←我的幼稚岁月已经过去 | 一切都取决于我的生命→ |
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1 使一致或同意
2 两个相反的东西在一个程度上
3 而且在我看来在一个点上
4 对所有人的智慧来说,这是不可能的
5 这是不可能的
6 当我清楚地说明热和冷时
7 并且说热引起我的痛苦
8 当冷让我全身的血管颤抖时/
9 我再说一遍,两者都同时存在
10 这是不可能的/
11 那个失去了心脏的人
12 如果生命像人们所说那样在那里存活/
13 那个无心的人应该存活一天
14 还活着,不会变成泥土
15 这是不可能的
16 生命与死亡之间,当谁说
17 没有生命能呼吸
18 它们如此接近,而且我相信
19 通过死亡的愿望去寻找生命
20 这是不可能的
21 然而,爱征服了一切
22 它的力量,没有生命能够逃避
23 已经在我心中引起了我悔恨
24 这些奇迹是如此真实
25 这是不可能的/
这首诗被归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H8 录入。Rebholz 指出,这首诗嘲讽了彼特拉克的相反和心智的比喻,有趣的是,它试图将理性应用于流行的爱情习俗。[2] TH2 添加了第 3 行的一部分,“如我所见”。
1 accorde] accord LEge42 agree] aggre LEge42
2 yn on] in oon LEge42
3 yn on point] in oon poynct LEge42 semyth] semeth LEge42
4 menns wyll] mans wit / LEge42 bee] be LEge42
5 yt] it LEge42 ympossible] impossible LEge42
6 of heat] Of hete LEge42 colde] cold LEge42 complaine] complain LEge42
7 And] and LEge42 saye] say LEge42 heat] hete LEge42 doth] doeth LEge42 paine] pain LEge42
8 whan] when LEge42 colde] cold LEge42 dothe] doeth LEge42 me] my LEge42 everye] every LEge42 vayne /] vain LEge42
9 bothe] boeth LEge42 atons] at ons LEge42 saye] say LEge42 againe] again LEge42
10 yt] it LEge42 impossible /] impossible LEge42
10.1 Twixt lif and dethe saye when wh saithe] LEge42
11 herte] hert LEge42 awaye] away LEge42
12 lyfe] lyff LEge42 lyve] lyveth LEge42 dothe] do LEge42 saye /] say LEge42
13 hertelesHercules sholde] he hertles should LEge42 laste] last LEge42 daye] day LEge42
14 alyue] a lyve LEge42 and not] & not to LEge42 torne] torn LEge42 claye] clay LEge42
15 ys] is LEge42
16 lif] lyff LEge42 dethe] deth LEge42 saye] say LEge42 saith] saeyth LEge42
17 lyvith] lyveth LEge42 lif] lyff LEge42 drawithe] draweth LEge42 brethe] breth LEge42
18 theyr] they LEge42 Ioine] Ioyne LEge42 / and eke] & eke LEge42 faithe] feith LEge42
19 lyf bye] liff by LEge42 wishe] wissh LEge42 dethe] deth LEge42
21 yet] Yet LEge42 al] all LEge42 thinges] thing LEge42 doth] doeth LEge42
22 powre] power LEge42 there] ther LEge42 maye] may LEge42 lif] liff LEge42 eschewe] eschew LEge42
23 maye] may LEge42 rewe] rew LEge42
24 this] these LEge42 myracles] miracles LEge42 trewe] true LEge42
25 impossible /] impossible LEge42