
加拿大难民程序/165 - 成员的权力


IRPA 第 165 条

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Powers of a commissioner
165 The Refugee Protection Division, the Refugee Appeal Division and the Immigration Division and each member of those Divisions have the powers and authority of a commissioner appointed under Part I of the Inquiries Act and may do any other thing they consider necessary to provide a full and proper hearing.


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67. (1) The Refugee Division has, in respect of proceedings under sections 69.1 and 69.2, sole and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions of law and fact, including questions of jurisdiction.
(2) The Refugee Division, and each member thereof, has all the powers and authority of a commissioner appointed under Part I of the Inquiries Act and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may, for the purposes of a hearing,
(a) issue a summons to any person requiring that person to appear at the time and place mentioned therein to testify with respect to all matters within that person's knowledge relative to the subject-matter of the hearing and to bring and produce any document, book or paper that the person has or controls relative to that subject-matter;
(b) administer oaths and examine any person on oath;
(c) issue commissions or requests to take evidence in Canada; and
(d) do any other thing necessary to provide a full and proper hearing.


165. The Refugee Protection Division and the Immigration Division and each member of those Divisions have the powers and authority of a commissioner appointed under Part I of the Inquiries Act and may do any other thing they consider necessary to provide a full and proper hearing.


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《解释法》第 31(2) 条规定,“在赋予个人、官员或职能人员做某事或强制做某事的权力时,所有使该个人、官员或职能人员能够做该事或强制做该事的权力,都被视为也已赋予。”[2]

第 165 条:权力范围“为提供充分和适当的听证而采取任何其他他们认为必要的行动”

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关于难民上诉分庭提出问题和引入新证据的权力,请参见:加拿大难民程序/110-111 - 上诉至难民上诉分庭#难民上诉分庭必须在不进行听证的情况下,根据难民保护分庭诉讼记录进行审理,但须遵守列出的例外情况,但该条款不限制难民上诉分庭提出问题或引入新证据。


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该条款被援引的一个例子是在 COVID-19 大流行期间,委员会延长了申诉人在入境口岸提出申诉后提供《申诉理由》表格的时间期限。发布该做法的通知援引了该法案的该条款(“[分庭]……可以采取任何其他他们认为必要的行动,以提供充分和适当的听证”)作为该决定的依据,如关于《难民保护分庭规则》第 8 条的这篇评论中所述:加拿大难民程序/《难民保护分庭规则》第 3-13 条 - 要提供的信息和文件#该规则适用于延期申请,但不限制委员会自行延长期限的能力。


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法院在加拿大诉卡洪案中裁定,难民保护分庭没有权力在正式听证之前或之外强制提供证据。[4] 也就是说,委员会可能需要协助申请人获取信息,例如要求部长向相关的加拿大执法机构进行查询。有关更多详细信息,请参见:加拿大难民程序/委员会的调查性任务#申诉人没有可能获得与其指控相关的文件的地方.


在法院中,法官进行任何形式的调查都是不合适的,无论证据对法官来说看起来多么令人不满意。但是,由于难民分庭的非对抗性性质,以及由于其成员拥有《调查法》第一部分所任命的专员的权力和职责,因此在某些情况下,难民分庭的成员可以自行调查案件的事实。 [5]

同样,卡洪案似乎没有考虑该条款的立法历史,该历史明确取消了对该权力的限制,该限制规定该权力只能用于听证。随着《移民和难民保护法》的出台,法律进行了修改,以便难民保护分庭成员被赋予了进一步调查他们认为对验证申诉可信度至关重要的任何问题的权力。桑德斯·卡尔卡莫诉加拿大案似乎证实了该法案第 165 条适用,即使在没有举行听证的案件中也是如此。[6]

另请参见:IRPA 第 170 条规定,难民保护分庭在对其进行的任何诉讼中,可以调查其认为与确定申诉是否成立相关的任何事项,该条款是随着《移民和难民保护法》一起引入的。请参见:加拿大难民程序/170 - 诉讼程序#IRPA 第 170(a) 条 - 可以调查其认为与确定申诉是否成立相关的任何事项。


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《移民与难民保护法》第 165 条赋予难民司成员《调查法》第 1 部分规定的专员权限以及“为进行充分和适当的听证而采取他们认为必要的任何其他行动”的权限。如果案件提交给难民司,而申请人身处加拿大境外,并且该案件无法通过电信进行裁决,该条款可以被认为是难民司可以命令部长协助将相关人员遣返加拿大(例如,通过为该个人签发旅行证件)的依据。

但参见《移民与难民保护法》第 175(2) 条,该条规定,移民与难民委员会可以要求官员为个人签发旅行证件,该条款没有等同的条款适用于难民司和难民上诉司,这意味着这些司可能没有这样的权限。此外,根据之前的《移民法》,委员会已声明,其难民司没有管辖权命令部长或加拿大公民及移民部 (CIC) 从加拿大遣返或不遣返任何人,或允许任何人来加拿大参加听证。[7]


另见:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 53 - 改变诉讼地点#即使申请人离开加拿大,难民司也有管辖权进行听证.


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Public Inquiries

2 The Governor in Council may, whenever the Governor in Council deems it expedient, cause inquiry to be made into and concerning any matter connected with the good government of Canada or the conduct of any part of the public business thereof.

Appointment of commissioners
3 Where an inquiry as described in section 2 is not regulated by any special law, the Governor in Council may, by a commission, appoint persons as commissioners by whom the inquiry shall be conducted.

Powers of commissioners concerning evidence
4 The commissioners have the power of summoning before them any witnesses, and of requiring them to
(a) give evidence, orally or in writing, and on oath or, if they are persons entitled to affirm in civil matters on solemn affirmation; and
(b) produce such documents and things as the commissioners deem requisite to the full investigation of the matters into which they are appointed to examine.

Idem, enforcement
5 The commissioners have the same power to enforce the attendance of witnesses and to compel them to give evidence as is vested in any court of record in civil cases.


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正如《公共调查的进行》一书中所述,《调查法》的核心程序特征是“授权专员强制要求提供证词和证据”。[9] RPD 将通过 RPD 规则 44-48 的框架行使其传唤个人的权力:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 44-48 - 证人.

关于委员会传唤文件的权力,参见《加拿大诉卡洪案》。[10] 索取记录的请求应由持有记录的政府机构处理,而不是由主管部长处理。[11]


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难民司成员拥有根据《调查法》任命的专员的权力。这赋予他们传唤证人和要求他们提供《调查法》第 4 条中规定的证据的权力。当小组行使这些权力时,必须以对部长公平的方式进行,无论部长是否是相关司规则中定义的诉讼当事人。例如,在《加拿大诉米勒案》中,部长没有介入诉讼,而 RAD 寻求上诉人进一步提交意见时,没有通知部长。联邦法院认为,这是程序不公正,并以此为理由撤销了该决定。[12] 另见:加拿大难民程序/RPD 规则 1 - 定义#即使部长不是诉讼当事人,也可能对其负有程序公正的义务.


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Employment of counsel, experts and assistants
11 (1) The commissioners, whether appointed under Part I or under Part II, may, if authorized by the commission issued in the case, engage the services of
(a) such accountants, engineers, technical advisers or other experts, clerks, reporters and assistants as they deem necessary or advisable; and
(b) counsel to aid and assist the commissioners in an inquiry.

Experts may take evidence and report
(2) The commissioners may authorize and depute any accountants, engineers, technical advisers or other experts, the services of whom are engaged under subsection (1), or any other qualified persons, to inquire into any matter within the scope of the commission as may be directed by the commissioners.

(3) The persons deputed under subsection (2), when authorized by order in council, have the same powers as the commissioners have to take evidence, issue subpoenas, enforce the attendance of witnesses, compel them to give evidence, and otherwise conduct the inquiry.

(4) The persons deputed under subsection (2) shall report the evidence and their findings, if any, thereon to the commissioners.

Parties may employ counsel
12 The commissioners may allow any person whose conduct is being investigated under this Act, and shall allow any person against whom any charge is made in the course of an investigation, to be represented by counsel.

Notice to persons charged
13 No report shall be made against any person until reasonable notice has been given to the person of the charge of misconduct alleged against him and the person has been allowed full opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel.


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  1. 加拿大(公共安全与应急准备部长)诉卡洪案,2005 FC 1000 (CanLII),[2006] 3 FCR 493,第 21 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/1ldlc#par21>,检索于 2022-08-04。
  2. 解释法,RSC 1985,c I-21,第 31 条,<https://canlii.ca/t/7vhg#sec31>,检索于 2022-08-23。
  3. 加拿大移民与难民委员会。难民司的权力,上次更新时间:2006 年 9 月 6 日,在线 <https://web.archive.org/web/20071115153348/http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/references/legal/rpd/handbook/hb02_e.htm>(访问时间:2023 年 11 月 9 日)。
  4. 加拿大(公共安全与应急准备部长)诉卡洪案,2005 FC 1000 (CanLII),[2006] 3 FCR 493,第 42 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/1ldlc#par42>,检索于 2022-08-04。
  5. 加拿大移民与难民委员会。CRDD 手册,日期:1999 年 3 月 31 日,在线 <https://web.archive.org/web/20080331073416/https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/references/legal/rpd/handbook/hb01_e.htm>(访问时间:2023 年 11 月 9 日)。
  6. 桑德斯·卡尔卡莫诉加拿大(公民身份与移民),2024 CF 1181 (CanLII),第 7 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/k61wd#par7>,检索于 2024-08-12。
  7. a b 加拿大移民与难民委员会。CRDD 手册:管辖权,日期:1999 年 3 月 31 日,在线:<https://web.archive.org/web/20071115152433/http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/references/legal/rpd/handbook/hb03_e.htm>(访问时间:2023 年 11 月 13 日)。
  8. 罗查·巴迪略诉加拿大(公民身份与移民),2024 FC 1092 (CanLII),第 37 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/k5rd8#par37>,检索于 2024-09-13。
  9. 拉图什尼,埃德,《公共调查的进行:法律、政策与实践》,出版时间:2009 年 9 月 28 日,欧文法:多伦多,在线电子书:https://www.deslibris.ca/ID/432671,第 301 页。
  10. 加拿大(公共安全与应急准备部长)诉卡洪案,[2005] F.C.J. No. 1335,[2006] 3 F.C.R. 493 (F.C.)。
  11. 加拿大(公共安全与应急准备)诉多斯桑托斯弗雷塔斯案,2024 FC 608 (CanLII),第 18 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/k45zc#par18>,检索于 2024-05-16,
  12. 加拿大(公民身份与移民)诉米勒案,2022 FC 1131 (CanLII),第 60 段,<https://canlii.ca/t/jr5nh#par60>,检索于 2022-08-03。