德文郡手稿/All yn the sight my lif doth hole depende
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f. [69r]
1 All yn the sight my lif doth hole depende
2 thy hidest thy self and I must dye therefore
3 but sins thou maiste so easelye saue thy frinde
4 {{th}+u+}{{th}+u+} whye doste thou styk to hale that thou madist sore /
5 whye doo I dye sins thou{{th}+u+} maist me deffende
6 for if I dye then maiste thou{{th}+u+} / lyve nomore
7 sins ton bye tother / dothe lyve and fede thy herte
8 {m'}{w+t+} I with thye sight then also with my smarte /s
fs a ma []
这首诗被归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H8 录入。这首诗也出现在 托特尔杂集 中,题名为“To his louer to loke vpon him”(第 90 项)。[2] 怀亚特的警句部分地翻译了 塞拉菲诺·阿奎拉诺 的 strambotto “Viuo sol di mirarti”。
页边空白处出现了一幅左手轮廓图,伸出拇指,向上举起。一个身份不明的人还在页面上写下了字母“a m a”。
1 All yn the sight] AL in thy loke STC_13860_01 lif] life STC_13860_01 hole] whole STC_13860_01 depende] depende. STC_13860_01
2 thy] Thou STC_13860_01 hidest] hydest STC_13860_01 self] self, STC_13860_01 therefore] therfore. STC_13860_01
3 but] But STC_13860_01 maiste] mayst STC_13860_01 easelye saue] easily helpe STC_13860_01 frinde] frend: STC_13860_01
4 whye] Why STC_13860_01 doste] doest STC_13860_01 styk] stick STC_13860_01 hale] salue STC_13860_01 madist] madest STC_13860_01 sore /] sore? STC_13860_01
5 whye doo] Why do STC_13860_01 dye] dye? STC_13860_01 maist] mayst STC_13860_01 deffende] defend? STC_13860_01
6 for] And STC_13860_01 dye] dye, STC_13860_01 then maiste thou / live nomore] thy life may last no more. STC_13860_01
7 sins ton bye tother / dothe lyve and fede thy herte] For ech by other doth liue and haue reliefe, STC_13860_01
8 with] in STC_13860_01 thye] thy STC_13860_01 sight then also with my smarte /] loke, and thou most in my griefe. STC_13860_01