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f. [71v]
1 我以为1命运亲吻了我
2 & 让我要求我认为最好的
3 & 我将得到它,正如我所愿
4 因此with{w+t+} 使我的心平静下来
5 除了2我亲爱的hart
6 永远r拥有我自己的
7 然后,我的痛苦就en{_e}d 结束
8 然后,我就不需要再悲伤了
1. 这个词覆盖了之前在页面上输入的这首诗的结束部分。
2. 这个词覆盖了之前在页面上输入的这首诗的一部分。
这首诗被认为是 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 所作,[1] 由 H8 录入。 R. A. Rebholz 认为 "我以为命运亲吻了我" 可能像谜语一样,因为它提出了矛盾的含义:命运要么赋予说话者他情人的爱,要么赋予他控制自己内心的力量。 [2] 这首诗的含义最终取决于对第 6 行中 "我自己的" 的解释。 这首诗也出现在 托特尔杂集 中,标题为 “情人因得到爱而欢欣”(第 86 项)。[3]
H8 还在 73v 上录入了这首诗的更长版本,"我以为命运亲吻了我"。 这首诗是在一张完整页面的最后录入的,只包括在 "我以为命运亲吻了我" (73v) 中找到的七个节中只有两个。 "我以为命运亲吻了我" 覆盖了上面和左侧诗歌的一些内容。
1 Ons] ONce STC_13860_20 me] as me LEge26 STC_13860_20 thoght] thought LEge26 STC_13860_20 ffortune] fortune LDev136 LEge26 STC_13860_20 kist] kiste LDev136 kyst LEge26 kist: STC_13860_20
2 &] and LDev136 LEge26 And STC_13860_20 bad] bade STC_13860_20 asske] aske LDev136 LEge26 aske, STC_13860_20 thoght] thought LDev136 LEge26 STC_13860_20 best] best: STC_13860_20
3 &] and LDev136 LEge26 And STC_13860_20 shold] shulde LDev136 should LEge26 STC_13860_20 haue] have LDev136 LEge26 yt] it LEge26 STC_13860_20 list] liste LDev136 list, STC_13860_20
4 therwith] therewith LDev136 LEge26 Therewith STC_13860_20 hartt] herte LDev136 hert LEge26 hart STC_13860_20 rest] reste LDev136 rest. STC_13860_20
5 assked] asked LDev136 LEge26 STC_13860_20 noght] nought LDev136 LEge26 STC_13860_20 dere] ladies STC_13860_20 hart] herte LDev136 hert LEge26
6 to] To STC_13860_20 haue] have LDev136 LEge26 euer more] evermore LDev136 LEge26 euermore STC_13860_20 my none] my owne LDev136 myn owne LEge26 myne owne: STC_13860_20
7 then] Then STC_13860_20 att] at STC_13860_20 att an] at my LEge26 an end] anend LDev136 end] ende LEge26 my] all my LEge26 STC_13860_20 smert] smarte LDev136 smart: STC_13860_20
8 then] Then STC_13860_20 shold] shulde LDev136 should LEge26 STC_13860_20 no] to LDev136 to] LEge26 mone] mone / LDev136 mone. STC_13860_20
9 ] yet for all that a stormy blaste LDev136 Yet for all that a stormy blast LEge26 STC_13860_20
10 ] hathe overtornid this goodlye daye LDev136 had overtorned this goodely day LEge26 Had ouerturnde this goodly day: STC_13860_20
11 ] and fortune semid at the laste LDev136 and fortune semed at the last LEge26 And fortune semed at the last, STC_13860_20
12 ] that to her promis she saide naye LDev136 that to her promes she saide nay LEge26 That to her promise she said nay. STC_13860_20
13 ] but like as on out of dispaire LDev136 But like as oon oute of dispere LEge26 But like as one out of dispayre STC_13860_20
14 ] to soden hope reviuid I LDev136 to soudden hope revived I LEge26 To sodain hope reuiued I. STC_13860_20
15 ] now fortune showith her self so faire LDev136 now fortune sheweth herself so fayer LEge26 Now fortune sheweth her selfe so fayre, STC_13860_20
16 ] that I cotentcontent me wondreslye LDev136 that I content me wonderly LEge26 That I content me wondersly. STC_13860_20
17 ] my most desire my hand may reche LDev136 My moost desire my hand may reche LEge26 My most desire my hand may reach: STC_13860_20
18 ] my will is alwaye at my hande LDev136 my will is alwaye at my hand LEge26 My will is alway at my hand. STC_13860_20
19 ] me nede not long for to beseche LDev136 me nede not long for to beseche LEge26 Me nede not long for to beseche STC_13860_20
20 ] her that hathe powre / me to commande LDev136 her that hath power me to comaund LEge26 Her , that hath power me to commaunde. STC_13860_20
21 ] what erthelye thing more can I crave LDev136 What erthely thing more can I crave LEge26 What earthly thing more can I craue? STC_13860_20
22 ] what wolde I wishe more at my will LDev136 what would I wisshe more at my will LEge26 What would I wishe more at my will? STC_13860_20
23 ] no thing on erthe more wold I have LDev136 no thing on erth more would I have LEge26 Nothing on earth more would I haue, STC_13860_20
24 ] save that I have to have it still. LDev136 save that I have to have it still LEge26 Saue that I haue , to haue it styll. STC_13860_20
25 ] for fortune hathe kepte her promis LDev136 ffor fortune hath kept her promes LEge26 For fortune hath kept her promesse, STC_13860_20
26 ] yn graunting me my most desire LDev136 in graunting me my moost desire LEge26 In grauntyng me my most desire. STC_13860_20
27 ] of my sufferaunce I have redresse LDev136 of my sufferaunce I have my redres LEge26 Of my soueraigne I haue redresse, STC_13860_20
28 ] and I content me with my hire / LDev136 and I content me with my hiere LEge26 And I content me with my hire. STC_13860_20