←我虽然跌倒了,但我没有死 | 我不想再唱歌了→ |
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f. [74v]
1 我的希望啊,欺骗了我
2 虚假的喜悦喂养着我
3 欲望和欢乐拒绝了我
4 忧愁的哀叹取而代之
5 过度进取减缓了我的速度
6 快乐导致了我的悲伤
7 我变得毫无希望 / {_o}
8 我为何将我的思想寄托于此
9 坚定地不受困扰 {w+t+}
10 我的欢乐是在命运的熔炉中锻造的
11 并迅速地发生了逆转
12 我被误解了,令人惊讶
13 因为我只认为是忠诚
14 然而,我依然毫无希望 {_o}
15 我沉醉于欢乐
16 直到那欢乐让我痛苦 {m'}{{th}+t+}
17 我以为是对的,但一切都是错的
18 因为我的真心应该 {{th}+t+}
19 不因真理而被抛弃
20 既然真理导致了我的痛苦
21 然而,我依然毫无希望 {_o}
22 曾经,欢乐为我的歌谱曲
23 引领我的心愉悦地歌唱
24 我对自己说
25 我的幸福即将到来
26 但结果却与之相反
27 确信造成了我的痛苦 / {_o}
28 我依然
29 那么,如果我的音符现在变得不同
30 失去了它原本的愉悦 {_o}
31 我背负的沉重负担
32 改变了我所有的欢乐
33 没有任何快乐能够保持坚定
34 但是匆忙伤害了我的幸福
35 我依然/
这首诗被认为是 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 的作品,[1] 它是由 H8 录入的。说话者享受着好运,但他进步过快,遇到了逆境。他期待着忠诚,但得到的却是厄运。这首抒情诗没有明确地提到爱或一位女士作为说话者的追求目标。
H8 在这首诗中用几种方式标注了诗节:在每个第一行的开头使用大写字母,将每个诗节的第一行略微向左移,并在每个诗节之间添加一个空格。
1 alas] Alas LEge21 abusid] abused AAH07 LEge21
2 and] And AAH07 vaine] vayne AAH07 vain LEge21 reioising] reioycinge AAH07 reIoysing LEge21 hathe] hath AAH07 LEge21 fed] fedd AAH07
3 lust] Luste AAH07 Ioye] ioye AAH07 refusid] refused AAH07 LEge21
4 careful] carefull AAH07 LEge21 playnt] plaint LEge21 there] their AAH07 LEge21 sted] steed AAH07 stede LEge21
5 moche] muche LEge21 avauncing] advauncing AAH07 slakte] slaked AAH07 LEge21 spede] speed AAH07
6 mirthe] myrth AAH07 LEge21 hathe] hath AAH07 LEge21 causid] cawsed AAH07 caused LEge21 hevines] heavynes AAH07
7 and] And AAH07 remaine] remayne AAH07 remain LEge21 comfortelesse /] comfortles AAH07 LEge21
8 Whereto] Wheare to AAH07 ded] did AAH07 LEge21
9 without] withoute LEge21 stedfastelye] stedfastlye AAH07 stedfastly LEge21
10 forge] fordge AAH07 my] mye AAH07 Ioye] ioye AAH07
11 and] And AAH07 revoltid] revolted AAH07 LEge21 redelye] readelye AAH07 redely LEge21
12 am] ame LEge21 mistakin] mystaken AAH07 LEge21 wonderuslye] wonderlye AAH07 wonderly LEge21
13 for] ffor AAH07 thought] though LEge21 faithfulnes] faithfullnes AAH07
14 yet] Yet AAH07 remaine] remayne AAH07 remain LEge21 comforteles] comfortles AAH07 LEge21
15 gladsome] gladsom LEge21 chere] cheere AAH07 ded] did AAH07 ded delight] did delite LEge21
16 delight ded cause me] delite did cause my LEge21 ded] did AAH07 me] my AAH07 smarte] smart AAH07 smert LEge21
17 were] wheare AAH07 wher LEge21
18 for] ffor AAH07 harte] hart AAH07 hert LEge21
19 shulde] should LEge21 for] from AAH07 LEge21 trouthe] trothe AAH07 trouth LEge21 set] sett AAH07 aparte] a parte AAH07 apart LEge21
20 sins] Syns AAH07 syns LEge21 trouthe] trothe AAH07 trouth LEge21 ded] did AAH07 LEge21 my herdines] mye hardynes AAH07 me hardines LEge21
21 yet] Yet AAH07 remaine] remayne AAH07 remain LEge21 comforteles] comfortles AAH07 LEge21
22 Some tyme] Somtyme AAH07 Sometyme LEge21 ded] did LEge21 ded tune] did tewne AAH07
23 lede] lead AAH07 led LEge21 herte] hart AAH07 hert LEge21 plesauntelye] pleasantly AAH07 LEge21
24 saide] said AAH07
25 my] mye AAH07 hap] happ AAH07 LEge21 comming] comminge AAH07 commyng LEge21 hastelye] hastely LEge21
26 yt] it AAH07 LEge21 hathe] hath AAH07 LEge21 happd] happid AAH07 happed LEge21 contrarye] contrarie AAH07 contrary LEge21
27 Assuraunce] assuraunce LEge21 causith] cawseth AAH07 causeth LEge21 distresse /] distresse AAH07 distres LEge21
28 and] And AAH07 remaine] remayne all comfortles AAH07 remain all comfortles LEge21
29 then] Then AAH07 LEge21 note] note : LEge21 doth] do LEge21 varye] varie AAH07 vary LEge21
30 leave] leve LEge21 wontd] wonted AAH07 LEge21 plesauntenesse] pleasantnes AAH07 plesauntnes LEge21
31 the hevye] The heavie AAH07 hevye] hevy LEge21 burdin] burden AAH07 LEge21 carrye] cary LEge21
32 hathe] Hathe AAH07 hath LEge21 altred] alterd LEge21 Ioyfullnes] ioyfulnes AAH07 Ioyefulnes LEge21
33 hathe] hath LEge21
34 haste] hast LEge21 hathe] hath AAH07 LEge21 hurte] hurt AAH07 LEge21 happines] happenes LEge21
35 and] And AAH07 Remayne/] remayne all comfortles AAH07 remain all comfortles LEge21