德文郡手稿/Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes
←This rotyd greff will not but growe | So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye→ |
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f. [47v]
1 Hartte aprest with{w+t+} dessperott thoughtes
2 ys fforsyd euere to laymentte
3 wyche nowe In me so sore hathe wrovgh
4 {_o}{es} {{th}+t+} that nedes to ytt I maust consentte
5 wher ffor all ioye I do reffusse
6 & cruell wyll ther off acuse
7 Yff cruell wyll had nott byne gyde
8 dysspare{r'} In me had no plasse
9 ffor my trwe menynge she well asspyde
10 butt yett ffor all thatt wold geue no grasse
11 where{r'} ffor all ioye I do reffusse
12 & cruell wyll ther off acusse
f. [48r]
13 She mowt wyell see & yett wold nott
14 & maye daylly yff that{{th}+t+} she wyll
15 howe paynffull ys my happelesse lotte
16 ionnyedionde joined with dysspeare me ffor to spylle
17 whereffor all ioy I do reffueys
18 & cruell wyll ther off acvys accuse a hart aprest with{w+t+} desp o hart aprest v
这首诗归功于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H11 录入。这首诗探讨了爱人不幸的命运和女士的冷酷忽视;尽管说话者指责女士的意志是残酷的,但爱人的意志也是残酷的,因为他屈服于绝望。
抄写员的字母穿过书脊,这表明手稿可能曾经一段时间没有装订。一个与H5 不太一样的笔迹在 48r 上继续这首诗,部分重复了第一行两次,并划掉了第一个实例。
1 Hartte aprest with dessperott] Hart oppressyd with desp'rat AAH05
2 ys fforsyd euere to laymentte] yf forced ever to lament AAH05
3 wyche] Whiche AAH05 nowe] now AAH05 In] in AAH05 hathe] hath AAH05 wrovgh] wrought AAH05
4 nedes] needes AAH05 ytt] it AAH05 maust] must AAH05 consentte] consent AAH05
5 wher ffor] Whearfore AAH05 ioye] ioy AAH05 do] must AAH05 reffusse] refuse AAH05
6 &] and AAH05 cruell] crewell AAH05 wyll] will AAH05 ther off] thearof AAH05 acuse] accuse AAH05
7 Yff] Yf AAH05 cruell] crewell AAH05 wyll] will AAH05 nott] not AAH05 byne] bene AAH05 gyde] guyde AAH05
8 dysspare In] Dispayre in AAH05 no] had no AAH05 plasse] place AAH05
9 trwe] trew AAH05 menynge] meaning AAH05 asspyde] espied AAH05
10 butt yett] and AAH05 ffor] for AAH05 thatt] that AAH05 geue] geve AAH05 grasse] grace AAH05
11 where ffor] thearfore AAH05 do] must AAH05 reffusse] refuse AAH05
12 &] and AAH05 cruell] crewll AAH05 wyll] will AAH05 ther off] therof AAH05 acusse] accuse AAH05
13 She] Shee AAH05 mowt] AAH05 wyell] well AAH05 see] moght see AAH05 &] and AAH05 yett] yet AAH05 wold] wolde AAH05 nott] not AAH05
14 &] and AAH05 maye] may AAH05 daylly] daylye AAH05 yff] if AAH05 she] shee AAH05 wyll] will AAH05
15 howe] How AAH05 paynffull] paynfull AAH05 ys] is AAH05 happelesse] haples AAH05 lotte] lott AAH05
16 ionnyediondejoined with dysspeare] Ioyn'de with dispayre AAH05 ffor] for AAH05 spylle] spill AAH05
17 whereffor] Whearby AAH05 ioy] ioye AAH05 do reffueys] must refuse AAH05
18 &] Sence AAH05 cruell] Crewell AAH05 wyll] will AAH05 ther off] doth me AAH05 acvysaccuse] so use AAH05