德文郡手稿/Yowre ferefull hope cannot prevayle
←我的恐惧希望从我身上消失了 | 我被束缚了,现在,并将永远如此→ |
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f. [8r]
1{9}{p'} {_u} 3secundusYowre ferefull hope cannot prevayle
2 nor yet faythfull trust Also
3 sum thynke to hytt oftymes do fayle
4 wherby they change theyre welthe to wo
5 What tho In that yet put no trust
6 but allways after as ye see
7 for say yor wyll & do yor lust
8 there ys no place for yow to be
9 No sure therin ye ar farr owte
10 yor labor lost ye hope to save
11 but ons I put ye owt off dowte
12 the thyng ys had that ye wold have
13 tho to Remayn with{w+t+}owt Remorce
14 & petyles to be opprest
15 yet ys the coorse of love by force
16 to take all thynges{es} vnto the best
17 Well yet beware yff thow be wysse
18 & leve thy hope thy hete to coole
19 ffor fere lest she thy love dyspyse
20 reputyng the but as a ffole
21 syns thys to folow of force thow must
22 & by no Reason can Refrayn
23 thy chawnce shall change thy lest mystrust
24 as thow shalt prove vnto thy payn
25 When wythe suche payn thow shalt be payd
26 the whyche shall passe all Remedy
27 then thynke on thys that I have sayd
28 & blame thy folysshe ffantasy
fynys quod{q+d+}s [] e1
1. 标准见证人索引表明此处被遮挡的词语是“某人”,对应于同一首诗中对“没有人”的归属,即“我的恐惧希望从我身上消失了” (7v)。