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f. [71v]
1 渴望、想要而 [] 无法获得
2 寻求、追逐缓解我的痛苦
3 因为我所做的一切都是徒劳
4 这对我有什么用呢
5 尽管我日夜奋斗
6 逆流而上,用{w+t+} 我所有的力量
7 如果命运仍然想让我沮丧
8 又有什么用呢,等等
9 如果我心甘情愿地忍受痛苦
10 如果我从{_o} 火中不愿离开
11 然后我注定要抱怨我的1愚蠢
12 又有什么用呢,等等
13 还有,如果我所遭受的伤害是{{th}+t+} 远远超出承受范围
14 去寻求帮助,再进一步
15 又有什么用呢,等等
16 又有什么用呢,等等
17 尽管每个听到我抱怨的人
18 为我的痛苦而恳求和哀叹
19 如果我还是陷入悲伤之中
20 又有什么用呢,等等
21 尽管缺少我的慰藉
22 让造成我痛苦的肇事者感到不满
23 因为我仍然在不幸中
24 又有什么用呢,等等
25 这种残酷的命运不断地对我进行威胁
26 让我内心不断地感到痛苦
27 然后为了得到慰藉而请求
28 又有什么用呢,等等。[]
29 命运对我的呼唤充耳不闻
30 我的折磨一点也不触动她
31 即使她像球一样旋转
32 又有什么用呢,等等
33 因为在绝望中没有解脱
34 缺乏语言,就没有速度
35 像死人一样,仍然徘徊{g'} 活着
36 这对我有什么用呢?
1. 抄写员在重写y的尾部划了两道横线。
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 由H8抄录。这里,说话者哀叹命运对他抱怨的无动于衷,就像那位女士一样。
1 to] To LEge43 to wishe and wante and not obtaine] AAH22 wishe] wisshe LEge43 wante] want LEge43 not obtaine] not obtain LEge43
2 to seke & sew ease of my paine] AAH22 paine] pain LEge43
3 Sins] syns LEge43 Sins all that ever I doo is vaine] AAH22 doo] do LEge43 vaine] vain LEge43
4 What maye hit availe me] AAH22 maye] may LEge43 hit] it LEge43 availe] availl LEge43
5 Altho] All tho LEge43 Altho I stryve both daye & night] AAH22 stryve] styrve LEge43 both] boeth LEge43 daye] day LEge43 night] howre LEge43
6 against the streme with all my powre] AAH22
7 yf] if LEge43 yf fortune liste yet for to lowre] AAH22 liste] list LEge43 yet] LEge43
8 what] What LEge43 what maye & c] AAH22 maye] may LEge43 & c] it availl me LEge43
9 Yf] If LEge43 Yf willinglye I suffer woo] AAH22 willinglye] willingly LEge43 suffer] suffre LEge43
10 if from the fire me list not go] AAH22 fire] fyre LEge43 go] goo LEge43
11 if] Yf AAH22 bourne] burne AAH22 burn LEge43 plaine] playne AAH22 myefsoo] me so AAH22 LEge43
12 what] What LEge43 & c] maye it avayle me AAH22 may it availl me LEge43
13 and] And AAH22 LEge43 suffre] suffer AAH22
14 runne] ronne AAH22 run LEge43 farr] farre LEge43 out] owte LEge43 mesure] measure AAH22 mesur LEge43
15 seke] seeke AAH22 helpe] helpp AAH22 ony] any AAH22 LEge43 furthre] further AAH22 LEge43
16 what] What LEge43 & c] may it availe me AAH22 may it availl me LEge43
17 what] What AAH22 LEge43 tho] thoughe AAH22 tho LEge43 eche] eache AAH22 harte] hart AAH22 hert LEge43 heris] heares AAH22 hereth LEge43 plaine] playne AAH22 plain LEge43
18 petis] Pitieth AAH22 pitieth LEge43 plainethe] playneth AAH22 plaineth LEge43 my] mye AAH22 paine] payne AAH22 payn LEge43
19 yf] Yf AAH22 if LEge43 lesse] les LEge43 gref] greef AAH22 greif LEge43 remaine] remayne AAH22 remain LEge43
20 what] What LEge43 & c] may it availe me AAH22 may it availl me LEge43
21 Ye tho] Yea though AAH22 wante] want AAH22 LEge43 relef] releef AAH22 relief LEge43
22 Displese] Displease AAH22 LEge43 greef] greif LEge43
23 Sins] Syns AAH22 syns LEge43 I] that I LEge43 Remaine] remayne AAH22 remain LEge43 mischefe] mischeef AAH22 myschief LEge43
24 what /] what may it avayle me AAH22 What may it availl me LEge43
25 chaunse] chaunce AAH22 LEge43 doth] doeth LEge43 me] me AAH22 LEge43 thrett] threat AAH22 threte LEge43
26 continuallie] Contynuallye AAH22 continuelly LEge43 inwarde] inward AAH22 LEge43 ffrett] freat AAH22 fret LEge43
27 then] Then AAH22 relef] releace AAH22 relesse LEge43 intrete] entreat AAH22 trete LEge43
28 what.] what may it availe me AAH22 What may it availl me LEge43
29 deff] deafe AAH22 deiff LEge43
30 my] Mye AAH22 movith] moves AAH22 moveth LEge43
31 tho] thoughe AAH22 though LEge43 torne] turne AAH22 torn LEge43 doth] dothe AAH22 doeth LEge43
32 what] what may it availe me AAH22 What may it availl me LEge43
33 for] ffor AAH22 LEge43 dispaire] despere LEge43 ther] theare AAH22 there LEge43 rede] reede AAH22
34 to] To AAH22 wante] want AAH22 LEge43 ere] eare AAH22 ere : LEge43 speche] speeche AAH22 spede] speede AAH22
35 linger] lynger AAH22 alive] a lyve AAH22 alyve LEge43 dede] deade AAH22 ded LEge43
36 what] What LEge43 maye] may AAH22 LEge43 yt auayle me /] it availe me AAH22 it availl me LEge43