的确切细节,以及消除对这首歌词的其他丢失资料片段的疑虑。罗宾斯(Index & Suppl. 3193.5)指出,LVes(f. 170v)中有一个资料,但这位编辑无法从罗宾斯的说明中找到该资料。
收录在 Robbins Index & Suppl. 3193.5 和 Ringler MS TM1452 中。转载于 Arber 180、Chronicles 209、Flügel Anglia 254-5、Hearne 214、Percy 2.46、Ritson 149、Stafford Collection #9、Stevens M&P 361-2 和 423-24、Stevens MCH8 90-94 以及 Turner 3.465 中。
H1,2,3 (ff. 120v–122r), LFay1,2,3 (ff. 33v–35r), Wells1,2,3 (ff. 1r–2r, ll. 28–40 Wells1, ll. 9–40 Wells2), CFitz (f. 1r, ll. 1–9, 22–23), NYDrex (f. 1r, ll. 1–19)
- 1 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 2 mornyng] 省略 H1, LFay1, NYDrex, moryng H2,3
- 5 省略 Wells3
- 6 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 7 me contraryng] 省略 H1, LFay1, NYDrex, me contraryng H2
- 9 I fere doutles] 省略 H1, LFay1, NYDrex, I fere doutles H2
- 10 remedyles] 省略 H1, LFay1, Wells3, NYDrex, remedyles H2
- 11 is now to cese] 省略 H1, LFay1, NYDrex; is now] is now to cese H2, now LFay2
- 12 my wofull chance] 省略 H1, LFay1, NYDrex, my wofull chance H2
- 13 省略 H3, Wells2,3
- 14 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 15 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 16 avance^] auance. H2, a vaunce^ LFay1,3, 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 17 省略 Wells2
- 18 省略 Wells3 my] me NYDrex; greuance] grete grevance LFay2, gret grevance LFay3
- 20 省略 Wells2
- 21 trance] tance H1,2, trance H3, trance LFay1,2,3, Wells3; lo in] in Wells3
- 23 such ~ chance] such chance. H2; chance] daunce LFay1,2,3, d. . . Wells2
- 26 bowndon am I] 省略 H1, LFay1, bowndon am I H2; am I] were I LFay3
- 27 and that gretly] 省略 H1, LFay1, and that gretly H2; that gretly] gretely LFay3, grettly Wells3
- 28 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3
- 29 seyng playnly] 省略 H1, LFay1, Wells1, seyng planly H2; playnly] planly H2,3, playnly LFay2,3, Wells2
- 30 fortune] for time LFay2
- 31 省略 Wells1–2
- 32 from] fro H1, from H2,3, for LFay1,2,3, to Wells1,2,
fromto Wells3
- 33 my lyf was lent] 省略 H1, LFay1, Wells1
- 34 省略 H3, an] one Wells1,2
- 36 welcum fortune] welcum fortune welcum fortune H2, well cum fortune well cum fortune LFay1, well on forton well cum fortune Wells1, well cum forton well com forton Wells2
- 37 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3; yet] ye H1,3, yet H2, LFay1,3, yit Wells1,2
- 38 省略 H3, LFay2, Wells3; shent] spent LFay1,3
- 39 but she is ment] 省略 H1,3, LFay2, Wells3, but she is ment H2,3; is] it LFay2,3, Wells2,3
- 40 went^] wone^ LFay1,2,3, wone. Wells1,2, mone^ Wells3
- ↑ 参见 Stevens M&P (362)、Berdan 的 Early Tudor Poetry (150) 以及 Arber 的 Dunbar Anthology (180)。