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f. [74r]
1 我虽跌倒未死
2 太阳回归 {{th}+t+} 躲在云层之下
3 当 {_e} 命运吐尽了她所有的苦胆
4 我相信好运会眷顾我
5 因为我曾见过一艘船 {_e} 驶入港口
6 在风暴摧毁了桅杆和绳索之后
7 {{th}+e+} {w+t+} {{th}+t+} 还有那随风摇曳的柳树
8 又会重新长起来,并变得更加茂盛
这首诗被认为是 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 的作品,[1] 由 H8 录入,是塞拉菲诺·阿奎拉诺的 strambotto “Sio son caduto interra inon son morto” 的翻译。[2] 诗中的说话者失宠了,但他希望命运会再次眷顾他(在爱情或政治事务中)。这首诗也出现在 托特尔诗集 中,标题为“That louer hopeth of a better chance”(第 72 项)。[3]
LEge12, STC13860_09, L36529_02
1 I am] IH amehe is LEge12 HE is STC_13860_09 ded] dead L36529_02 dead, STC_13860_09 altho] although L36529_02 altho I had] all though I hadthat sometyme hath LEge12 altho I] that somtime STC_13860_09 falle] fall L36529_02 fall. LEge12 STC_13860_09
2 the] The STC_13860_09 sonne] sonn L36529_02 Sonne LEge12 STC_13860_09 retornis] returns L36529_02 retornesth/ LEge12 returnes, STC_13860_09 that was undre] that hid was vnder STC_13860_09 undre] hid vnder L36529_02 vnder LEge12 the clowde] clowde L36529_02 the clowde. LEge12 clowd. STC_13860_09
3 and] And STC_13860_09 when] whan L36529_02 fortune] Fortune STC_13860_09 spit] spitt LEge12 spit out] spytt owt L36529_02 out] oute LEge12 gall] gall// LEge12 gall, STC_13860_09
4 truste] trust L36529_02 LEge12 trust, STC_13860_09 luk] luck L36529_02 LEge12 STC_13860_09 to me shalbe] shalbe to me L36529_02 shalbe] shall be STC_13860_09 allowide] allowde L36529_02 allowede. LEge12 alowd. STC_13860_09
5 for] For, STC_13860_09 have] haue L36529_02 STC_13860_09 sene] seen L36529_02 STC_13860_09 ship] shipp L36529_02 LEge12 in to] into L36529_02 LEge12 to] STC_13860_09 haven] the haven L36529_02 hauen STC_13860_09 fall.] fall, STC_13860_09
6 after] After STC_13860_09 after the] when L36529_02 the] that STC_13860_09 both] boeth LEge12 maste] mast L36529_02 LEge12 maste, STC_13860_09 & shrowde] and shroude. STC_13860_09 shrowde] also shrowde L36529_02 shrowde LEge12
7 and eke the willowe that slowpith] The willowe eke, that stoupeth STC_13860_09 willowe] willow L36529_02 slowpith] stowpith L36529_02 stoppeth LEge12 wynde] winde L36529_02 winde, STC_13860_09
8 Dothe] Doth STC_13860_09 Dothe Rise againe &] doth ryse againe and L36529_02 doeth ryse again: and LEge12 Rise] rise STC_13860_09 againe &] againe, and STC_13860_09 greter] greater L36529_02 LEge12 STC_13860_09 wod] wood L36529_02 STC_13860_09 wode LEge12 doth] doeth LEge12 binde] bynde L36529_02 bynd. LEge12 binde. STC_13860_09