德文郡手稿/Pacyence of all my smart
←Sum tyme I syghe sumtyme I syng | Who wold haue euer thowght→ |
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f. [21r]
1 #3 Pacyence of all my smart
2 ffor fortune ys tornyd awry
3 pacyence must ese my hart
4 that mornes{es} contynually
5 pacyence to suffer Wrong
6 ys a pacyence to long
7 pacyence to have A nay
8 of that{{th}+t+} I most Desyre
9 pacyence to haue allway
10 & euer{u'} burne lyke fyre
11 pacyence with{w+t+}owt Desart
12 ys grownder of my smart
13 Who can with{w+t+} mery hart
14 set forthe sum plesant song
15 that Allways felys but smart
16 and neuer{u'} hathe but wrong
17 yet pacyence euermore
18 must hele the wownd & sore
19 pacyence to be content
20 {es}{w+t+} withith froward fortunes trayn
21 pacyence to the intent
22 ssumwhat to slake my payn
23 I se no Remedy
24 But suffer pacyently
25 To playn wher ys none ere
26 my chawnce ys chawnsyd so
27 ffor yt dothe well apere
28 my frend ys tornyd my foo
29 But syns there ys no defence
30 I must take pacyence
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士所作,[1]由H2抄录。这首诗描述了说话者因朋友变敌人而遭受的痛苦,以及他们持久的耐心。诗歌“What nedythe lyff when I requyer” (43r-44r)和“Greting to you bothe yn hertye wyse” (79r-79v)描绘了类似的主题:前者讲述了恋人如何成为敌人,而后者包含了关于虚假朋友的警告。
Rebholz 指出这首诗可能属于怀亚特受塞拉菲诺的《Patientia 颂歌》启发而写的一组诗歌。[2]“Pacyence of all my smart” 的第 1-2 行翻译了塞拉菲诺诗歌的前两行。