←我将我的心给了那不应做的事情的痛苦 | 最后收回你的残忍→ |
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f. [3v]
1 我的笔费些许功夫
2 追随那{{th}+t+} 驱使我
3 并深深地囚禁着我的心
4 但当你完成这一切
5 我将不再pri{p`}the 写作
6 记住你曾经让我轻松
7 并完全平息了我所有的痛苦
8 但现在我发现以前从未知道的
9 因为在我信任的地方,我被欺骗了
10 然而,你的笔不能再
11 曾经你就像其他人一样
12 写下我恳求希望的方式
13 那个时候已经过去with{w+t+} 因此,请离开
14 既然我们失去了那份救赎
15 最好停止,不再写
16 值得采用另一种方式
17 不是我们想要的方式,而是我们能够的方式
18 因为我的损失已经过去,恢复
19 我的愿望是我的衰败
20 我的笔再写一点
21 徒劳地爱着,谁都会
22 超过所有世俗的痛苦
23 就像在我所发现的类似情况下
24 紧紧抓住,却又跌倒
25 唉,我的笔,现在别再写了
26 既然你费了这么久
27 追随那驱使我
28 并深深地囚禁着我的心
29 现在你已经让我的myn{_y}de 超越
30 我将不再pri{p`}the 写作
这首诗归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士[1] 并由H2 录入,这首诗侧重于作者身份和文学竞争。
1 pen] penne STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 payn] payne STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 lytyll] lytle STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
2 to] To STC_26053.5.3 folow] folowe STC_26053.5.3 that whyche] the thing that STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 dothe] doth STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 chace] chase STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
3 &] and STC_24650.5_05 & hathe in] And STC_26053.5.3 hathe] hath STC_24650.5_05 hold] hold, STC_24650.5_05 hart] harte STC_26053.5.3
4 but] And STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 thow] thou STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 thys] this STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 browght] brought STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 passe] passe: STC_24650.5_05
5 my] My STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 pen] pen, STC_26053.5.3 prithe] pray the STC_26053.5.3 prithe wryght nomore] praye the wryte no more. STC_24650.5_05 wryght] write STC_26053.5.3 nomore] no more. STC_26053.5.3
6 Remember] Remembre STC_26053.5.3 oft] how STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 thow] thou STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 me eaysyd] oft pleased STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
7 & all my payns full well apeaysyd] And al my sorowes also eased STC_24650.5_05 And my sorowes also eased STC_26053.5.3
8 but] But STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 I know vnknowen] vnknowen , I knew STC_24650.5_05 vnknowen I knew STC_26053.5.3
9 ffor] That STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 where] wher STC_24650.5_05 dysceavyd] deceyued STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
10 &] And STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 thow] thou STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 canst] canst do STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 more] more. STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
11 Atyme] A tyme STC_24650.5_05 A time STC_26053.5.3 thow] thou STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 haddyst] hadst STC_24650.5_05 haddest STC_26053.5.3 have] haue STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
12 to wryght] To wryt STC_24650.5_05 to wryght whyche] To wryte which STC_26053.5.3 whyche] whych STC_24650.5_05 crave] craue STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
13 that] That STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 tyme] time STC_26053.5.3 ys] is STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 past] past, STC_24650.5_05 withdrawe] wythdraw STC_24650.5_05 withdraw STC_26053.5.3 therffore] therfore STC_24650.5_05 therefore STC_26053.5.3
14 syns] Sens STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 do] doo STC_24650.5_05 that] and STC_24650.5_05 let STC_26053.5.3 save] saue STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
15 as] As STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 leve] leave STC_24650.5_05 leve off & wryght] leaue of, and write STC_26053.5.3 off & wryght] of, and wryt STC_24650.5_05 more] more, STC_24650.5_05 more. STC_26053.5.3
16 yn worthe to vse] And vse to worke STC_24650.5_05 And vse to worke STC_26053.5.3 another] an other STC_26053.5.3 waye] way STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
17 not] Not STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 we] ye STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 wold] would STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 we] ye STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 maye] may STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
18 for ons my losse ys] For els my lyfe is STC_24650.5_05 For els my life is STC_26053.5.3 past] paste STC_26053.5.3 Restore] restore STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
19 &] and STC_24650.5_05 And STC_26053.5.3 desyre] desire STC_24650.5_05 ys] is STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 Decaye] decay STC_24650.5_05 decaye STC_26053.5.3
20 my] and yet my STC_24650.5_05 my pen yet wryght a lytyll more] STC_26053.5.3 yet wryght a lytyll more] now wryt no more. STC_24650.5_05
21 love] loue STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 vayn who euer] vaine whosoeuer STC_24650.5_05 vayne who so euer STC_26053.5.3 shall] shal STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
22 off] Of STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 worldlye] worldly STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 payn] payne STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 yt] it STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 passythe] passeth STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 all] al STC_24650.5_05
23 as] 如同 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 lyke] 像 STC_24650.5_05 case] 案例一样, STC_24650.5_05 fynd] 发现 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
24 to] 对 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 fast] 快速, STC_24650.5_05 &] 和 STC_24650.5_05 以及 STC_26053.5.3 ffall] 跌落 STC_24650.5_05 跌落 STC_26053.5.3
25 alas] 唉 STC_24650.5_05 唉 STC_26053.5.3 wryght] 写 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 more] 更多。 STC_24650.5_05
26 Syns] 因为 STC_24650.5_05 thow] 你 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 payn] 付出 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 thys] 这个 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
27 to] 对 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 whyche] 哪个 STC_24650.5_05 哪个 STC_26053.5.3 dothe] 做 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 me] 这 STC_26053.5.3 chace] 追逐 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3
28 &] 并且 STC_24650.5_05 并且 STC_26053.5.3 hathe] 拥有 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 hold] 持有 STC_26053.5.3 hart] 心 STC_26053.5.3
29 now] 现在 STC_24650.5_05 现在 STC_26053.5.3 hast] STC_26053.5.3 hast thow browght my mynde] 带来了这个 STC_24650.5_05 thow] 你 STC_26053.5.3 browght my mynde] 带来了这个 STC_26053.5.3
30 my] 我 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 prithe] 恳求你 STC_24650.5_05 STC_26053.5.3 wryght] 写 STC_24650.5_05 写 STC_26053.5.3 more] 更多。 STC_24650.5_05