


牛顿法可用于找到函数 f 的一个根(零)x 的越来越好的近似值




  • 实值函数 [5]
  • 复值函数
  • 方程组


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  • 2 个(非线性)方程
  • 包含 2 个复变量: [7]


其中 是一个包含 2 个复变量的向量

是一个函数向量(或是一个向量变量 x 的向量值函数)



其中 s 是一个增量(现在是一个包含 2 个分量的向量)



这里 处的雅可比矩阵[9]


是雅可比矩阵 的逆矩阵。


  • 少量方程使用逆矩阵。
  • 大量方程式:与其实际计算该矩阵的逆,不如通过求解线性方程组 来节省时间,从而求得未知数 xn+1xn


  • 从初始近似值(猜测) 开始
  • 重复直到收敛(迭代)
    • 求解:
    • 计算:


  • 绝对误差: [11]


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  • 函数 f (可微函数)
  • 它的导数 f'
  • 起点 x0 (应该在根的吸引域内)
  • 停止规则(停止迭代的标准)[12]


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  • 方法有循环,永远不会收敛(
    • 拐点[14]
    • 局部最小值
  • 方法发散而不是收敛
    • 局部最小值
  • 多重根(根的重数> 1,例如:f(x) = f'(x) = 0)。缓慢逼近,导数趋于零,除法步骤存在问题(不要除以零)。使用修正牛顿法
  • 收敛速度慢[15]
    • 初始近似值(远离根的初始猜测)不好
    • 导数在根附近消失的函数,或二阶导数在根附近无界的函数

"对于大多数问题,在双精度下应用牛顿法有 2-3 步全局定向,然后 4-6 步二次收敛,直到双精度浮点数格式的精度被超过。因此,可以更大胆一些,如果在 10 步后迭代没有收敛,那么初始点就很糟糕,无论它是导致周期性轨道还是发散到无穷大。最有可能的是,附近的初始点将表现出类似的行为,因此在开始下一次迭代运行时对初始点进行非平凡的更改。"LutzL[16]


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以下是使用牛顿法来帮助找到函数 f 的根的示例,该函数的导数为 fprime

初始猜测将为,函数将为 ,因此

牛顿法的每次新迭代都将用 x1 表示。在计算过程中,我们将检查分母 (yprime) 是否变得太小(小于 epsilon),如果 ,就会出现这种情况,因为否则会导致大量的误差。

%These choices depend on the problem being solved
x0 = 1                      %The initial value
f = @(x) x^2 - 2            %The function whose root we are trying to find
fprime = @(x) 2*x           %The derivative of f(x)
tolerance = 10^(-7)         %7 digit accuracy is desired
epsilon = 10^(-14)          %Don't want to divide by a number smaller than this

maxIterations = 20          %Don't allow the iterations to continue indefinitely
haveWeFoundSolution = false %Were we able to find the solution to the desired tolerance? not yet.

for i = 1 : maxIterations

    y = f(x0)
    yprime = fprime(x0)

    if(abs(yprime) < epsilon)                         %Don't want to divide by too small of a number
        fprintf('WARNING: denominator is too small\n')
        break;                                        %Leave the loop

    x1 = x0 - y/yprime                                %Do Newton's computation
    if(abs(x1 - x0)/abs(x1) < tolerance)              %If the result is within the desired tolerance
        haveWeFoundSolution = true
        break;                                        %Done, so leave the loop

    x0 = x1                                           %Update x0 to start the process again                  

if (haveWeFoundSolution) % We found a solution within tolerance and maximum number of iterations
    fprintf('The root is: %f\n', x1);
else %If we weren't able to find a solution to within the desired tolerance
    fprintf('Warning: Not able to find solution to within the desired tolerance of %f\n', tolerance);
    fprintf('The last computed approximate root was %f\n', x1)


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  • 起始点
  • 映射(方程 = 函数 = 递推关系)

定义 迭代函数




迭代函数 及其 导数 选择**任意名称**。这些导数可以通过递推关系计算。

描述 数学符号 任意名称 初始条件 递推步骤 常用名称
迭代函数 z 或 f
对 z 的一阶导数 d(来自导数)或 p(来自素数)的 f'
对 z 的二阶导数


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  • 迭代函数 是一个函数复合
  • 应用 链式法则 对于复合函数,因此如果 那么

A = 0;
B = 1;
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++){
  /* first compute B then A */
  B = 2*A*B; /* first derivative with respect to z */
  A = A*A + c; /* complex quadratic polynomial */


/* Maxima CAS */
(%i1) a:ax+ay*%i;
(%o1)                                                                                                          %i ay + ax
(%i2) b:bx+by*%i;
(%o2)                                                                                                          %i by + bx
(%i3) bn:2*a*b;
(%o3)                                                                                                 2 (%i ay + ax) (%i by + bx)
(%i4) realpart(bn);
(%o4)                                                                                                      2 (ax bx - ay by)
(%i5) imagpart(bn);
(%o5)                                                                                                      2 (ax by + ay bx)
(%i6) c:cx+cy*%i;
(%o6)                                                                                                          %i cy + cx
(%i7) an:a*a+c;
(%o7)                                                                                                  %i cy + cx + (%i ay + ax)
(%i8) realpart(an);
                                                                                                                    2     2
(%o8)                                                                                                        cx - ay  + ax
(%i9) imagpart(an);
(%o9)                                                                                                         cy + 2 ax ay


  • bx = 2 (ax bx - ay by)
  • by = 2 (ax by + ay bx)
  • ax = cx - ay^2 + ax^2
  • ay = cy + 2 ax ay


  • a = ax + ay*i
  • b = bx + by*i
  • c = cx + cy*i

在 GUI 程序中使用它

  • 点击菜单项:核
  • 使用鼠标标记双曲分量中心的矩形区域

一个 中心(或核) 周期为 满足


其中初始估计值 是任意的(abs(n) <2.0)


任意名称 初始条件 递推步骤

code from  unnamed c program ( book ) 
see mandelbrot_nucleus.c

by Claude Heiland-Allen


 gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O3 -ggdb  m.c -lm -lmpfr


./a.out bits cx cy period maxiters
output :  space separated complex nucleus on stdout

./a.out 53 -1.75 0 3 100
./a.out 53 -1.75 0 30 100
./a.out 53  0.471 -0.3541 14 100
./a.out 53 -0.12 -0.74 3 100

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gmp.h> // arbitrary precision
#include <mpfr.h>

extern int mandelbrot_nucleus(mpfr_t cx, mpfr_t cy, const mpfr_t c0x, const mpfr_t c0y, int period, int maxiters) {
  int retval = 0;
  mpfr_t zx, zy, dx, dy, s, t, u, v;
  mpfr_inits2(mpfr_get_prec(c0x), zx, zy, dx, dy, s, t, u, v, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
  mpfr_set(cx, c0x, GMP_RNDN);
  mpfr_set(cy, c0y, GMP_RNDN);

  for (int i = 0; i < maxiters; ++i) {
    // z = 0
    mpfr_set_ui(zx, 0, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_set_ui(zy, 0, GMP_RNDN);
    // d = 0
    mpfr_set_ui(dx, 0, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_set_ui(dy, 0, GMP_RNDN);
    for (int p = 0; p < period; ++p) {
      // d = 2 * z * d + 1;
      mpfr_mul(u, zx, dx, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul(v, zy, dy, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_sub(u, u, v, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul_2ui(u, u, 1, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul(dx, dx, zy, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul(dy, dy, zx, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_add(dy, dx, dy, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul_2ui(dy, dy, 1, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_add_ui(dx, u, 1, GMP_RNDN);
      // z = z^2 + c;
      mpfr_sqr(u, zx, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_sqr(v, zy, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul(zy, zx, zy, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_sub(zx, u, v, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_mul_2ui(zy, zy, 1, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_add(zx, zx, cx, GMP_RNDN);
      mpfr_add(zy, zy, cy, GMP_RNDN);
    // check d == 0
    if (mpfr_zero_p(dx) && mpfr_zero_p(dy)) {
      retval = 1;
      goto done;

    // st = c - z / d
    mpfr_sqr(u, dx, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_sqr(v, dy, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_add(u, u, v, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_mul(s, zx, dx, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_mul(t, zy, dy, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_add(v, s, t, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_div(v, v, u, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_mul(s, zy, dx, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_mul(t, zx, dy, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_sub(zy, s, t, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_div(zy, zy, u, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_sub(s, cx, v, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_sub(t, cy, zy, GMP_RNDN);
    // uv = st - c
    mpfr_sub(u, s, cx, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_sub(v, t, cy, GMP_RNDN);
    // c = st
    mpfr_set(cx, s, GMP_RNDN);
    mpfr_set(cy, t, GMP_RNDN);
    // check uv = 0
    if (mpfr_zero_p(u) && mpfr_zero_p(v)) {
      retval = 2;
      goto done;
  } // for (int i = 0; i < maxiters; ++i)

 done: mpfr_clears(zx, zy, dx, dy, s, t, u, v, (mpfr_ptr) 0);

 return retval;

void DescribeStop(int stop)
  switch( stop )
    case 0:
    printf(" method stopped because i = maxiters\n");
    case 1:
    printf(" method stopped because derivative == 0\n");
    case 2:
    printf(" method stopped because uv = 0\n");

void usage(const char *progname) {
    "program finds one center ( nucleus) of hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set using Newton method"
    "usage: %s bits cx cy period maxiters\n"
    "outputs space separated complex nucleus on stdout\n"
    "example %s 53 -1.75 0 3 100\n",
    progname, progname);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // check the input 
  if (argc != 6) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; }
  // read the values 
  int bits = atoi(argv[1]);
  mpfr_t cx, cy, c0x, c0y;
  mpfr_inits2(bits, cx, cy, c0x, c0y, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
  mpfr_set_str(c0x, argv[2], 10, GMP_RNDN);
  mpfr_set_str(c0y, argv[3], 10, GMP_RNDN);
  int period = atoi(argv[4]);
  int maxiters = atoi(argv[5]);
  int stop;

  stop = mandelbrot_nucleus(cx, cy, c0x, c0y, period, maxiters);

  printf(" nucleus ( center) of component with period = %s near c = %s ; %s is : \n ", argv[4], argv[2], argv[3]);
  mpfr_out_str(0, 10, 0, cx, GMP_RNDN);
  putchar(' ');
  mpfr_out_str(0, 10, 0, cy, GMP_RNDN);
  DescribeStop(stop) ;

  // clear memeory 
  mpfr_clears(cx, cy, c0x, c0y, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
  return 0;

为中心的成分的边界 周期为 的可以由内部角度参数化。

边界点 在角度 (以圈为单位测量)满足 2 个方程组





其中 处计算。


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"该过程是为一次在某个分量上数值查找一个边界点,你不能一次性求解所有分量的整个边界。所以选择并固定一个特定核 n 和一个特定内角 t "(Claude Heiland-Allen [21])

让我们尝试找到边界点 (边界点)


  • 周期 p=3
  • 角 t=0
  • 中心 (核) c = n = -0.12256116687665+0.74486176661974i


初始估计 (第一次猜测) 将是该分量的中心 (核) 。此中心 (复数) 将存储在一个包含该核两个副本的复数 向量

在角度为 (以圈数为单位)的边界点满足 2 个方程组 


然后函数 g


其中分母 d 为

然后使用迭代法找到点 c=b 的更好的近似值

使用 作为起点 

Maxima CAS 代码

[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
使用牛顿法计算曼德勃罗集的连通域边界。图像和 Maxima CAS 代码

C++ 代码

[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
cpp code by Claude Heiland-Allen 
licensed GPLv3+

g++ -std=c++98 -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -O3 -o bonds bonds.cc

./bonds period nucleus_re nucleus_im internal_angle
./bonds 1 0 0 0
./bonds 1 0 0 0.5
./bonds 1 0 0 0.333333333333333
./bonds 2 -1 0 0
./bonds 2 -1 0 0.5
./bonds 2 -1 0 0.333333333333333
./bonds 3 -0.12256116687665 0.74486176661974 0
./bonds 3 -0.12256116687665 0.74486176661974 0.5
./bonds 3 -0.12256116687665 0.74486176661974 0.333333333333333

for b in $(seq -w 0 999)
  ./bonds 1 0 0 0.$b 2>/dev/null
done > period-1.txt
plot "./period-1.txt" with lines

for b in $(seq -w 0 999)
  ./bonds 3 -0.12256116687665 0.74486176661974 0.$b 2>/dev/null
done > period-3a.txt

plot "./period-3a.txt" with lines
#include <complex>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef std::complex<double> complex;

const double pi = 3.141592653589793;
const double eps = 1.0e-12;

struct param {
  int period;
  complex nucleus, bond;

struct recurrence {
  complex A, B, C, D, E;

void recurrence_init(recurrence &r, const complex &z) {
  r.A = z;
  r.B = 1;
  r.C = 0;
  r.D = 0;
  r.E = 0;

void recurrence_step(recurrence &rr, const recurrence &r, const complex &c) {
  rr.A = r.A * r.A + c;
  rr.B = 2.0 * r.A * r.B;
  rr.C = 2.0 * (r.B * r.B + r.A * r.C);
  rr.D = 2.0 * r.A * r.D + 1.0;
  rr.E = 2.0 * (r.A * r.E + r.B * r.D);

void recurrence_step_inplace(recurrence &r, const complex &c) {
  // this works because no component of r is read after it is written
  r.E = 2.0 * (r.A * r.E + r.B * r.D);
  r.D = 2.0 * r.A * r.D + 1.0;
  r.C = 2.0 * (r.B * r.B + r.A * r.C);
  r.B = 2.0 * r.A * r.B;
  r.A = r.A * r.A + c;

struct matrix {
  complex a, b, c, d;

struct vector {
  complex u, v;

vector operator+(const vector &u, const vector &v) {
  vector vv = { u.u + v.u, u.v + v.v };
  return vv;

vector operator*(const matrix &m, const vector &v) {
  vector vv = { m.a * v.u + m.b * v.v, m.c * v.u + m.d * v.v };
  return vv;

matrix operator*(const complex &s, const matrix &m) {
  matrix mm = { s * m.a, s * m.b, s * m.c, s * m.d };
  return mm;

complex det(const matrix &m) {
  return m.a * m.d - m.b * m.c;

matrix inv(const matrix &m) {
  matrix mm = { m.d, -m.b, -m.c, m.a };
  return (1.0/det(m)) * mm;

// newton stores <z, c> into vector as <u, v>

vector newton_init(const param &h) {
  vector vv = { h.nucleus, h.nucleus };
  return vv;

void print_equation(const matrix &m, const vector &v, const vector &k) {
  fprintf(stderr, "/  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  \\  /  z  -  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  \\  =  /  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  \\\n", real(m.a), imag(m.a), real(m.b), imag(m.b), real(v.u), imag(v.u), real(k.u), imag(k.u));
  fprintf(stderr, "\\  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  /  \\  c  -  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  /     \\  % 20.16f%+20.16fi  /\n", real(m.c), imag(m.c), real(m.d), imag(m.d), real(v.v), imag(v.v), real(k.v), imag(k.v));

vector newton_step(const vector &v, const param &h) {
  recurrence r;
  recurrence_init(r, v.u);
  for (int i = 0; i < h.period; ++i) {
    recurrence_step_inplace(r, v.v);
  // matrix equation: J * (vv - v) = -g
  // solved by: vv = inv(J) * -g + v
  // note: the C++ variable g has the value of semantic variable -g
  matrix J = { r.B - 1.0, r.D, r.C, r.E };
  vector g = { v.u - r.A, h.bond - r.B };
  print_equation(J, v, g);
  return inv(J) * g + v;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if (argc < 5) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s period nucleus_re nucleus_im internal_angle\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;
  param h;
  h.period  = atoi(argv[1]);
  h.nucleus = complex(atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3]));
  double angle = atof(argv[4]);
  if (angle == 0 && h.period != 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "warning: possibly wrong results due to convergence into parent!\n");
  h.bond = std::polar(1.0, 2.0 * pi * angle);
  fprintf(stderr, "initial parameters:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "period = %d\n", h.period);
  fprintf(stderr, "nucleus = % 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(h.nucleus), imag(h.nucleus));
  fprintf(stderr, "bond = % 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(h.bond), imag(h.bond));
  vector v = newton_init(h);
  fprintf(stderr, "z =% 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(v.u), imag(v.u));
  fprintf(stderr, "c =% 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(v.v), imag(v.v));
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "newton iteration:\n");
  vector vv;
  do {
    vv = v;
    v = newton_step(vv, h);
    fprintf(stderr, "z =% 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(v.u), imag(v.u));
    fprintf(stderr, "c =% 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(v.v), imag(v.v));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  } while (abs(v.u - vv.u) + abs(v.v - vv.v) > eps);
  fprintf(stderr, "bond location:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "c =% 20.16f%+20.16fi\n", real(v.v), imag(v.v));
  // suitable for gnuplot
  printf("%.16f %.16f\n", real(v.v), imag(v.v));
  return 0;



  1. 给定一个中心位置估计 精确到 位精度
  2. 使用中心点 作为起始值,计算边界位置估计 ,并确保其精度与中心点相同。
  3. 计算 以找到对该组件大小的估计。
    1. 如果它不为零,并且它足够精确(可能为几十位),则结束。
    2. 否则提高精度,将中心估计值细化到新的精度,从顶部重新尝试。



[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Mandelbrot 集 - 乘子图

Mandelbrot 集双曲分量的内部坐标

可以将 映射 双曲分量 到以原点为中心的闭合单位圆盘




  • p 是参数平面上目标双曲分量的周期
  • 是点 c 和 b 的所需内部角度
  • 是内部半径
  • 是单位圆上的一个点 = 内部坐标
  • c 是参数平面上的一个点
  • z 是动态平面上的一个点
  • 以及

Claude Heiland-Allen 从 c 中找到内部坐标 b 的算法

  • 选择 c
  • 检查 c (动态平面上进行逃逸测试)。当 c 在 Mandelbrot 集之外时,现在放弃(或计算 外部坐标);
  • 从周期一开始:
    • 找到周期点 使得 使用一个复变量中的牛顿方法;
    • 通过计算 处找到 b。
    • 如果 ,则返回 b。
    • 否则继续下一个 p  :



[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
by Claude Heiland-Allen

#include <mandelbrot-graphics.h>
#include <mandelbrot-numerics.h>
#include <mandelbrot-symbolics.h>
#include <cairo.h>

const double twopi = 6.283185307179586;

void draw_internal_ray(m_image *image, m_d_transform *transform, int period, double _Complex nucleus, const char *angle, double pt, m_pixel_t colour) {
  int steps = 128;
  mpq_t theta;
  mpq_set_str(theta, angle, 10);
  double a = twopi * mpq_get_d(theta);
  double _Complex interior = cos(a) + I * sin(a);

  double _Complex cl = 0, cl2 = 0;
  double _Complex c = nucleus;
  double _Complex z = c;
  cairo_surface_t *surface = m_image_surface(image);
  cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface);
  cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, m_pixel_red(colour), m_pixel_green(colour), m_pixel_blue(colour), m_pixel_alpha(colour));
  for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
    if (2 * i == steps) {
      cl = c;
    if (2 * i == steps + 2) {
      cl2 = c;
    double radius = (i + 0.5) / steps;
    m_d_interior(&z, &c, z, c, radius * interior, period, 64);
    double _Complex pc = c;
    double _Complex pdc = 1;
    m_d_transform_reverse(transform, &pc, &pdc);
    if (i == 0) {
      cairo_move_to(cr, creal(pc), cimag(pc));
    } else {
      cairo_line_to(cr, creal(pc), cimag(pc));
  if (a != 0) {
    double t = carg(cl2 - cl);
    double _Complex dcl = 1;
    m_d_transform_reverse(transform, &cl, &dcl);
    cairo_translate(cr, creal(cl), cimag(cl));
    cairo_rotate(cr, -t);
    cairo_translate(cr, 0, -pt/3);
    cairo_select_font_face(cr, "LMSans10", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
    cairo_set_font_size(cr, pt);
    cairo_text_path(cr, angle);


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//  qmnplane.cpp by Wolf Jung (C) 2007-2014.
// part of Mandel 5.11 http://mndynamics.com/indexp.html
// the GNU General   Public License

//Time ~ nmax^2 , therefore limited  nmax .
int QmnPlane::newtonRay(int signtype, qulonglong N, qulonglong D,
   double &a, double &b, int q, QColor color, int mode) //5, white, 1
{  uint n; int j, i, k, i0, k0; mndAngle t; t.setAngle(N, D, j);
   double logR = 14.0, x, y, u;
   u = exp(0.5*logR); y = t.radians();
   x = u*cos(y); y = u*sin(y);
   if (pointToPos(x, y, i0, k0) > 1) i0 = -10;
   stop(); QPainter *p = new QPainter(buffer); p->setPen(color);
   for (n = 1; n <= (nmax > 5000u ? 5000u : nmax + 2); n++)
   {  t.twice();
      for (j = 1; j <= q; j++)
      {  if (mode & 4 ? tricornNewton(signtype, n, a, b, x, y,
                exp(-j*0.69315/q)*logR, t.radians())
           : rayNewton(signtype, n, a, b, x, y,
                exp(-j*0.69315/q)*logR, t.radians()) )
         { n = (n <= 20 ? 65020u : 65010u); break; }
         if (pointToPos(x, y, i, k) > 1) i = -10;
         if (i0 > -10)
         {  if (i > -10) { if (!(mode & 8)) p->drawLine(i0, k0, i, k); }
            else { n = 65020u; break; }
         i0 = i; k0 = k;
   //if rayNewton fails after > 20 iterations, endpoint may be accepted
   delete p; update(); if (n >= 65020u) return 2;
   if (mode & 2) { a = x; b = y; }
   if (n >= 65010u) return 1; else return 0;
} //newtonRay

int QmnPlane::rayNewton(int signtype, uint n, double a, double b,
   double &x, double &y, double rlog, double ilog)
{  uint k, l; double fx, fy, px, py, u, v = 0.0, d = 1.0 + x*x + y*y, t0, t1;
   for (k = 1; k <= 60; k++)
   {  if (signtype > 0) { a = x; b = y; }
      fx = cos(ilog); fy = sin(ilog);
      t0 = exp(rlog)*fx - 0.5*exp(-rlog)*(a*fx + b*fy);
      t1 = exp(rlog)*fy + 0.5*exp(-rlog)*(a*fy - b*fx);
      fx = x; fy = y; px = 1.0; py = 0.0;
      for (l = 1; l <= n; l++)
      {  u = 2.0*(fx*px - fy*py); py = 2.0*(fx*py + fy*px);
         px = u; if (signtype > 0) px++;
         u = fx*fx; v = fy*fy; fy = 2.0*fx*fy + b; fx = u - v + a;
         u += v; v = px*px + py*py; if (u + v > 1.0e100) return 1;
      fx -= t0; fy -= t1; if (v < 1.0e-50) return 2;
      u = (fx*px + fy*py)/v; v = (fx*py - fy*px)/v;
      px = u*u + v*v; if (px > 9.0*d) return -1;
      x -= u; y += v; d = px; if (px < 1.0e-28 && k >= 5) break;
   return 0;
} //rayNewton


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的复迭代在 的工作量内,在 中产生一个 次多项式。






使用之前的 作为下一个 的初始猜测。 的增量需要小于大约 ,才能使算法稳定。注意, (以圈数为单位测量)在 回到起点之前,会在单位圆上绕 圈。

这种方法的灵感来自于川平知樹的《Mandelbrot 集合外射线绘制算法》。


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  2. Newton, Chebyshev, and Halley Basins of Attraction; A Complete Geometric Approach by Bart D. Stewart
  3. "How to find all roots of complex polynomials by Newton's method", by Hubbard, Schliecher, and Sutherland
  4. Finding the all roots of a polynomial by using Newton-Raphson method.
  5. Everything You Always Wanted to Ask About Newton's Method But Were Afraid to Know by Ernst W. Mayer
  6. math.stackexchange question: how-to-solve-simultaneous-equations-using-newton-raphsons-method
  7. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems Luca Bergamaschi
  8. Newton's method for nonlinear systems by Mark S. Gockenbach 2003-01-23
  9. wikipedia : 雅可比矩阵和行列式
  10. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems Luca Bergamaschi
  11. Multiple Nonlinear Equations using the Newton-Raphson Method by Bruce A. Finlayson
  12. Stopping Criterion by Prof. Alan Hood
  13. math.stackexchange question : why-does-the-newton-raphson-method-not-converge-for-some-functions
  14. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Richard Hamming, page 69
  15. StackExchange : A function for which the Newton-Raphson method slowly converges?
  16. stackoverflow question: how-to-detect-a-cycle-in-newton-raphson-method-in-c
  17. Numerical Recipies In C
  18. Numerical_Methods_in_Civil_Engineering : 非线性方程 Matlab By Gilberto E. Urroz, September 2004
  19. Solving nonlinera equations with Scilab by G E Urroz
  20. Principles of Linear Algebra With Mathematica® 牛顿-拉夫森法 Kenneth Shiskowski and Karl Frinkle
  21. Home page of Claude Heiland-Allen
  22. math.stackexchange qestion: is-there-a-more-efficient-equation-for-the-mandelbrot-lemniscates