德文郡手稿/受渴望驱使 我做了此事
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f. [81v]
1 受渴望驱使 我做了此事
2 以无理由的危险 来冒险自身 with{w+t+}out cause whye
3 去信任不忠之人 不可能成功
4 去说话,并pro{p2}mise faithefullie
5 但现在证据证实了
6 凡是信任而不了解之人
7 都会伤害自己,取悦敌人。
这首诗被认为是 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 的作品,[1] 由 H8 誊录。这首诗评论了天真的期望和过快的信任;与许多宫廷爱情歌词类似,这首诗可以解释为批评爱情和政治。这首诗也出现在 托特尔诗选 中,标题为“突然的信任”(第 122 项)。[2]
1 Dryven bye] DRiuen by STC_13860_05 bye] by DBla05 dede] dyd DBla05 did STC_13860_05
2 to] To STC_13860_05 daunger] danger STC_13860_05 silf] self DBla05 STC_13860_05 without cause whye] without'cause why: STC_13860_05 whye] why DBla05
3 to] To STC_13860_05 truste] trust DBla05 STC_13860_05 the vntrue] thuntrue STC_13860_05 like] lyke DBla05 spede] sped DBla05 spede, STC_13860_05
4 to] To STC_13860_05 speke.] speke DBla05 speake STC_13860_05 promise faithefullie] promas faithfully DBla05 faithefullie] faythfully: STC_13860_05
5 but] But STC_13860_05 nowe] now DBla05 STC_13860_05 proof] prouf DBla05 proufe STC_13860_05 dothe] doth DBla05 STC_13860_05 verifie] verefy DBla05 verifie, STC_13860_05
6 that] That STC_13860_05 who] whoo DBla05 so] soo DBla05 trustithe] trustith DBla05 trusteth STC_13860_05 or] ar DBla05 ere STC_13860_05 kno.] knoo DBla05 know. STC_13860_05
7 Dothe] Doth DBla05 STC_13860_05 hurte] hurt DBla05 STC_13860_05 himsilf .] hym self DBla05 him self STC_13860_05 please] pleas DBla05 ffoo.] foo DBla05 foe. STC_13860_05