←Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes | ffull well yt maye be sene→ |
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f. [48v]
f. [49r]
u1, 2
1 如此虚弱的细线支撑着沉重的负担
2 我那贫寒的生命,身处悲惨境地,正在衰败之中
3 若非他处有援助或救济
4 我命运的旋转纺锤,将很快结束它的旅程
5 自那不幸的时刻,我被迫离开
6 从我甜蜜的福祉中,只有一线希望支撑着^ 我的生命apar{p+}te
7 {es}{p+} 它向我那悲伤的心灵persuade这些话es
8 保持坚强,哦,悲伤的灵魂,去寻找一些更ter{t'}好的运气
9 尽管你被剥夺了你渴望的景象
10 谁能告诉你,在你最渴望的快乐到来之前,她是否会回来
11 或者,谁能告诉你,你是否会重新获得你失去的快乐
12 某个令人愉快的时刻,你的悲伤可能会被抢夺,并被防御和couer{u'}
13 这就是支撑着我的生命的信念
14 而现在,唉,我看到它正在衰弱,我被信念所欺骗
15 时光流逝,我per{p+}ceve时间是如何流逝的
16 如此之快,以至于我几乎没有时间来标记我即将到来的终结
17 太阳从西方,从thest the east 勉强发出光芒
18 {w+t+}{{th}+e+} 当它在西方隐藏,within the黑夜之中
19 它快速返回,从它开始的地方Awrye
20 从东到西,从西到东,它的旅程如此之远
21 生命如此短暂,如此脆弱,凡人在这里生存
22 如此巨大的负担,如此沉重的责任,我们所承担的肉体that{{th}+t+} we bere
23 当我想到距离和空间
24 那些将我与我亲爱的,渴望的面容分开如此之远
25 我不知道如何获得我所需要的翅膀
26 去抬起我的负担,that{{th}+t+}它可以飞翔,追随我的渴望
27 thus{{th}+us+}关于那支撑着我生命的希望
28 唉,我害怕,par{p+}ly 逃离,几乎没有剩余
29 每个地方都给我带来悲伤,在那里我无法看到
30 {es}{{th}+e+} 那些充满生机的眼睛,我的思绪曾是the钥匙o
f. [49v]
31 那些思绪是令人愉快的,甜蜜的,当我还享受着that{{th}+t+}恩典
32 我过去的快乐,我现在的痛苦,在那里我可以em{_e}brace
33 但是,因为我的缺乏会加剧我的悲伤
34 在清醒时,在睡眠中,白天和黑夜,我的愿望都在
35 渴望那件我失去的东西
36 {{th}+t+}{u'} 我从未见过任何事物能让我那充满full的内心感到高兴
37 thunesy the uneasy 我所过的人生,教导我去测量
38 {t'}{{th}+em+}{{th}+t+} 洪流,海洋,陆地,山丘,that doth them entermet
39 {{th}+t+}{es} 在我和那些闪耀的光芒之间,that曾经照亮
40 {p'} {9} {es} {es} 我那阴暗的痛苦,充满着阴云密布的思想,如同灿烂的phebus3 sper4
41 它也教会我,我曾经多么快乐
42 更加感受这种记录,如何that{{th}+t+}我的财富正在衰败
43 如果这种记录,唉,会激发then flamyd the enflamed 我的心灵
44 它在that{{th}+t+}那天升起,我留下了我最好的部分
45 如果爱因长期缺席而忘记自己
46 是谁引导着我,哦,悲惨的家伙,走向this{{th}+is+}诱饵
47 那里增加了我的担忧,对我来说,muche better{t'} were for me
48 像石头一样沉默,忘记所有事物,永远缺席
49 唉,那清澈的水晶,那明亮的透明玻璃
50 并不会泄露隐藏在它内部的颜色
51 就像thaccovmred the accumbered 那沉重的灵魂,思绪会暴露
52 {u'}{es} {o+r+} {{th}+t+} 火热的喜悦,热烈的爱情,that在our心中couer
53 通过这些眼睛,它显示出来,thot euer{u'}更多的快乐
54 在抱怨和眼泪中寻求慰藉,that白天和黑夜
55 这些新的欢乐es,大多数人为此感到高兴
56 它们不断地给我带来暴风雨般的景象es,声音
57 因为我是一个被抱怨所满足的人
58 {_y}{es} 它syttesme well myn缺席的财富,我似乎^ meto lament
59 & with{w+t+}我的眼泪,去尝试去责备我那双眼睛
f. [50r]
60 看,我的心如同堤岸之上,充满了痛苦
61 并且,因为要与那些美丽的眼睛交谈
62 促使我再次重复我的抱怨
63 因为没有其他东西能如此深刻地触动我
64 在那里,它们统治着一切,而我则孤独,只有the{{th}+e+}外壳或皮肤
65 因此,我以泉水或弹簧的形式回归它们
66 从谁那里继承我的凡人痛苦,胜过一切其他 *东西* 东西
67 所以我的眼睛在痛苦中将伴随我的内心
68 在哪里,那些 *东西*{es} 曾经引导它去感受爱的痛苦
69 那卷曲的金色,它超越了阿波罗的骄傲
70 愉快的星辰的生机勃勃的光芒,*那* {{th}+t+} 在它下面滑动
71 其中爱的光芒不断增加它的热度
72 它却如此遥远,又如此靠近,以致于让我在寒冷中流汗
73 那智慧而愉快的谈话,如此罕见,或者说独自一人
74 {u'}{{th}+t+} {{th}+t+} *那* 给了我这种礼貌的礼物,这样的人从未拥有过
75 远离我吧,唉,以及 *其他* 的任何事物{u'}
76 {{th}+t+}{{th}+en+} {t'} {w+t+} 我可以 *用* 更好的意愿 *比* 我带给自己的 *那* 放弃
77 *用* {w+t+} 愉快的言语和欢笑,缓解长久的痛苦
78 并且经常习惯于在燃烧的意志中 *向* 我示好{v'}
79 因此我被迫在这里倾听和寻找消息
80 我微薄的安慰,我的强烈渴望,在可疑的信任中退却
81 然而,*用* {w+t+} 更大的喜悦,我哀悼我的悲惨命运
82 {{th}+t+}{es} 我必须抱怨那些手,那些手臂,它们坚定地拥抱我
83 使我远离我自己,并控制着我可怜的生命之流
84 冲突 {{th}+t+} {{th}+e+} 甜美的蔑视,愉快的愤怒,以及 *那* 坚定的爱
85 *那* {{th}+t+} 曾经习惯于以恰如其分的方式调制
86 那些经常让我因鲁莽而犯错的指责
87 所有这一切都对我隐藏起来,*用* {w+t+} 尖锐而崎岖的山丘
88 在别人的意愿下,我长久的等待,我的深切绝望得到了满足
f. [50v]
89 但是如果我的希望有时因某种纠正而升起
90 它立即跌倒,因为我的恐惧是如此虚弱,它有如此 *明确* 的表现
91 这就是希望的本质,越渴望越少
92 因此我害怕,但我仍然相信 *看* 到我所要求的 *那* {{th}+t+} 看
93 爱的休息之处,美德在那里生活和生长
94 我渴望在那里,我疲惫的生命也能有时得到休息
95 我的歌,你将找到那个快乐的地方
96 她住在那里,我借着她而生,也许你会得到这种恩典
97 当她读完并看到我身处的恐惧,我 *挣扎* 着
98 {{s}8}{{th}+e+} {{th}+er+} {{th}+u+} {es} 在她 *胸膛* 之间,她将把 *你* 放置在那里,她将 *留存* 你
99 然后告诉她我来了,她很快就会见到我
100 {{th}+is+}{{th}+t+} 如果 *那* 为了等待,身体衰败了,这灵魂将飞向她
[edit | edit source] 1. 在行上方有一个“n”或“u”。
2. 从每一页顶部开始,每隔一行略微缩进。
3. 参考 Cappelli 查看缩写展开形式。[1]
4. 缩写的展开形式非标准。根据 Rebholz,意图的词语是“sphere”。[2]
[edit | edit source]这首诗被归功于 托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[3] 由 H5 录入。怀亚特翻译并改编了 彼特拉克 的 *Rime* 37,一首 *canzone*,在手稿中占用了四页,描述了分离的爱人对爱人的哀叹。与 彼特拉克 对于歌词是否能传达给说话者所爱的人的不确定性不同,怀亚特的说话者确信它会安全地传递。怀亚特将这首诗命名为“在西班牙”,这表明这首诗是在 1537 年 6 月到 1539 年 6 月之间创作的,当时他担任西班牙大使。[4] 虽然怀亚特模仿了 彼特拉克 的诗歌结构,但他采用了 poulter's measure 而不是彼特拉克复杂的韵律体系。用 Rebholz 的话说,poulter's measure 由“分别为六或七个抑扬格的韵律行组成,构成一个十三格(十二个 poulter)的诗行。”[5]
H5 整洁地抄录了这首诗,每隔一行略微缩进。这首诗也出现在 《托特尔诗集》 中,标题为“对爱人缺席的抱怨”(第 104 项)。[6]
[edit | edit source]- ↑ Adriano Cappelli. Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane. Mailand: Hoepli, 1990. xxiv.
- ↑ R.A. Rebholz, ed. Sir Thomas Wyatt: The Complete Poems. London: Penguin, 1978. 110.
- ↑ ibid., 109-12.
- ↑ ibid., 390.
- ↑ ibid., 390.
- ↑ Tottel's Miscellany: Songes and Sonettes. Richard Tottel, 1557; rpt. Exeter: Shearsman, 2010. 83-85.
1 So] SO STC_13860_24 feble] feoble AAH14 therad] threde/ AAH14 threde LEge32 threde, STC_13860_24 dothe] doth STC_13860_24 staye] stay AAH14 LEge32 stay, STC_13860_24
2 of] Of STC_13860_24 of my] Of mye AAH14 pore] poore AAH14 STC_13860_24 lyfe] lyff LEge32 life: STC_13860_24 in] In LEge32 hevy plyte] heavie plight/ AAH14 syhevy plyght LEge32 heauy plight, STC_13860_24 fallethe] fallythe LEge32 falleth STC_13860_24 in dekay] with his syin dekay LEge32 dekay] decay AAH14 decay: STC_13860_24
3 That] that LEge32 That, STC_13860_24 yt] it AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 have] hathe AAH14 haue STC_13860_24 ells where] ells wheare/ AAH14 frome elles where LEge32 elswhere STC_13860_24 some] some AAH14 somesome LEge32 aid] ayde AAH14 STC_13860_24 aide LEge32 some] some LEge32 secours] succours AAH14 socours LEge32 succours: STC_13860_24
4 the] The STC_13860_24 runyng] ronninge AAH14 running STC_13860_24 spindell] spindle AAH14 STC_13860_24 spyndell LEge32 of] off LEge32 fate] fate/ AAH14 anon] anone STC_13860_24 cours] cource AAH14 cours. LEge32 course. STC_13860_24
5 syns] ffor sens AAH14 ffore sins LEge32 For since STC_13860_24 thunhappi] th'unhappie AAH14 thunhappy LEge32 thunhappy STC_13860_24 houre] houre/ AAH14 howre LEge32 hower, STC_13860_24 dyd] that did AAH14 LEge32 that dyd STC_13860_24 departe] depart LEge32 depart, STC_13860_24
6 from] ffrom AAH14 From STC_13860_24 swete] sweete AAH14 wele] weale AAH14 weale: STC_13860_24 one] and AAH14 only] onely STC_13860_24 hathe] hath AAH14 STC_13860_24 staide] staid AAH14 heldstaide LEge32 stayed STC_13860_24 lyff] lif AAH14 life, STC_13860_24 aparte] apart. LEge32 apart: STC_13860_24
7 whyche] whiche AAH14 Thatwych LEge32 Which STC_13860_24 dothe] doth LEge32 STC_13860_24 perswad] perswade AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 suche] such STC_13860_24 with suche likesuch LEge32 wordes] wordes/ AAH14 sory mynde] sored mynde AAH14 wofullsory mynd. LEge32 sored minde: STC_13860_24
8 mayntayn] Mayntayne AAH14 mayntene LEge32 Maintain STC_13860_24 thy] thie AAH14 selff] selfe AAH14 sellff LEge32 self, STC_13860_24 o] O STC_13860_24 woffull spryt] woful wight/ AAH14 wofull spryte LEge32 wofull wight, STC_13860_24 some] sone LEge32 luck] luke LEge32 fynd] fynde AAH14 finde. STC_13860_24
9 for] ffor AAH14 LEge32 For STC_13860_24 tho] thoughe AAH14 though STC_13860_24 thow] thou LEge32 STC_13860_24 depriffd] depryv'd/ AAH14 depryffd LEge32 depriued STC_13860_24 from thy] from thie AAH14 desierd] desyred AAH14 desyerd LEge32 desired STC_13860_24 sight] syght LEge32 sight: STC_13860_24
10 who] Whoe AAH14 Who STC_13860_24 the] thee STC_13860_24 tell] tell, STC_13860_24 if] iff LEge32 the] thie AAH14 thi LEge32 thy STC_13860_24 retourne] retourne/ AAH14 retorne LEge32 returne STC_13860_24 befor] be for AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 the most delyght] thie more delight AAH14 thy most delyght LEge32 thy more delight? STC_13860_24
11 or] Or AAH14 Or, STC_13860_24 who] whoe AAH14 tell] tell / LEge32 tell, STC_13860_24 the] thie AAH14 thy LEge32 thy STC_13860_24 lose] losse/ AAH14 losse LEge32 STC_13860_24 if] yf AAH14 thow] thou LEge32 STC_13860_24 ons must recover] mayste ones recover AAH14 maist ons maist recover: LEge32 mayst once recouer? STC_13860_24
12 some] Some AAH14 STC_13860_24 plesant] pleasante AAH14 pleasant STC_13860_24 houre] howre AAH14 LEge32 hower STC_13860_24 the] thie AAH14 thy LEge32 STC_13860_24 wo] woe AAH14 wo LEge32 rape] wrapp/ AAH14 wrape LEge32 wrappe: STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 thdefend] thee defend AAH14 the defend LEge32 thee defend, STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 couer] cover AAH14 cover. LEge32 couer. STC_13860_24
13 this is the trust] This is the trust AAH14 Thus in this trust STC_13860_24 that yet] as yet/ AAH14 as yet STC_13860_24 hathe] that hath AAH14 hath LEge32 it hath STC_13860_24 lyf sustenyd] life sustayned AAH14 lyff sustaynid LEge32 life sustained: STC_13860_24
14 &] but AAH14 and LEge32 But STC_13860_24 alas I se] (alas) I see STC_13860_24 faint] fainte/ AAH14 faint: STC_13860_24 &] and I AAH14 LEge32 and I, STC_13860_24 trust] trust, STC_13860_24 ame traind] am trayned AAH14 ame trainid. LEge32 am trayned. STC_13860_24
15 the] The AAH14 STC_13860_24 dothe] doth LEge32 STC_13860_24 flete] fleete AAH14 passeflete LEge32 flete, STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 perceve] perceyve/ AAH14 perceyve LEge32 se how STC_13860_24 the houres] the howres AAH14 thowrs LEge32 the howers, STC_13860_24 how thei bend] how they bend AAH14 how thei bend LEge32 do bend STC_13860_24
16 so] So AAH14 STC_13860_24 fast] fast: STC_13860_24 that I] alas that that I LEge32 have] haue STC_13860_24 skante] scant AAH14 STC_13860_24 skant LEge32 space] space/ AAH14 mark] marke LEge32 comyd] commynge AAH14 comyng LEge32 commyng STC_13860_24 end] end. LEge32 STC_13860_24
17 westward] Westwarde AAH14 Westward STC_13860_24 sonne] Sonne AAH14 from] form AAH14 owt] out AAH14 STC_13860_24 thest] the easte/ AAH14 the East STC_13860_24 skant doth sho] dothe scantlye shew AAH14 skant doth shew LEge32 scant shewes STC_13860_24 light] Light AAH14 lyght LEge32 light: STC_13860_24
18 when] Butt AAH14 When STC_13860_24 west] West STC_13860_24 hids] hydes AAH14 hyds LEge32 hides STC_13860_24 hym] him STC_13860_24 straite] streight/ AAH14 sellffstraite LEge32 strayt, STC_13860_24 within] with in LEge32 dark] darke AAH14 LEge32 night] nyght LEge32 nyght. STC_13860_24
19 and] And STC_13860_24 comes as fast] cons agayneas fast LEge32 where began] wheare he/ began AAH14 where he / began LEge32 where he began, STC_13860_24 pathe] path LEge32 STC_13860_24 Awrye] a wrye AAH14 LEge32 awry. STC_13860_24
20 from] ffrom AAH14 From STC_13860_24 este to west] easte AAH14 est LEge32 East STC_13860_24 west] west/ AAH14 West, STC_13860_24 from] to est from LEge32 west] West STC_13860_24 thest] easte/ AAH14 East STC_13860_24 dothe] doth STC_13860_24 Iorney] iourney AAH14 STC_13860_24 vgeIornei LEge32 lye] ly LEge32 ly. STC_13860_24
21 the] The AAH14 STC_13860_24 lyf] lyfe AAH14 lyff LEge32 life STC_13860_24 shorte] short AAH14 LEge32 short, STC_13860_24 frayll] fraile/ AAH14 fraile LEge32 fraile, STC_13860_24 lyve] liue STC_13860_24 here] heare AAH14 here: STC_13860_24
22 So] so LEge32 grate] great AAH14 STC_13860_24 gret LEge32 whaite] waight AAH14 weight, STC_13860_24 hevy] heavie AAH14 heauy STC_13860_24 charge] chardge/ AAH14 body] bodies AAH14 bodies, STC_13860_24 bere] beare AAH14 bere: STC_13860_24
23 that] That AAH14 That, STC_13860_24 think] thincke AAH14 thinke LEge32 vppon] vppon/ AAH14 apon LEge32 vpon STC_13860_24 dystance] distaunce AAH14 distance LEge32 distaunce, STC_13860_24 space] space: STC_13860_24
24 that] That STC_13860_24 dothe] doth AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 fare] farr AAH14 ferr LEge32 farre STC_13860_24 devyd] devyde AAH14 devid LEge32 deuide STC_13860_24 me] not LEge32 from] fro/ AAH14 dere] deere AAH14 desird] desyred AAH14 desired STC_13860_24 face] face: STC_13860_24
25 not] not, STC_13860_24 tattayne] t'attayne/ AAH14 tattain STC_13860_24 wyngs] winges AAH14 wynges LEge32 winges, STC_13860_24 requere] requyre AAH14 require LEge32 require, STC_13860_24
26 to] To STC_13860_24 lift] Lifte AAH14 lyfft LEge32 my whaite] my waight AAH14 me vp: STC_13860_24 yt] I AAH14 STC_13860_24 it LEge32 myght] might AAH14 STC_13860_24 fle] flye/ AAH14 flie, STC_13860_24 folow] follow AAH14 desire] desyre AAH14 LEge32 desyre. STC_13860_24
27 thus] Thus AAH14 STC_13860_24 thtusus LEge32 of] off LEge32 hope] hope as yet/ AAH14 hope, STC_13860_24 dothe] doth AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 lyf] lyff LEge32 life STC_13860_24 somthyng susteyne] sustayne AAH14 some thing sustayne LEge32 somethyng sustayne, STC_13860_24
28 Alas] alas LEge32 Alas: STC_13860_24 fere] feare AAH14 feare, STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 parly] partlye AAH14 partly LEge32 STC_13860_24 fle] feele/ AAH14 fele LEge32 fele: STC_13860_24 lytill] lytle AAH14 litill LEge32 litle STC_13860_24 dothe] doth LEge32 STC_13860_24 remeayn] remayne AAH14 LEge32 remain. STC_13860_24
29 Eche] Eache AAH14 dothe] doth LEge32 STC_13860_24 bryng] bringe AAH14 bring STC_13860_24 me] my AAH14 grif] greefe/ AAH14 grieff LEge32 griefe: STC_13860_24 wher] wheare AAH14 where LEge32 STC_13860_24 behold] beholde AAH14
30 those] Those AAH14 STC_13860_24 lyvely] lovelye AAH14 liuely STC_13860_24 Iyes] eyes AAH14 eyes: STC_13860_24 whych] whiche AAH14 thatwich LEge32 which STC_13860_24 of] off LEge32 thoughtes] thoughtes/ AAH14 thowghtes LEge32 thoughts STC_13860_24 were] weare AAH14 wer STC_13860_24 kays] keyes AAH14 keys STC_13860_24 holde] hold LEge32 STC_13860_24
31 those] Those AAH14 STC_13860_24 thoughts] thoughtes AAH14 STC_13860_24 thowghtes LEge32 were] weare AAH14 plesant] plesaunte AAH14 plesaunt LEge32 pleasant STC_13860_24 swete] sweete/ AAH14 swete / LEge32 swete: STC_13860_24 whilst] whylest AAH14 enioyd] enioyed AAH14 STC_13860_24 grace] grace: STC_13860_24
32 my] My AAH14 STC_13860_24 plesure] pleasure AAH14 STC_13860_24 past] past / LEge32 past, STC_13860_24 payne] payne/ AAH14 payne / LEge32 pain, STC_13860_24 wher] when AAH14 STC_13860_24 thatwher LEge32 might] myght LEge32 embrace] well enbrace AAH14 well embrace LEge32 well embrace. STC_13860_24
33 but] But AAH14 LEge32 And, STC_13860_24 by cause] because AAH14 STC_13860_24 becawse LEge32 want] want/ AAH14 shold] shoulde AAH14 should STC_13860_24 wo] woe AAH14 encrese] encreace AAH14 encresse LEge32 encrease: STC_13860_24
34 in] In LEge32 STC_13860_24 watche] wache LEge32 watch, STC_13860_24 in slepe] and sleepe AAH14 and slepe, STC_13860_24 bothe] both LEge32 STC_13860_24 day] day, STC_13860_24 nyght] night/ AAH14 night, STC_13860_24 my] mye AAH14 wyll] will AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 doth] dothe AAH14 neuer] never AAH14 sesse] ceace AAH14 cesse LEge32 cease STC_13860_24
35 that] That AAH14 STC_13860_24 thing] thinge AAH14 wisshe] wishe AAH14 LEge32 wish: STC_13860_24 wherof] whearof/ syns AAH14 wheroff / sins LEge32 wherof since STC_13860_24 lese] leese AAH14 STC_13860_24 sight] syght LEge32 sight: STC_13860_24
36 I neuer sawe] I never saw AAH14 I neuer saw LEge32 Was neuer STC_13860_24 the thing] that thing AAH14 thing STC_13860_24 myght] might/ AAH14 mought in ought STC_13860_24 fayth full] faithfull AAH14 faytfull LEge32 woful STC_13860_24 harte] hart AAH14 STC_13860_24 hert LEge32 delight] delyght LEge32 delight, STC_13860_24
37 thunesy] th'uneasye AAH14 thvnsesy LEge32 Thunesy STC_13860_24 lyf] life AAH14 lyff LEge32 lyfe, STC_13860_24 lede] leade/ AAH14 lead, STC_13860_24 dothe] doth LEge32 STC_13860_24 teche] teache AAH14 teach STC_13860_24 mete] meete AAH14
38 the] The STC_13860_24 flowds] fludds AAH14 flowdes LEge32 floodes, STC_13860_24 sees /] Seas AAH14 sees LEge32 seas, STC_13860_24 land] Landes AAH14 land, STC_13860_24 & hills] the Hilles/ AAH14 and hilles LEge32 the hylles: STC_13860_24 doth] dothe AAH14 them] then STC_13860_24 entermet] entermeete AAH14 entremete LEge32 entermete STC_13860_24
39 twene] 两人之间 AAH14 Tweene AAH14 STC_13860_24 me] 我,STC_13860_24 &] 和 AAH14 and STC_13860_24 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 shining] 闪耀着 AAH14 shyning AAH14 shene STC_13860_24 lyghtes] 光芒/ AAH14 lightes/ AAH14 lightes: STC_13860_24 wonted] 习惯了 AAH14 wonted for AAH14 STC_13860_24 wontyd LEge32 cler] 清澈 AAH14 clere AAH14 clere LEge32 STC_13860_24
40 my] 我的 AAH14 mye AAH14 My STC_13860_24 dark] 黑暗的 AAH14 darked AAH14 STC_13860_24 darke LEge32 of] 的 LEge32 clowdy] 阴云密布的 AAH14 Clowdie AAH14 cloudy STC_13860_24 thoughtes] 思绪/ AAH14 thowghtes LEge32 thoughts, STC_13860_24 bryght] 明亮 AAH14 bright AAH14 STC_13860_24 phebus] 太阳神 AAH14 Phebus AAH14 STC_13860_24 sper] 天球 AAH14 spheare AAH14 spe LEge32 spere, STC_13860_24
41 techeth] 教导 AAH14 teacheth AAH14 STC_13860_24 techithe LEge32 me] 我,STC_13860_24 Also] 也/ AAH14 also LEge32 also, STC_13860_24 what was] 了解是什么 LEge32 plesaunt] 令人愉快的 AAH14 pleasaunte AAH14 plesant LEge32 pleasant STC_13860_24 state] 状态:STC_13860_24
42 the] 这 AAH14 The AAH14 STC_13860_24 fele] 感觉 AAH14 feele AAH14 fele, STC_13860_24 suche] 这样的 STC_13860_24 record] 记录/ AAH14 record, STC_13860_24 how] 如何 AAH14 howe AAH14 welth] 财富 AAH14 wealthe AAH14 wealth STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 dothe AAH14 bat] 搏斗 AAH14 bate AAH14 bate. LEge32 STC_13860_24
43 If] 如果 LEge32 suche] 这样的 LEge32 STC_13860_24 record] 记录 AAH14 alas] 唉/ AAH14 (alas) STC_13860_24 provoke] 激发 AAH14 prouoke STC_13860_24 then flamyd] 然后燃烧 AAH14 th'enflamed AAH14 thenenflamid my LEge32 thenflamed STC_13860_24 mynde] 心灵 LEge32 mynd LEge32 mynde: STC_13860_24
44 whych] 哪个 AAH14 Whiche AAH14 thatwiche LEge32 Which STC_13860_24 sprange] 涌现 LEge32 sprong STC_13860_24 that] 那 AAH14 the AAH14 day] 日子 AAH14 daye AAH14 day, STC_13860_24 leve] 留下/ AAH14 leaue STC_13860_24 behynd] 在后面 AAH14 behynde: STC_13860_24
45 If] 如果 LEge32 loue] 爱 AAH14 LEge32 forgit] 忘记 AAH14 forgett LEge32 forget STC_13860_24 hymselff] 他自己/ AAH14 hym self/ AAH14 hym sellff LEge32 himself, STC_13860_24 lenght] 长度 AAH14 length STC_13860_24 absence] 缺席,STC_13860_24 let] 让他 AAH14 lett AAH14 let: STC_13860_24
46 who] 谁 AAH14 whoe AAH14 Who STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 did AAH14 gyde] 指导 AAH14 guyde AAH14 STC_13860_24 guyd LEge32 o wofull wreche] 哦,可怜的家伙/ AAH14 (O wofull wretch) STC_13860_24 baytyd] 诱捕 AAH14 baighted AAH14 baytid LEge32 bayted STC_13860_24 net] 网 AAH14 nett AAH14 net? STC_13860_24
47 wher] 哪里 AAH14 Wheare AAH14 where LEge32 Where STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 dothe AAH14 encresse] 增加 AAH14 encreace AAH14 encrease STC_13860_24 care] 担忧/ AAH14 care? LEge32 care: STC_13860_24 muche] 很多 AAH14 moche AAH14 much STC_13860_24 were] 是 AAH14 weare AAH14 wer STC_13860_24 me] 我,STC_13860_24
48 as] 就像 STC_13860_24 as dume as stone all thyng forgott styll absent for to be] AAH14 dume] 哑巴 LEge32 dumme, STC_13860_24 stone] 石头,STC_13860_24 all thyng forgott styll] 一直忘记所有的事情 LEge32 forgott styll] 忘记了,一直 STC_13860_24 be] 是。LEge32 STC_13860_24
49 Alas] 唉 LEge32 Alas: STC_13860_24 cler crystall] 清澈的水晶/ AAH14 Clere Crystall LEge32 clere cristall, STC_13860_24 the] 那 AAH14 bryght] 明亮 AAH14 STC_13860_24 transpparante] 透明的 AAH14 transparant LEge32 transplendant STC_13860_24 glas] 玻璃 AAH14 glasse STC_13860_24
50 doth] 做 AAH14 Dothe AAH14 Doth STC_13860_24 bewraye] 透露 AAH14 declarebewray LEge32 bewray STC_13860_24 colour] 颜色 AAH14 coulour AAH14 colours STC_13860_24 hid] 隐藏 AAH14 hydd AAH14 hyd LEge32 hidde, STC_13860_24 which] 哪个 AAH14 whiche AAH14 wich LEge32 vndernot yt] 在它下面 AAH14 vnder nethit LEge32 vnderneth it STC_13860_24 has] 有:STC_13860_24
51 as] 就像 AAH14 As AAH14 STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 dothe AAH14 thaccovmred] 沉重的 AAH14 th'accombred AAH14 thaccomberd LEge32 thaccumbred STC_13860_24 sprite] 精神/ AAH14 thoughtfull] 现在沉思 AAH14 thowghtfull LEge32 the thoughtfull STC_13860_24 throws] 抛出 AAH14 throwes AAH14 STC_13860_24 discouer] 揭示 AAH14 LEge32 discouer, STC_13860_24
52 of] 的 AAH14 Of AAH14 STC_13860_24 off LEge32 fiers delyght] 热烈的喜悦, AAH14 feares delite, STC_13860_24 of] 的 LEge32 fervent] 热情的 STC_13860_24 loue] 爱/ AAH14 loue: STC_13860_24 hartes] 心脏 LEge32 couer] 覆盖 AAH14 LEge32 couer. STC_13860_24
53 owt] 出 AAH14 Oute AAH14 Out STC_13860_24 thes] 这些 AAH14 these AAH14 STC_13860_24 Iyes] 眼睛 AAH14 eyes, STC_13860_24 yt] 它 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 shyweth] 显示/ AAH14 shewethe/ AAH14 shewth LEge32 sheweth STC_13860_24 thot] 那 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 euer more] 永远 AAH14 euermore STC_13860_24 delyght] 喜悦 AAH14 delight. STC_13860_24
54 playnt] 诉状 LEge32 plaint, STC_13860_24 &] 的 AAH14 and STC_13860_24 teres] 眼泪 AAH14 STC_13860_24 seke] 寻求 AAH14 redresse] 纠正/ AAH14 redresse: STC_13860_24 & that] 和也 AAH14 seke& that LEge32 and eke STC_13860_24 both] 两个 AAH14 bothe LEge32 day] 日子 AAH14 & nyght] 和夜晚 AAH14 and night. STC_13860_24
55 these] 这些 AAH14 These AAH14 STC_13860_24 Thes LEge32 new] STC_13860_24 kyndes] 种类 AAH14 kindes STC_13860_24 of] 的 LEge32 plesurs] 欢乐/ AAH14 pleasures STC_13860_24 wherin] 在哪里 AAH14 whearin AAH14 wherein LEge32 most wherein STC_13860_24 most] 大多数人 AAH14 allmost men LEge32 men STC_13860_24 may] AAH14 LEge32 so STC_13860_24 reioyse] 欢欣,STC_13860_24
56 to] 对 AAH14 To AAH14 STC_13860_24 the] 他们 AAH14 theye AAH14 thei LEge32 they STC_13860_24 redowble] 加倍 AAH14 redoble AAH14 redubble STC_13860_24 still] 依然/ AAH14 of] 的 LEge32 stormy] 暴风雨的 AAH14 LEge32 sightes] 叹息 AAH14 STC_13860_24 syghes LEge32 voice] 声音 AAH14 LEge32 voyce. STC_13860_24
57 for] 因为 AAH14 ffor LEge32 For, STC_13860_24 am] 是 AAH14 ame LEge32 of] 的 LEge32 them] 那些/ AAH14 them, STC_13860_24 whom] 谁 AAH14 plaint] 诉状 AAH14 playnte AAH14 playnt STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 LEge32 content] 满足:STC_13860_24
58 it] 它 AAH14 It AAH14 STC_13860_24 syttes] 适合 AAH14 sittes LEge32 sits STC_13860_24 well] 好 / LEge32 well: STC_13860_24 myn] 我的 AAH14 myne AAH14 STC_13860_24 absent] 缺席的 AAH14 welth] 财富/ AAH14 welth / LEge32 wealth STC_13860_24 seems] 似乎 AAH14 seemes AAH14 semes STC_13860_24 me] 对 AAH14 STC_13860_24 me LEge32 lament] 哀悼 AAH14 LEge32 lament: STC_13860_24
59 &] 和 AAH14 LEge32 And STC_13860_24 teris] 眼泪 AAH14 teares, STC_13860_24 for to assay] 去尝试/ AAH14 for to' assay LEge32 tassay STC_13860_24 charge] 责任 AAH14 chardge AAH14 my] 我的 AAH14 STC_13860_24 myn LEge32 Iyes] 眼睛 AAH14 eies STC_13860_24 tweyne] 两个 AAH14 twayne AAH14 twayn: STC_13860_24
60 Loke] 像 AAH14 Lyke AAH14 STC_13860_24 Loke as] 因为就像 LEge32 myn] 我的 AAH14 STC_13860_24 harte] 心脏 AAH14 hert on euer LEge32 hart STC_13860_24 above] 在上面 STC_13860_24 brinke] 边缘/ AAH14 brink LEge32 STC_13860_24 frawted] 装满了 AAH14 frawted AAH14 STC_13860_24 frawtid LEge32 payn] 痛苦 AAH14 pa LEge32 payn. STC_13860_24
61 for bycause] 因为 LEge32 forbecause, STC_13860_24 bycause] 因为 AAH14 therto] 到那里/ AAH14 therto / LEge32 therto, STC_13860_24 of] 的 LEge32 fayre] 美丽 AAH14 fair STC_13860_24 Iyes] 眼睛 AAH14 STC_13860_24 trete] 恳求 AAH14 treate STC_13860_24
62 do] 做 AAH14 Do AAH14 STC_13860_24 provke] 激发 / LEge32 prouoke: STC_13860_24 shall] 将 AAH14 wyll STC_13860_24 retorn] 返回/ AAH14 retourne/ AAH14 retorne / LEge32 returne, STC_13860_24 my] 我的 AAH14 mye AAH14 playnt] 诉状 AAH14 playnte AAH14 plaint LEge32 STC_13860_24 repete] 重复 AAH14 repete LEge32 repeate. STC_13860_24
63 for] 因为 AAH14 ffor LEge32 For, STC_13860_24 ther] 那里 AAH14 theare AAH14 there LEge32 STC_13860_24 ells] 否则/ AAH14 elles LEge32 els, STC_13860_24 toucheht] 触摸 AAH14 toucheth AAH14 STC_13860_24 towches LEge32 wythein] 在里面 AAH14 with in LEge32 within: STC_13860_24
64 wher] 哪里 AAH14 Wheare AAH14 where LEge32 Where STC_13860_24 thei] 他们 AAH14 they AAH14 STC_13860_24 all] 所有:STC_13860_24 &] 和 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 alone] 独自/ AAH14 nought] 没什么 LEge32 cace] 情况 AAH14 case, STC_13860_24 skyn] 皮肤 AAH14 sckynne AAH14 skyn. LEge32 skin. STC_13860_24
65 wherefore] 因此 AAH14 Whearfore AAH14 wherfore LEge32 Wherefore, STC_13860_24 do] 将 AAH14 shall STC_13860_24 retourn] 返回/ AAH14 retorne / LEge32 returne STC_13860_24 them] 他们,STC_13860_24 well] 好 AAH14 well, STC_13860_24 spryng] 涌现 AAH14 Springe AAH14 spring: STC_13860_24
66 from] 从 AAH14 ffrom AAH14 From STC_13860_24 whom] 谁 AAH14 whome AAH14 decendes] 下降 AAH14 discendes AAH14 descendes STC_13860_24 woo] 悲伤/ AAH14 wo LEge32 wo, STC_13860_24 abovte] 在上面 AAH14 LEge32 aboue STC_13860_24 thngthing] 东西 AAH14 thing. LEge32 STC_13860_24
67 so] 所以 AAH14 So LEge32 STC_13860_24 my] 我的 AAH14 myne AAH14 STC_13860_24 myn LEge32 Iyes] 眼睛 AAH14 STC_13860_24 payn] 痛苦/ AAH14 payne LEge32 pain STC_13860_24 accompagnye] 陪伴 AAH14 accompanye AAH14 accopagnie LEge32 accompany STC_13860_24 my] 我的 LEge32 harte] 心脏 LEge32 hart: STC_13860_24
68 that] 那 AAH14 That AAH14 STC_13860_24 wher] 是 AAH14 weare AAH14 were LEge32 STC_13860_24 gooides] 指导 AAH14 guydes LEge32 guides, STC_13860_24 lede] 领导/ AAH14 lead STC_13860_24 love] 爱 AAH14 loue STC_13860_24 fele] 感受 AAH14 smart] 痛苦 AAH14 the smarte AAH14 the smart. LEge32 STC_13860_24
69 the] 这 AAH14 The LEge32 STC_13860_24 crysped] 卷曲的 AAH14 Crisped AAH14 cryspid LEge32 crisped STC_13860_24 gold] 金子 AAH14 golde, STC_13860_24 thot] 那 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 doth] 做/ AAH14 surmount] 超越 AAH14 sormount LEge32 apollos] 阿波罗的 AAH14 Apollos LEge32 STC_13860_24 pryd] 骄傲 AAH14 pride: STC_13860_24
70 the] 这 STC_13860_24 lyvely] 生动的 AAH14 lyvelye AAH14 liuely STC_13860_24 strenes] 河流 AAH14 STC_13860_24 plesant] 令人愉快的 AAH14 pleasaunt AAH14 plesaunt LEge32 pleasant STC_13860_24 sterres] 星星/ AAH14 starres STC_13860_24 yt] 它 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 doth] 做 AAH14 dothe AAH14 glyd] 滑动 AAH14 glyde AAH14 glyde: STC_13860_24
71 wherin] 哪里 AAH14 whearein AAH14 where in LEge32 Wherein STC_13860_24 bemes] 光芒 AAH14 STC_13860_24 of] 的 LEge32 loue] 爱/ AAH14 love LEge32 dothe] 做 LEge32 doe STC_13860_24 still] 所以 AAH14 styll STC_13860_24 encrese] 增加 AAH14 encreace AAH14 encresse LEge32 encrease STC_13860_24 ther] 他们的 AAH14 theyre AAH14 theire LEge32 theyr STC_13860_24 hete] 热量 AAH14 heate: STC_13860_24
72 which] 哪个 AAH14 Which AAH14 STC_13860_24 wiche LEge32 farr] 远 AAH14 farre LEge32 STC_13860_24 touche] 触摸 LEge32 towche LEge32 touch STC_13860_24 so] 我这样 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 nere] 靠近/ AAH14 nere, STC_13860_24 colde] 冷 AAH14 cold LEge32 swet] 汗水 AAH14 sweate. STC_13860_24
73 the] 这 AAH14 The LEge32 STC_13860_24 wyse] 明智的 LEge32 &] 和 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 plesant talke] 令人愉快的谈话/ AAH14 plesaunt talk LEge32 pleasant talk, STC_13860_24 rare] 稀有,STC_13860_24 or els] 或其他 AAH14 or elles LEge32 orelsor els STC_13860_24 Alone] 单独 AAH14 a lone AAH14 alone LEge32 alone: STC_13860_24
74 that] 那 AAH14 That AAH14 STC_13860_24 did me give] 给了我 AAH14 gave to me AAH14 gaue to me STC_13860_24 give] 给 LEge32 courtesse gifte] 最有礼貌的礼物/ AAH14 courtese gyfft LEge32 curteis gift, STC_13860_24 suche] 以前 AAH14 earste AAH14 erstsuche LEge32 erst STC_13860_24 hade] 有 AAH14 had LEge32 STC_13860_24 neuer] 从未 AAH14 none] 没有任何:STC_13860_24
75 be] 是 LEge32 Be STC_13860_24 fare] 远 AAH14 farr AAH14 ferre LEge32 farre STC_13860_24 me] 我,STC_13860_24 alas] 唉/ AAH14 alas / LEge32 alas: STC_13860_24 euery] 每个 AAH14 thynge] 东西 AAH14 thing LEge32 thyng STC_13860_24
76 myght] 可以 AAH14 might AAH14 STC_13860_24 forbere] 克制 AAH14 forbeare AAH14 forbeare STC_13860_24 wyll] 意愿/ AAH14 will LEge32 wyll: STC_13860_24 that] 它 AAH14 this STC_13860_24 I] 那 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 did] 做 AAH14 dyd STC_13860_24 bryng] 带来 AAH14 bryng, STC_13860_24
77 with] 用 STC_13860_24 plesant] 令人愉快的 AAH14 plesaunte AAH14 pleasant STC_13860_24 word] 话语 AAH14 worde AAH14 STC_13860_24 & chere] 和欢笑/ AAH14 and chere, STC_13860_24 of] 的 LEge32 linger] 延长 AAH14 STC_13860_24 all mylingerd LEge32 payne] 痛苦:STC_13860_24
78 and] 哪个 AAH14 And STC_13860_24 wonted] 习惯 AAH14 wontyd LEge32 oft] 经常 AAH14 offt LEge32 in] 在 LEge32 kindlid] 点燃 AAH14 STC_13860_24 kendlid LEge32 will] 意愿/ AAH14 to] 到 LEge32 vertu] 美德 AAH14 STC_13860_24 trayn] 轨道 AAH14 trayne. LEge32 trayn. STC_13860_24
79 thus] 这样 AAH14 Thus AAH14 Thus, STC_13860_24 am] 是 AAH14 ame LEge32 driven] 被迫 LEge32 forst STC_13860_24 here] 这里/ AAH14 here / LEge32 heare, STC_13860_24 &] 和 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 harkyn] 倾听 AAH14 herken LEge32 harken STC_13860_24 after] 之后 LEge32 affter LEge32 newes] 消息 LEge32 newes. STC_13860_24
80 my] 我的 AAH14 Mye AAH14 My STC_13860_24 confort] 安慰 AAH14 compforte AAH14 comfort STC_13860_24 skant] 很少 AAH14 scante AAH14 scant STC_13860_24 large] 广大 AAH14 lardge AAH14 desire] 渴望/ AAH14 dowtfull] 怀疑 AAH14 STC_13860_24 remews] 更新 AAH14 renews LEge32 renewes. STC_13860_24
81 and] 和 AAH14 And LEge32 STC_13860_24 delyght] 喜悦/ AAH14 delite STC_13860_24 morn] 哀叹 AAH14 STC_13860_24 playnemone LEge32 my] 我的 AAH14 mye AAH14 wofull] 可怜的 AAH14 woful AAH14 cace] 情况:STC_13860_24
82 complayne] 抱怨 LEge32 complain STC_13860_24 handes] 手,STC_13860_24 armes] 胳膊/ AAH14 armes: STC_13860_24 fermly] 坚定地 LEge32 firmely STC_13860_24 do] 做 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 embrace] 拥抱 AAH14
83 me] 我, AAH14 Me LEge32 STC_13860_24 selff] 自己, AAH14 sellff / LEge32 self: STC_13860_24 &] 和 AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 rule] 规则 / LEge32 streme] 舵 AAH14 sterne LEge32 STC_13860_24 my] 我的 AAH14 mye AAH14 pore] 贫穷 AAH14 STC_13860_24 Lyf] 生命 AAH14 lyff LEge32 lyfe: STC_13860_24
84 the] STC_13860_24 swete] sweete AAH14 desdaynnes] disdaynes AAH14 disdaynes / LEge32 disdaines, STC_13860_24 plesaunt] pleasaunt AAH14 plesant LEge32 pleasant STC_13860_24 wrathes] wrathes, AAH14 STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 STC_13860_24 that] AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 louyte] the lovelye AAH14 the lovely LEge32 the louely STC_13860_24 styfstryf] strife AAH14 stryff LEge32 strife: STC_13860_24
85 that] That AAH14 STC_13860_24 wonted] wontid LEge32 well] offtwell LEge32 tune] tune/ AAH14 tune / LEge32 tempre] temper AAH14 STC_13860_24 iust] iuste AAH14 Iust LEge32 iust, STC_13860_24 mete] meete AAH14 mete, STC_13860_24
86 the] The STC_13860_24 charge] rage AAH14 LEge32 rage: STC_13860_24 oft] ofte AAH14 offt LEge32 did] dyd STC_13860_24 err] err/ AAH14 erre / LEge32 erre, STC_13860_24 vndyscrete] vndiscreete AAH14 vndiscrete LEge32 vndiscrete. STC_13860_24
87 all] All AAH14 STC_13860_24 hid] hydd AAH14 hydde STC_13860_24 fro] fro/ AAH14 fro / LEge32 fro, STC_13860_24 sharpe] sharppe AAH14 sharp LEge32 sharp, STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 craggid] Craggie AAH14 cragyd LEge32 ragged STC_13860_24 hillys] hills AAH14 hilles LEge32 hylles: STC_13860_24
88 at] att AAH14 At STC_13860_24 at other will] my faintyng hopeat other ill will / LEge32 other] others AAH14 STC_13860_24 will] will, STC_13860_24 longe] long STC_13860_24 longe abode] brytill lyfflong abode / LEge32 abode] abode/ AAH14 my dep] willingmy diepe LEge32 dep] deepe AAH14 depe STC_13860_24 dispayr] dispaire AAH14 dispaire LEge32 STC_13860_24 fullfills] fulfills AAH14 ful LEge32 fullfils. STC_13860_24
89 But] but LEge32 And STC_13860_24 some tymes] somtyme/ AAH14 somtyme LEge32 sometime STC_13860_24 rise vp] rise vppe AAH14 ryse vp LEge32 ryse vp, STC_13860_24 redress] redresse AAH14 LEge32 redresse: STC_13860_24
90 it] It STC_13860_24 stumbleth] stomblethe AAH14 stumblithe LEge32 strayt] straight AAH14 straite / LEge32 straite, STC_13860_24 feble] feoble AAH14 faynt] faynte/ AAH14 faint / LEge32 faint: STC_13860_24 fer] feare AAH14 STC_13860_24 fere LEge32 hath] hathe LEge32 such express] suche excesse AAH14 such LEge32 such excesse. STC_13860_24
91 such] Suche AAH14 suche LEge32 Such STC_13860_24 sorte] feresort LEge32 sort STC_13860_24 of] off LEge32 hope] hope/ AAH14 hope / LEge32 hope: STC_13860_24 desyr] desyre AAH14 LEge32 desyre: STC_13860_24
92 wherby] whearbye AAH14 wherby I fere] wherby I fere LEge32 STC_13860_24 fere] feare AAH14 &] and AAH14 LEge32 And STC_13860_24 trust] truste/ AAH14 trust ere that I dye STC_13860_24 se] see AAH14 STC_13860_24 require] requyre AAH14 LEge32 require: STC_13860_24
93 the] The AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 restyng] restinge AAH14 loue] love/ AAH14 love / LEge32 loue: STC_13860_24 wher] wheare AAH14 where LEge32 STC_13860_24 vertu] vertue AAH14 STC_13860_24 lyve] lyves AAH14 LEge32 dwelles STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 grose] growse AAH14 growes STC_13860_24
94 wher] Wheare AAH14 where LEge32 There STC_13860_24 desire] desyre AAH14 desire, STC_13860_24 wery] wearyd AAH14 lif] life/ AAH14 lyff LEge32 life, STC_13860_24 also may] AAH14 STC_13860_24 also may all LEge32 somtym] somtyme AAH14 sometyme LEge32 somtime, STC_13860_24 take] maye take AAH14 may take STC_13860_24 repose] repose. STC_13860_24
95 My] Mye AAH14 song] songe AAH14 song: STC_13860_24 thow] you LEge32 thou STC_13860_24 ataine] attayne/ AAH14 ataine / LEge32 attain STC_13860_24 fynd] fynde AAH14 finde STC_13860_24 plesant] pleasaunt AAH14 pleasant STC_13860_24 place] place: STC_13860_24
96 wher] wheare AAH14 where LEge32 Where STC_13860_24 she] shee AAH14 doth] dothe AAH14 live] lyve AAH14 lyve / LEge32 lyue, STC_13860_24 whom] whome AAH14 LEge32 lyve] Live/ AAH14 lyve / LEge32 liue: STC_13860_24 may] maye AAH14 permay LEge32 chaunce] chance, STC_13860_24 the] to AAH14 STC_13860_24 the have] she the h LEge32 have] haue STC_13860_24 this] this AAH14 STC_13860_24 this grace] this grace LEge32
97 When] when AAH14 LEge32 she hath] shee hathe AAH14 red] readd AAH14 red, STC_13860_24 &] and AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 sen] seene/ AAH14 sene LEge32 STC_13860_24 drede] dreede AAH14 dred LEge32 grief, STC_13860_24 wherin] whear in AAH14 wherein LEge32 strove] serve AAH14 sterve LEge32 serue: STC_13860_24
98 by twene] Betweene AAH14 Betwene STC_13860_24 thou] the AAH14 LEge32 thee STC_13860_24 put] put/ AAH14 put: STC_13860_24 there] theare AAH14 there, STC_13860_24 seshe] she AAH14 LEge32 STC_13860_24 reserue] reserve AAH14 LEge32 reserue STC_13860_24
99 then] Then AAH14 LEge32 Then, STC_13860_24 tell hir] tell her that AAH14 saytell her that LEge32 tell her, that STC_13860_24 come] come/ AAH14 come for here I may not tary LEge32 cumme: STC_13860_24 she] shee AAH14 she shall me shortlye see] she shall me shortly se LEge32 shortlye] shortly STC_13860_24 see] see: STC_13860_24
100 if that] and yf AAH14 yff that LEge32 And if STC_13860_24 for waite] for waighte AAH14 STC_13860_24 for whayte LEge32 bodye] body LEge32 STC_13860_24 faile] faile/ AAH14 fayle LEge32 fayle, STC_13860_24 this] the AAH14 STC_13860_24 mythis LEge32 soule] Sowle AAH14 sowle LEge32 soule STC_13860_24 her flye] h LEge32 flye] flee. STC_13860_24