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哦,残酷的,无功受罪的改变者 我的笔,请你花点时间
德文郡手稿摹本 3r

f. [3r]

1   s1 我的心,我不给它痛苦
2    但为了保存 它被带走了
3    我侍奉它,免遭遗弃
4    但为了让我得到报答
5    我乐意做他们的奴隶
6    但不能以这种方式得到报酬
7    现在,因为这没有道理
8    别让我不高兴 [] 即使我克制
9    我无法满足我的痛苦和我的渴望
10    我告别了,离开这烈火
11    因为相信 leryng 学习  的人
12    在水中耕作,在沙地上播种


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     1. 这个 s 类似于 H1 中的装饰性 s

这首诗被认为是 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 的作品,[1]H1 录入,并在手稿的 75v 上再次出现,名为 "我的心,我不给它痛苦",由 H8 录入。这首诗也出现在托特尔的《杂集》中,名为“恋人抛弃了他的冷酷的爱人”。怀亚特在许多作品中都受到卡里蒂安·彼特拉克的影响,这首特定的诗是基于他对塞拉菲诺·阿基拉诺的 “El cor ti diedi che el tormentassi” 的翻译。[2] 在这首诗中,说话者放弃了他的爱,并指责爱人滥用他的感情。

H1 的版本省略了第 10 行。


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STC 13860-62LDev145 LEge20OxRawlPoet108_01AAH06STC13860_12L4797

1      My] MY STC13860_12     harte] herte LDev145 hart AAH06 STC13860_12 L4797 hert LEge20     My harte I gave the not to do it paine]  OxRawlPoet108_01     gave] gaue AAH06STC13860_12     the] thee L4797 thee, STC13860_12     do] doe L4797     it] yt LDev145     paine] payne AAH06 payn LEge20 pain: STC13860_12 
2      But] but LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 L4797 But, STC13860_12     But to preserve was yt was to the taken]  OxRawlPoet108_01     preserve] preserve / LDev145 preserve, AAH06 preserue LEge20 preserue, STC13860_12     was yt] it AAH06 LEge20     was yt was] lo it STC13860_12     was yt was to the taken] Loe it to the was taken L4797     the] thee STC13860_12     taken] takin LDev145 was taken. STC13860_12 
3      I] My I L4797     I served the not to be forsaken]  OxRawlPoet108_01     served] seruid LDev145 servid AAH06 serued LEge20 STC13860_12     the] thee STC13860_12     to] that I should STC13860_12 that I sholde  L4797     forsaken] forsakin LDev145 forsaken: STC13860_12 foresakene L4797 
4      but] But, STC13860_12     but that I should be rewardyd againe]  OxRawlPoet108_01     I should] I shulde LDev145 AAH06 [sd]I soue[/sd] I sould L4797     be] receiue STC13860_12 receve L4797     rewardyd] rewardid LDev145 AAH06 rewarded LEge20 reward STC13860_12 L4797     againe] agayne AAH06 again LEge20 again, STC13860_12 
5      I was content they slave to remain]  OxRawlPoet108_01     content] contente LDev145     they] thy LDev145 LEge20 STC13860_12     they slave to remain] thie servant to remayne AAH06 thy servante to remayne L4797     slave] seruante LDev145 serunt LEge20 seruant STC13860_12     remain] remaine LDev145 remayn LEge20 remain: STC13860_12 
6      but] And, STC13860_12 and L4797     but not to be paid vnder suche fassyon]  OxRawlPoet108_01     paid] paide LDev145 payed AAH06 LEge20 repayed L4797     paid vnder suche fassyon] repayd after this fashion. STC13860_12     vnder] vndre LDev145 not L4797     suche] this AAH06 LEge20 L4797     fassyon] fasshion LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 fashion L4797 
7      nowe] now LDev145 no AAH06     nowe sins] Now, since STC13860_12 now since sinc L4797     nowe sins in the ys no maner of reason]  OxRawlPoet108_01     sins] sens AAH06 syns LEge20     in] that in LDev145     the] thee STC13860_12 L4797     ys no maner of reason] is none other Raison LDev145 is there none nother reason: STC13860_12     ys no maner of] is none other AAH06 is none othee LEge20 it none other L4797 
8      do]  LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 STC13860_12 L4797     do displease the not tho I do reffreyn]  OxRawlPoet108_01     displease] Displease LDev145 STC13860_12 Displayse AAH06     the] thee STC13860_12 L4797     not] not, STC13860_12      tho] if that LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 STC13860_12 L4797     do] doe L4797     reffreyn] restraine LDev145 refrayne AAH06 L4797 refrain LEge20 refrain. STC13860_12 
9      vnsacyate] Vnsaciate AAH06 vnsaciat LEge20     vnsacyate off my wo and my desyer] vnsatiat of my woo . and thy desire LDev145  OxRawlPoet108_01     vnsacyate off] Vnsaciat of STC13860_12 unsatiatat of L4797     off] of AAH06 LEge20     wo] woe AAH06 woo LEge20 wo, STC13860_12     my] thie AAH06 thy STC13860_12 thy L4797     my desyer] thy desire LEge20     desyer] desyre AAH06 desyre. STC13860_12  L4797 
9.1      ] assurid bye crafte . texcuse thye faute LDev145 Assured by crafte to excuse thiefault AAH06 assured be craft to excuse thy fault LEge20 Assured by craft for to excuse thy fault. STC13860_12 Assured by craft for toexcuse thy faut L4797 
9.2      ] but syns it please the to faine a default AAH06 but syns it please thy to fain a default LEge20 But , since it pleaseth thee to fain defaut: STC13860_12 but since it pleseth to find faut L4797 
10      ffarwell] ffarewell AAH06 farewell LEge20 L4797 Farewell, STC13860_12     ffarwell I say partyng ffrom the ffyre]  OxRawlPoet108_01     say] saie LDev145 saye AAH06 L4797 say, STC13860_12     partyng] parting LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 departing STC13860_12 L4797     ffrom] from LDev145 AAH06 LEge20 STC13860_12 L4797     the] this AAH06     the ffyre]  fre L4797     ffyre] fire LDev145 fyre AAH06 fyer LEge20 fire. STC13860_12 
11      ffor] for LDev145 LEge20     ffor he that beleves lerynglernyng] For, he, that doth beleue bearyng STC13860_12 he that belevethe bearinge OxRawlPoet108_01 for he that doththat L4797     beleves] beleveth LEge20     beleves lerynglernyng] beleuith bering LDev145 belevith bearing AAH06     lerynglernyng] bering LEge20     hand] hande LDev145 hand: STC13860_12 
12 ploues] plowithe LDev145 Plowithe AAH06 Ploweth STC13860_12 Sowethe OxRawlPoet108_01     ploues in the water and]  LEge20 ploweth in the  L4797     the water] water LDev145 AAH06 the water: STC13860_12     and] & OxRawlPoet108_01     sows] sowith LDev145 AAH06 weth LEge20 soweth STC13860_12 plowethe OxRawlPoet108_01     sows in the sand] so L4797     the sand] sande / LDev145 sand AAH06 the sand. STC13860_12 the sande. OxRawlPoet108_01 
